Can India Afford Not To Go The Moon

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When the media asked former chairman, ISRO

whether India can afford to send a craft to the

Moon, he replied

“Can India afford not to go the

Outline of presentation
 Why go to the Moon?
 What’s known about Moon?
 Chandrayaan-1 Mission objectives
 Payloads in the Mission
 Spacecraft configuration
 Launch vehicle
 Mission profile
 Imaging strategy for lunar coverage
 Deep Space Network (DSN)
 Indian Space science data Center (ISSDC)
Why go to the Moon
 The origin of Moon is still not clearly understood and there have been
several speculations

 Space programme for Lunar exploration was undertaken as early as 1959.

 Several Lunar exploratory missions since then have been conducted

 Interest in Lunar science was renewed when imaging systems onboard

NASA’s “Galileo” spacecraft sent picture of the previously unexplored
regions of the Moon during 1990

 Galileo identified a large impact basin, about 2500km in diameter and 10 to

12 km deep in the south pole Aitken Region on the far side of the Moon
Why go to the Moon (Contd ..)
 With the development of new technology, a new era of lunar
exploration by many countries have now begun using advanced
instruments and microelectronics

 Apart from scientific interest, the Moon could have economic

benefits to mankind and could be of strategic importance
 The Moon’s surface has about one million tonnes of Helium-3
 Moon contains 10 times more energy in Helium-3 than all the fossil fuels
on Earth
 Helium-3 is believed to be fuel of the future

 Outpost for further planetary explorations and possible human

What is known about Moon?
Landing and Sample Return Missions
Apollo 11-17 (13),
Luna 16, 20, 24 (1969-74)
Orbiting Missions A-15
Clementine (1994) L-24
Mineral Mapping A-14 A-11

Lunar Prospector (1998) A-12 L-16

 -ray, , Neutron Spectrometers, A-16
Magnetometer, Electron
Reflectometer, Doppler Gravity
Chemical Mapping, Water (?)
Mapping of geological and
mineralogical resources (Res: 40m)
Future Lunar missions
 Chang’e-1 by China scheduled for late 2007
 3D map of Moon, Moon’s Soil composition & mineral distribution

 Selene by Japan scheduled for late 2007

 Moon’s Topography, mineral content and gravity

 LRO by USA scheduled in late 2008

 Water-ice at poles, selection of soft-landing sites, etc

 Russian Mission Scheduled for 2009

Understanding the origin and Evolution of the Moon

Physical Properties of the Moon The bulk chemistry of Moon

Nature of the Lunar Crust
Magnetic Field
The Lunar Far-side:
Radiation Environment Rock types, Chemistry

Special Regions of Interest:

Polar Regions ,
South Pole Aitken Region,
Selected Basins and Craters with central uplift

Water on Moon?
Objectives of the Chandrayaan-1 Mission

 Simultaneous Mineralogical, Chemical & Photo-geological

Mapping at resolutions better than previous and currently planned
Lunar missions

 High resolution VIS-NIR mapping of the lunar surface to identify

Fe, Al, Mg, Ti bearing mineral with high spatial resolution (100m)

 3D mapping of lunar surface at very high spatial resolution (~5 m)

 High Resolution Laser ranging for topographical Map of the Moon

(~0.1 deg longitudinal separation grids)

 Create Expertise & Motivate the Young Minds in Space and

Planetary Science
Chandrayaan-1 Mission

Configuration : 100 km polar orbiter

Observation Period : 2 years

Hyper Spectral Imager (HySI) (0.4-0.9µm)

Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC)(0.5-0.75 µm)
Lunar Laser Ranging Instrument (LLRI)
Low energy X-ray spectrometer (LEX) (1-10KeV)
High energy X- ray spectrometer (HEX) (10-200KeV)
A new era of International Cooperation

Based on science objectives and spacecraft resources, several

AO proposals were accepted; they will complement/add to the
Indian experiments to meet the basic science goals of the mission.

