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Bhaskaracharya Innovation & Life Skills Centre

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When you look at the sky, the day sky or the night sky, it is filled
with many elements of space such as the Sun, the Moon, the
planets, and billions of stars.

Today, with developing technologies and inventions, we can

explore the world outside our planet, the Earth, in depth.

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From Land

• Pairs of powerful binoculars

• Telescope - amateur telescopes

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There are telescopes that are very large, so that the astronomers can explore the stars,
galaxies, and other elements of space in depth

Hawaii Islands Atacama Desert

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From Space Not only from land, but we can explore the space from space as well

Hubble Space telescope, which is in the Earth’s

orbit since 1990s.

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Telescopes that uses X rays Telescopes that uses radio waves

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Not only with telescopes, scientists have been
exploring our solar system with the help of

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There are land rovers such as the Mars Rovers

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• With the Sun at the centre eight planets revolve in orbits.

• Besides the planets, there are the moons that go around a few planets, dwarf planets,
asteroids, comets, meteors, etc that together form the solar system.

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• Closest & Quickest Planet
• little bigger than the Moon
• It has no moon
• It goes around in the Sun 88 days.
• The temperature on the planet is extreme

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• Second planet.
• rotates west-east direction, which means the Sun
rises in the west and sets in the east.
• It has no moon.
• It is also the hottest planet because it traps the
Sun’s heat due to the presence of carbon di oxide in
its atmosphere.
• It takes 225 days to go around the Sun.

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• Third planet
• The only planet in the solar system which can sustain
living things
• The Moon goes around the Earth reflecting the Sun’s
rays, which is why it appears in different phases.
• It takes about 365 days for our planet to go around the
• Only planet in the solar system to support life

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• Fourth planet
• Smaller than the Earth and has two moons.
• Called the red planet because its soil appears red.
• It has the largest volcano in the solar system.
• It goes around the Sun in 687 days.

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Asteroid Belt

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• Fifth planet
• biggest planet in the solar system.
• It has close to 79 moons.
• The biggest moon is called Ganymede.
• Jupiter does not have rocky crust, its atmosphere is filled with helium and
• It takes close to 12 years to go around the Sun

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• Sixth planet in the solar system.
• Second biggest planet in the solar system.
• Has a beautiful ring system around it.
• Has 53 moons.
• The rings are made of dust and ice particles of
varying sizes.
• It takes 29 years to go around the Sun.

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• Seventh planet.
• It has rings.
• The interesting thing about Uranus is that its poles are on the side.
• Uranus rotates from west to east, but on its sides
• Has close to 27 moons.
• It takes 84 years to go around the Sun.

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• Eight planet
• The coldest
• It has close to 13 moons.
• Also has rings.
• Takes 165 years to go around the Sun

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Gas Giants

Ice Giants

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Dwarf planet has been a concept that has been introduced in 2006 by the International
Astronomical Union, following the discovery of planets that were as big as Pluto but cannot be
categorized as planets.

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• A star - categorized as a yellow dwarf star type
• Hot gases such as helium and hydrogen interacting with one another in very
high temperature.
• Formed more than 4.5 billion years ago, when a giant cloud dust and gas
exploded. .
• The Sun also spins on its own axis.
• Temperature in the center 15 million degree Celsius.
• Its diameter is huge: 13,90,000kms!
• Its gravitational attraction controls the orbits of the planets

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Where Is Our Solar System?
Is there something bigger than solar system?

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Shapes of Galaxies

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Man started looking at the sky for planets, stars & many things in space with the help of simple
gadgets like

Sand dials Monocular

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Then came the powerful telescopes and other optical

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levenhuk skyline 120X1000 Gskyer telescope

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Rockets were developed.

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• Then the idea of artificial satellites emerged.
• In the beginning, unmanned satellites were sent into orbiting the

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In the next stage, a monkey was put in a satellite
to orbit the earth.

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What happened to that monkey?

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In April 1961, the first man orbited the earth in the spacecraft Vostok 1 for 89
minutes – it was Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

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Cosmonaut Vs Astronaut

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In May 1961, an American astronaut, Alan Shepard Jr, orbited the earth in the
spacecraft Mercury.

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First woman to undertake the space journey was Russian cosmonaut Valentina
Tereshkova in June 1963.

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Thus began human being’s quest for travelling & exploring from

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• Rockets are the machines that
are used for launching
• They are called launch
• Cryogenic engine technology
is used in India, by ISRO.
• Other space-faring countries
use different technologies.

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Most of the space agencies are run by governments.

However, there are private space agencies like SpaceX and Blue Origin.

For planned space travels within the earth’s outer atmosphere,

companies like Virgin Galactic.

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Types of Spacecraft:
Various types of spacecraft are put in orbit. All are unmanned and
controlled from Earth.The types are:
• Experimental,
• Observation &
• Communication.

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Artificial Geostationary Satellite ENVISAT Satellite

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• Manned spacecraft Skylab was launched by NASA in 1973.

• In 1977, first space shuttle was launched by NASA.

• Russia launched the first module of International Space Station [ISS] in 1988.

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• Thereafter, other nations like USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany
and Japan joined the efforts.
• The ISS has been orbiting the Earth continuously to this day.
• Cosmonauts/Astronauts reach ISS through special spacecraft and
live in the ISS for long periods of time, say up to 180 days to carry
out various experiments, research work and spacewalks.
• A new team is sent every now and then.
• People who have spent considerable time in ISS return to Earth.

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Distance from earth : Average 3,84,400 kms; Perigee 3,63,104 kms, Apogee
4,05,696 kms

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Synchronous rotation - same as Earth, hence can see only one side
of the moon, called near side.
The far side of the Moon cannot be seen from the Earth.

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• The moon is composed of various chemical elements.
• Its atmosphere does not have oxygen that’s vital for life.
• Water too is not in plenty.

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• It has got mountainous terrain with many volcanoes and craters.
• Moon’s season is mostly cold.

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Moon’s gravitational pull causes high tides in Earth’s oceans &

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We get to see Lunar and Solar eclipses from earth.

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Lunar eclipses are caused by Earth coming between the Sun and
the Moon.

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Solar eclipses are caused by Moon coming between the Sun and
the Earth.

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• To study and understand the composition of solar winds.
• NASA has sent a probe called Genesis in 2001.
• The idea was to collect the samples of the particles emerging
from Solar Wind

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NASA has recently launched the Parker Solar Probe.This could take several
years to get anywhere near the Sun.

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Parker Solar Probe launched by NASA has reached PERIHELION with the Sun.

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• ISRO launched PSLV by the
end of November, it carried a
Weather Satellite HySIS for
India and also 30 satellites of
other nations.
• All the Satellites has reached
their respective orbits and
are successfully sending
communication to their
respective base stations.

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• India has launched GSAT with the largest and heaviest communication satellite with the help of
launch ARIANE rocket from French GUIANA which has been successfully placed on the
Geostationary orbits above India

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India has launched GSAT- 7A satellite successfully on 20th December from Sriharikota

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• NASA has launched INSIGHT MARS PROBE, the vehicle has landed on the Marsian surface and
started sending communication messages , pictures and recordings of wind blowing on the
surface of the mars.

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Updates on recent Space Missions

• OSIRIS – REx NASA landing on near - earth asteroid BENNU.

• MASCOT launched through Japanese probe HAYABUSA 2 for landing on asteroid
• China’s CHANG’E 4 Lunar Lander planned landing on Moon’s farside in Jan 20 2019.

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Hope you all enjoyed
this session
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