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Properties of a Well-Written Text

Prepared by:
 Clear statement of purpose
1. Organization  Position
 Facts
 examples
 Specific details
It is achieved when  Definitions
the ideas are logically  Explanation
and accurately  Justification
 Opposing view points

 Ideas are formed and well-


 organization
2. Coherence and Cohesion

Coherence Cohesion

Sentences are  Connection of ideas at sentence level

arranged in a logical the property of unity in a written text or a
manner, making them segment of spoken discourse that stems from
easily understood by links among its surface elements, as when
the reader words in one sentence are repeated in another,
and especially from the fact that some words or
phrases depend for their interpretation upon
material in preceding or following text
Try this using Coherence and Cohesion:
Connect the sentences in each
box to achieve coherence and
Be assured of this. Most people
However, they will do so when do not want to fight. However,
provoked. they will do so when provoked.

Be assured of this.

Most people do not want to

3. Language
Use Language
Example Alternative

 it is the The interviewers The

appropriateness of were a bit interviewers
word/vocabulary difficult to were difficult
usage schedule. to schedule.
Words and Phrases one must avoid to use in
order to practice appropriate Language Use:
a. Too informal Language Type Example ALTERNATIVE

b. Too Too Informal From 2012 From 2012 until/to

unsophisticated till 2018 2018
c. Too vague Too A bad result A poor/negative
Unsophisticated result

Too Vague The report The reports many

presents details/findings/
many things recommendations
Also avoid the following:
a. Jargon
 terminology that may be difficult for readers from other
fields to understand
b. Everyday abbreviations
Fridge, phone, info
c. Clichés
Expressions that are heavily overused
IV. Mechanics
 set of conventions on how to spell, abbreviate,
punctuate, and capitalize
a. Avoid contractions and exclamation points unless part
of a direct quotation
b. Mention the full name before the abbreviation
c. Numbers from 0-10 must be spelled out
How can we organize the details of a
Coherence and Cohesion
A. Arrangement of Details B. Signal Devices
according to:
1. Chronological order 1. Transitions
a. time
b. sequence
c. Illustration
d. comparison
e. contrast
f. cause and effect
g. space
h. conclusion
2. Spatial Order 2. Repetitions
3. Emphatic Order 3. Synonyms
4. Pronouns
A. Arrangement of Details
1. Chronological This morning was crazy. My alarm clock was
set for PM instead of AM, so I woke up really
late. I just threw on some clothes and ran out
 the details are the door. I rode my bike as fast as I could
arranged in order in and thought that I was going to be late for
which they sure, but when I got there everyone was
happened. outside and there were firetrucks all lined up
in front of school. I guess somebody pulled
the fire alarm before class started, it worked
out though, because nobody really noticed or
minded that I was tardy.
Chronological order:

Woke up late
Got Ready
Rode bike to school
Saw people outside
The inside Bill’s refrigerator was
2. Spatial horrible. On the top shelf was a
three week old carton of milk. Next
The sentences of a to it sat a slice of melon that had
paragraph are started to get moldy. To the right of
arranged according to the melon sat the remains of a
geographical location, macaroni and cheese dinner that
such as left-to-right, had been served a week earlier.
up-to-down, etc. On the shelf below was a slice of
cake from his sister’s birthday
party. Though there was food,
none of it was edible.
After looking at all the brochures
and talking to several salesmen, I
3. Emphatic decided to purchase an SLR
camera. For several years I had
been dissatisfied with the results I
 is when information found in a was getting from my point-and-
paragraph is arranged to shoot camera. The framing was
emphasize certain points imprecise and the focus was not
depending on the writer’s always accurate. I had planned a
purpose. vacation to an area that promised
many fabulous photo opportunities,
Coherence of the paragraph is and I wanted to capture each one
established in one of two ways: with accuracy. But the most
important reason I decided on the
a. From least to most important SLR camera was the great
b. From most to least important versatility it offered.
Least important idea:
Most important idea:
Dissatisfaction with the
The versatility offered with
results of the point-and-
the SLR camera
shoot camera
B. Signal Devices
Signal Devices
 words that give readers an idea of how the points in
your paragraph are progressing
a. time First, immediately, afterward, before, at the same time,
1. Transitions after, earlier, simultaneously, finally, next, in the meantime,
later, eventually, then, meanwhile, now, subsequent, etc.

b. sequence Moreover, furthermore, next, also, finally, last, another, first,

words that second, third, besides, additionally, etc.
connect one idea
c. space Above, next to, below, behind, beside, etc
to another, in
d. illustration For instance, specifically, for example, namely, in this case, to
order for our illustrate, etc.
ideas to flow
e. Similarly, also, in the same way, still, likewise, in comparison,
smoothly comparison too, etc.
f. contrast But, despite, however, even though, yet, on the other hand,
although, on the contrary, otherwise, conversely, etc.

g. Cause and effect because, as a result, consequently, then, so, since

h. conclusion Thus, therefore, in conclusion, in short, etc.

2. Repetitions
 keeps continuity and Example:
highlight important ideas If you think you can do it, you
It could be a word, a can do it.
phrase, or a full sentence,
or poetical line repeated
to emphasize its
significance in the entire
3. Synonyms 4. Pronouns
 these are words similar  words that connect
in meaning to important readers to the original
words or phrases that word that the pronouns
prevent tedious replace

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