I. IR spectrometers for mineral mapping (SIR-2 and MMM)

II. An experiment to detect neutral atoms (SARA)

III. An experiment to search for water-ice at the poles (mini-SAR)

IV. An experiment to monitor energetic particle environment (RADOM)

Lunar environment - Thermal

 Sun movement restricted to ±1.50 w.r.t lunar equator

 Eternal lights at polar high land regions

 Low temperature excursions (-150 C to –500 C)

 Presence of water nearby likely

 Continuous solar power generation possible

Lunar environment - Other

 South Pole Atkin Region (SPAR), largest impact basin

in Solar System extends from South pole to 400 S
latitude on the far side

 No known Seismic activity, no surface winds

 Hard shadows, no atmospheric dispersion

 Crystalline lunar soil can be paved glassy using

microwaves, roads, craters to parabolic antenna
Comparison of Moon’s & Earth’s Orbit
Moon Earth
Semi-major axis 384.4 x 103 km 1.000 AU
Revolution period 27.32 days 365.26 days
18.3° to 29° w.r.t
Orbit inclination 0.00 w.r.t ecliptic plane
Earth’s equator
Eccentricity 0.055 0.017
Obliquity 6.7° 23.4°
Rotation period 27.32 days 23 h 56 min
Radius 1738 km 6378 km
Mass 7.35 x 1022 kg 5.98 x 1024 kg
Mean density 3340 kg/m3 5520 kg/m3
Escape velocity at
2.38 km/s 11.2 km/s
Main Characteristics of Moon’s Orbit
 The moon is a satellite of earth in a slightly elliptical orbit, inclination
w.r.t the earth equator oscillating between 28035’ and 18021’ with a
period of 18.6 years.

 The angle between lunar equator and ecliptic plane is approximately

1.50 resulting in poor illumination of polar regions

 No Atmospheric Drag

 No SELENO-Magnetic Fields

 100 Km Circular Polar Orbit (Period of 118 min.) selected to meet

the Imaging requirements
• Altitude: 100km

• Inclination: 90°

• Period: 117.6 min

• Mean ground velocity: 1.54 km/s

• Earth as seen by Moon: 1.9° - 2.1°

• Beam width of 0.7 m X-band antenna: 3.6°

• Moon disc at satellite: ±70°

SL.NO. PAYLOAD Spectral band Sensor Config Objective

1 TMC 0.5 to 0.85μm Three Stero Topography


2 HySI-VINR 0.4 to 0.92μm Wedge filter Mineral mapping

3 LLRI 1064nm, 10mJ Topography &Gravity

4 HEX 20 – 250 keV CdZnTe Detector Chemical mapping

5 IMPACTOR -------------- Technology Demo
6 CIXS (LEX) 0.5 to 10keV Swept Charge Chemical mapping
7 Mini-SAR 2.5GHz Detection of poalr ice

8 SIR-2 0.93 to 2. Mineral Mapping

9 SARA 10eV to 2keV Mass Atmospheric

spectrometer neutrals& magnetic
10 RADOM >8Kev Si Semiconductor Radiation monitor
11 MMM 0.4-3.0μm Mineral Mapping
 Payloads from ISRO
 Terrain Mapping Camera with front, nadir and aft views(TMC).

 Hyper Spectral Imager(HySI).

 Lunar Laser Ranging Instrument (LLRI).

 High Energy X-ray payload(HEX).

 Moon Impact Probe (MIP)

 Payloads from international agencies

 Low Energy X-ray (LEX)payload (CIXS). From Rutherford Appleton
Laboratory (RAL),UK / ESA
 Mini SAR from Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), USA under an MOU
with NASA
 SIR-2 from Max Plank Institute, Germany under an MOU with ESA

 Radiation Dose Monitor from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

 Sub-keV Atom Reflecting Analyser (SARA) Experiment developed jointly

by IRF Sweden, SPL-VSCC India, ISAS/JAXA Japan and VBE
Switzerland under an MOU with ESA
 Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) from JPL, US., under an MOU with NASA
Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC)
 Stereoscopic imaging instrument in panchromatic
spectral band for generating high resolution three
dimensional map of Moon

 Consists of fore, nadir and aft detectors housed in single


 Spatial: Swath – 20km, Resolution – 5m

 Spectral: 0.5 to 0.85µm

 4000 pixel, 7µ linear APS detector

Hyper Spectral Imager (HySI)
 In visible and near infra-red band

 Spatial: Swath – 20km, Resolution – 80m

 Spectral: 0.4 to 0.95µm, resolution better than


 256 x 512 pixel, 50µ area APS detector

Lunar Laser Ranging Instrument (LLRI)
 Objectives
 To determine the global topographical field of Moon using the laser
altimetry data

 To determine an improved model of the lunar gravity field

 To supplement TMC and HySI payloads

 Laser wavelength: 1064 nm

 Laser energy: 10 mj

 Vertical Resoultion: < 5m

 Detector: Avalanche Photodiode

 First time coverage of polar regions of Moon

High Energy X-ray Spectrometer (HEX)
 Objectives
 Identify degassing fault zones by mapping of 222Rn and its radioactive daughter
210Pb, helps understanding volatile transport on Moon

 To determine the surface composition of Pb-210 in the uranium decay series by

it’s 46.5 keV gamma ray

 To determine the integral flux of gamma rays coming out of Moon in the region
10 – 250 keV

 Energy Resolution: <7% @ 60 keV

 Energy range: 20 – 250 keV

 Spatial resolution: 20 km

 Swath: 40 km x 40 km

 Detector: CdZnTe (CZT)

Moon Impact Probe (MIP)
 Objectives
 Scientific exploration of the Moon near range

 To design, develop and demonstrate technologies required for

impacting a probe at the desired location on the Moon

 Qualify some of the techniques required for soft-landing missions

 Payloads
 Mass spectrometer to assess the lunar atmosphere

 Radar altimeter to measure the altitude with a resolution of 5m

 Video imaging system (VIS) to take photographs of Moon’s surface

 From 100km orbit, it takes ~18 minutes to hit the Moon surface
Low Energy X-ray Spectrometer (LEX)
 Updated version of Smart-1 payload

 Consists of two instruments

 Chandrayaan-1 Compact Imaging X-ray Spectrometer (C1XS)
 Main instrument

 X-ray Solar Monitor (XSM)

 Provides incident solar flux as input to C1X

 Objective: To carry-out high quality X-ray spectroscopic mapping of the Moon in

order to study elemental abundance of Moon

 Basically measures fluorescent emissions from the surface of Moon and also
monitors incident Solar X-ray emissions

 Detects Mg, Al, Fe and Si during non-Solar flare conditions (C1X)

 Detects Ca, Ti during Solar flare conditions (XSM)

 Energy range: 0.5 to 10 keV

Miniature Synthetic Aperture Radar(Mini-SAR)
 Objective
 To map polar regions at an incident angle of app. 37 deg.
Basically looks for ice / water deposits

 To resolve discrepancy in the data available from Clementine,

Lunar Prospector and Arecibo Radar satellites with respect to
nature and amount of deposits in the lunar polar region

 Range swath: 44km, Azimuth swath: 8km

 Ground range resolution: 140m for altimeter

 Radar system can operate as altimeter / scatterometer,

radiometer and as a synthetic aperture radar
Smart Infra Red Spectrometer (SIR-2)
 Updated version of SMART-1 payload

 It is a highly compact and near infra-red spectrometer

 Objective
 Analyze the lunar surface in various geological / mineralogical /
topographical units

 Study of vertical distribution of crystal material

 Investigate the process of crater, maria and basin formation on Moon

 Explore “Space Weathering” process of the lunar surface

 Search for ices at the lunar poles

 SIR-2 collects the Sun’s light reflected by the Moon

 Spectral Wavelength: 0.93 to 24 µm

 Spectral resolution: 6nm

Sub keV Atom Reflecting Analyzer (SARA)
 Consists of two payloads
 Chandrayaan Energetic Neutral Analyzer (CENA)

 Solar Wind Monitor (SWIM)

 Objective
 Imaging of the surface magnetic anomalies (Moon doesn’t have
magnetic core, like in Earth. But Moon has different magnetic
fields at different surface areas which is an anomaly)

 Studies of space weathering, i.e., physical and chemical changes

that occur to the exposed materials on the surface of the Moon

 Imaging of Moon’s surface composition including imaging of

permanently shadowed areas and search for volatile rich areas
Radiation Dose Monitor (RADOM)
 Updated version of similar instrument flown in MIR space
station since 1988

 Objective
 Measure the particle flux, deposited energy spectrum,
accumulated absorbed dose rate in the lunar orbit and evaluate
the contribution of protons, neutron, electrons, gamma rays and
energetic galactic cosmic radiation nuclei

 Provide an estimation of the dose map around Moon at different


 To evaluate the shielding characteristics (if any exists) of the

Moon near environment towards galactic and solar cosmic
radiation and solar particle events

 The experiment will be useful for future manned missions

Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3)
 Payload is solar reflected energy imaging spectrometer

 Objective
 To assess the mineral resources of the Moon

 To characterize and map the composition of the surface at high

spatial resolution

 Spectral- Range: 0.7 – 3.0 µm, Resolution: 10nm

 Radiometric: Range 0 to max. Lambertian, Sampling 12 bits

 Spatial: Swath 40km, Resolution 30m







Spacecraft Configuration
 S-band transmission through omni antenna
 Configured with two ± 90 hemi-spherical coverage antennas with
opposite polarisation placed on the diametrically opposite face in the S/C

 X-band transmission through Steerable Dual Gimbal

 Sensors – CASS, SPSS, Star sensor
 BMU handles Command, Telemetry, AOCS functions
 Bi propellant system for orbit raising & maintainence
 CCSDS – compatible with world-wide network & DSN
 Single bus / battery system
 Canted Solar panel generates 700 W on normal incidence
 27 AH Li Ion battery

Axis Rate

Yaw ±0.05° ±3.0E-4 °/s

Roll ±0.05° ±3.0E-4 °/s

Pitch ±0.05° ±3.0E-4 °/s

Post-facto attitude determination: 40 arc-sec for entire mission life

X-Band Downlinks from Chandrayaan-1
1. TMC – APS1
2. TMC – APS2
3. TMC – APS3 SSR #1
4. HySI


1. MIP
2. C1XS
3. HEX SSR #2 Channel
4. SIR-2 coder
6. SARA SSR #3
8. S-LBT
CHANNEL - 2 link
Mass Budget
Bus Elements (kg) 405.0
Payload (kg) 89.0
S/C Dry Mass (kg) 494.0
Growth Margin (kg) 9.0
Dry Mass (kg) 503.0
Propellant (kg) 797.5
Pressurant (kg) 3.5
Lift off Mass (kg) 1304.0
Power Budget
Sub-system Sunlit (W) Eclipse (W)
HEX, LLRI, AO 44 44

IMAGING (Average) + CIXS 34(6+28) 0

DATA Tx 0 44
BUS 236 228
TOTAL 534 316
INT. LOSS (4%) 22 13


Chandrayaan-1 Ground Segment
DSN-18 S/X DSN-32 S/X
(ALL Phases) (> 1 Lakh km)
Ant. Dia (m) 18.3 32
G/T (dB/K) 30.6 37.5
G/T looking at Moon (dB/K) 26.0 32.0
EIRP (dBW) 79 94/84
Antenna rates
Velocity (deg/s) 10(Az) /1(El) 0.4
Accln. deg/s*2 5/ 0.5 0.01
Tone Ranging Accuracy (m) 20 20
0.05 0.05
Accuracy (m/s)
Surface finishing (wrt parabola) - 0.3mm rms
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)

Basic Capabilities
SSPO ( 725*725 km, i= 98.370 ) 1250 kg
LEO (300*300 km ) 3400 kg
GTO (240 * 36000 km, METSAT) 1050 kg
Chandrayaan-1 (260 X 24000 km) 1304 kg

Vehicle Configuration
Indian Lunar Mission

Trans Lunar
Lunar Insertion
Mid Course
Correction Lunar Transfer

To achieve 100 x 100 km Lunar Polar Orbit.

PSLV to inject 1304 kg in GTO of 260 x 24000 km.
Initial Orbit
Lunar Orbital mass of 623 kg with 2 year life time. ~ 1000 km

Final Orbit
100 km Polar

Moon at Launch
Launch Window
 It is necessary to have a LOI manoeuvre when Moon is
at equator, i.e., when Moon is in the ascending or the
descending node.
 Two launch opportunities in 28 days (lunar cycle) are
 Capture at descending node is not favourable in all
seasons as Sun lies in the perigee side, causing long
shadows near apogee.
 Maximum shadow allowed per orbit is 100 minutes
Transfer phase to lunar capture
SOI index 11032
400 80


Injection parameters - version #1

350 Altitude = 511.063963km 70

Radial distance from Earth (km)

Radial distance from Moon (km )

Geodetic latitude -4.250270°
East Longitude 138.301821°
300 60

Velocity 9.707127°
250 Flight Path Angle 80.292873° 50
Velocity Azimuth 107.439542°

200 Orbit Size: 260km x 24075km 40

Inclination = 17.93742°
Arg Perigee = 169.06269°
150 30

100 20

50 10

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250

Time in hrs elapsed since injection (Launch Apr 09, 2008)

Consolidated Network Stations
S.N Mission Phase Stations

1. Short Range Support (Perigee arc coverage) – S-band support

During Spacecraft separation Biak, Hawaii
During burn #1 (TM) TT, Kourou, Natal
During burn #2 & #3 (TM) Port Blair, Brunei, Biak
2. LEOP phase (upto 1 lakh km)

Bangalore, Biak, MaryLand (APL),

S-band support (TC, TM, TRK)
Mauritius, Hawaii, Lucknow, Bearslake

Bangalore, Mauritius (post LEB #1),

X-band support
Hawaii (post LEB #2 & #3)
3. DSN support
Bangalore, Bearslake, APL, JPL-
LEOP phase
Bangalore, Bearslake, APL,
Normal phase
JPL -Goldstone (on requirement)
Inertially fixed lunar polar orbit
 Orbit regression is negligible.
 Lunar sun synchronous orbit not possible.

 Inertially fixed polar orbit experiences continuously varying sun

illumination over a year.
Lunar Orbit as seen from


Face on Edge on Face on

T T+7 days T+14 days
Classification of Payloads
 Illumination dependant
 TMC + HySI
 M3
 SIR-2
 C1XS
 Illumination independent
 MiniSAR
 Moon independent
 XSM of C1XS
Sun aspect variations in a year


4 Months

4 Months

Prime zone Polar region
Imaging Strategy - Definitions
 Prime Imaging season
Season in which the solar aspect angle at lunar equator is within ±45°. Season
comprises of 90 days centered around noon/midnight orbit suitable for optical

 Prime Imaging Zone

Region within ±60° latitude of lunar equator, sensitive to illumination variation
resulting from sun movement over the season. This zone is covered by imaging
payloads within 60 days centered on noon/midnight orbit restricting the solar
aspect angle within ±30° with respect to the lunar equator.

 Polar zone
High latitude zones (beyond 60°) which are poorly illuminated and insensitive to
sun movement. Low lands are permanently shadowed, high lands are
perpetually under grazing sun rays. Imaging coverage is for 15 days wherein the
solar aspect angle is restricted in the bands of ±30° and ±45° respectively.
Imaging Strategy – Definitions …
 Secondary Imaging season
Season in which the solar aspect angle at lunar equator is beyond
±45°. Season comprises of 90 days centered on dawn/dusk orbit. In
this period, payloads which are not dependent on ground
illumination levels like mini-SAR, HEX, LEX, LLRI, SARA and
RADOM are operated.

 Imaging Cycle
All Sunlit longitudes of Moon are swept once in 28 days owing to
rotation about its own axis termed as an Imaging Cycle. Each
imaging season has TWO cycles.
DSN Visibility at 100 km orbit
Complete Lunar Surface Coverage
DSN support for payload data transmission Bangalore + APL-USA
Area covered in prime imaging zone 60º N to 60º S
90°N to 60°N,
Area covered in polar imaging zone
90°S to 60°S
Latitude zone covered in one visible orbit 60°
No: of orbits visible / day 10

Time required to visit all longitudes 2 prime image seasons

Time available for each prime imaging season 3 months

Time available for each secondary imaging season 3 months

Number of prime imaging seasons 3

Number of secondary imaging seasons 2

Minimum time required to cover entire lunar surface 15 months

Distinct Mission Features
 Features that affect payload data processing
 Spacecraft yaw rotation
 Imaging in ascending and descending paths
 Varying Illumination conditions
 Vernier ground track shifts
 Variation in altitude
 Features that affect downlink
 Sun outage
 Rain attenuation during Moon rise / Moon set
Worst Case Eclipse – Earth & Moon Shadow



72 m
48 m M.S
48 m 48 m 35 m 72 m 48 m 13 m
M.S P.E.S 37 m E.S M.S P.E.S M.S P.E.S

M.S – Moon shadow, P.E.S – Part Earth Shadow, E.S – Earth Shadow


48 27.5 42.5 48 48 42.5 27.5 48

9.5 9.5

Duration in minutes
MS –Moon Shadow
LIT - Illumination period
PES – Partial Earth Shadow
ES – Earth Shadow Total Duration: 6.7 hours
Eclipse Umbral Geographic Regions of Eclipse
Date Saros Duration
Type Mag Visibility
21 Feb, 2008 Total 133 1.111 C.Pacific, Americas, Europe, Africa
16 Aug, 2008 Partial 138 0.813 03:09 S.America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus
E Europe, Asia, Aus, Pacific, W
09 Feb, 2009 Penumbral 143 -0.083 -
07 Jul, 2009 Penumbral 110 -0.909 - Aus, Pacific, Americas
06 Aug, 2009 Penumbral 148 -0.661 - Americas, Europe, Africa, W Asia
31 Dec, 2009 Partial 115 0.082 01:02 Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus
26 Jun, 2010 Partial 120 0.0542 02:44 E Asia, Aus, Pacific, W Americas
03:29 E Asia, Aus, Pacific, Americas,
21 Dec, 2010 Total 125 1.262
01:13 Europe
ISSDC Context

Payload Reception Space Science

S/C control center
Stations Mission Projects

Time Allocation
Committee S/W Developers –
data products, tools
Science ISSDC
Working Group Payload

Science Payload Principal

Data Users Operation Centers Investigators
ISSDC functions
• Primary Functions

– Ingest / Archive / Data Management

– Data processing

– Search & Order / Access & Dissemination

– Interface to Spacecraft control centers, Data

reception centers, Payload designers, Principal
investigators, Mission software developers and
Science data users
ISSDC facilities
• Server and Storage Support Area

• Network Support Area

• Public Network Access Workspace

• Private Network Access Workspace

• SATCOM Network Access Workspace

• Software & System Support Area

• System Administration Workspace

• System test and Maintenance Support Workspace

• Development, Integration and Test Support Workspace

• Operations Area ( IDSN Ops facility)

Chandrayaan-1 Ground Segment PAYLOAD OPERATIONS
S-LBT (RT- 2)
S-LBT (Dwell)
X-LBT (PB – SSR#2) Look
Remote View (SSR #2) angles EXTERNAL DSN
S-Band Tracking data Bearslake
SCC Tracking
TC data NASA
Schedule file 1.TMC & HysI - SAC
P/L raw data
Cmd Request OBT-UT Ref.
messages 3.HEX - PRL
DSN Processed QLD Cmd schedule Ephemeris
input Pass schedule Events
Instrument health 5.CIXSB - ISAC
Bangalore – Archived PVAT
Command Acknowledgement
18 / 32 m 6.SIR-2 – Max
Instrument Telemetry (P/L data)
Instrument House keeping Planck, Germany

File-ready Notification email
P/L Raw Data: TMC – APS 1, 2, 8.miniSAR - APL
3, HySI, LLRI, HEX, C1XS, M3,
SIR-2, SARA, MIP, RADOM Command Messages 9.M3 - JPL
SS + Gyro data (SSR #2) Products & E-mail
Lunar DEM Generation

 Global DEM generation from TMC triplet

 More than 100000 image triplets

 Grid interval size ~25-50m

 LLRI data use to be explored

ISRO Moon Atlas
• Cover the entire moon surface at Uniform Scale

• Consists of TMC & HySl Image and Image mosaics

• Contains Digital Elevation Model derived from TMC

• Softcopy & Hardcopy both

• Vector and Raster databases

High level Data products
 The high level data products from the AO payloads are
 Near Infra-red Spectrometer (SIR-2)
 Spectroscopic data corrected for dark bias and bad pixel data
 Radiometric and wavelength corrected data
 Details of lunar surface in various geological, mineralogical
and topographical units
 Sub-keV Atom Reflecting Analyser (SARA)
 Images of energetic neutral atom distributions for specific
energy and mass group and time-dependent plots of total
fluxes for them (CENA)
 Energy spectra for the four specified mass group atoms
 Linear plot of proton fluxes(SWIM)
High level Data products (contd.)
Miniature Synthetic Aperture Radar (MiniSAR)
• Level 1 products ortho-rectified and resampled into oblique map

• Four mosaics composed of multiply acquired data sets produced for

regions above 80º lunar latitude using level2 stokes parameters

Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3)

• Radiance at sensor and seleno-corrected spectral image cubes

• Reflectance data

Radiation Dose monitor Experiment (RADOM)

• Estimated radiation dose equivalent from GCR,SPE and radiation

dose maps around moon

• Moon environment characteristics

Possible Fusion Data Products

• Elemental composition and Mineral Maps:M3,SIR-2,HySI, C1XS,SARA

• DEM from TMC with LLRI topo map

• Magnetic anomaly map of SARA with TMC base map

• Polar region map from MiniSAR, LLRI overlaid with TMC base map

• Projection of X-ray line abundances from C1XS and HEX against DEM
made from fusion of TMC and LLRI data

• Fusion of mineral map, elemental composition map with topographic map

• Integration of data from earlier lunar missions with that of Chandrayaan-1

Visualization tools and other utilities
 Intended for public outreach and awareness.

 Tool would show at a given point of time, how much imaging is done on the
globe of Moon.

 Overlay of processed data showing the information layers available for

various instruments

Data Fusion (R&D)and other utilities

(in the form of software)
 User can generate fusion products using the utilities provided at ISSDC
(generated by science teams or data processing teams) with required data
download facility. This also includes visualization tools for looking at a
particular area of interest
Education and Outreach Activity Plan
 Comprehensive education and public outreach programme is under
 Activities aimed towards a broad range of ages and abilities
 Education and Public Outreach programme planned in four
 Formal education
• As part of basic curriculum for high school level students, providing
resource and support material-this is a long term strategy / plan
• Scientific research at university level (e.g. PLANEX Programme of
 Semi-formal education
• Introducing project work as part of school curriculum (similar to that in
for B.Tech)
• ISRO may provide tool kits (involvement of industries)
Education and Outreach Activity Plan (contd.)
 Informal Education
• Seminar, talks on Moon,Chandrayaan-1
• Essay contest
• Exhibition
• Team with local planetary society members, amateur observers /sky watchers-
to share and exchange ideas
• Use website
• Moon globe on website –similar to Google-Earth using TMC DEM

 Public Outreach
• Popular publication
• Broadcast over national and local Radio and Television Network
• Use of Website
• For common public cultural, mythological and historical stories related to Moon
Education and Outreach Activity Plan (contd.)
A few sample questions which may be considered as project topic:

• Calculate distance between scale models of Earth and Moon

• To learn about locations and geology of sites identified by

• Chandrayaan-1 science team

• Compare the process of regolith formation on the Moon and the

relative process on Earth

• Design a spacecraft for going to moon and choose a landing site

of interest

• Construct a model of lunar rover

• Future lunar mission ideas

Outreach Implementation Plan
 The outreach activity would be implemented in steps

• Mission update on ISRO/ Chandrayaan-1 Website from T-90 day

• Announcement of Opportunities towards Formal and Informal

Outreach activities seeking proposals from different groups

 Collaborative agencies would be selected from Research

Laboratories,School, Colleges, Universities, National and Regional
science museums and Planetariums based on the activities

• After obtaining approval from DOS/ISRO, activities would be

carried out and monitored in collaboration with P & PR Unit ISRO
To Conclude – Why to go to Moon…
 The first, of course, the scientific goals that despite many
missions of the past, the question of origin and evolution
of Moon still remains unanswered
 The second objective is the challenges posed by
technology and mission planning
 The third factor is such a mission can inspire the new
generation by the sheer excitement that such a flag-ship
mission will evoke.
 India cannot afford to lose out in its ability to pursue

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