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 Investment is an activity which involves purchasing an
asset, giving loans keeping funds in a bank account
with an aim of generating future returns
 Investor creates a portfolio that maximizes returns
while minimizing risk
 Investments are made from savings
 Return
 Risk
 Liquidity
 Hedge against inflation
 Equity
 Debt
 Mutual funds
 Corporate Debentures
 Fixed deposits
 Post office savings
 Provident fund
 Real estate
 Gold
 Life insurance
 To study the investment awareness of people towards
various investment avenues
 To know the factors influencing the investment avenues
 To know the investment preference among the salaried
 V.R.Palanivelu &K.chandrakumar(2013) examines the
investment choices of salaried class in Tamil nadu with the
help of 100 respondents as a sample size.It reveals thast as per
income levels of employees, invest in different avenues.
 Age factor is also important while doing the investment
 Neha S Shukla (2016) “Investors’ Preference towards
Investment Avenues with Special Reference to Salaried
Personnel in North Gujarat Region” in this article the author
has taken the 100 respondents
 Used primary and secondary data as well
 KMO & Bartlett’s Test
 Rotated Component Matrix
 FINDINGS: Age and income group has relationship between the
 Both male and female are willing to investment
 People tend to invest much in fixed deposits , gold, silver & post
office schemes
 Majority of respondents invest for purchasing home and long term
 B.Thulasipriya (2015) “A Study on the Investment Preference of
Government Employees on Various Investment Avenues “
 She considered different age groups, Income level,diff occupation who
are living in Coimbatore.
 Sample size is 100
 Anova Test, Friedman’s Ranking Test
 Findings: Employees above 50years have high level of prefernece to
 Female investors are more in number

 Dr Sambhaji Mane & Mr.Ravi Bhandari (2014) A Study of
Investor’s Awareness and Selection Of Different Financial
Investment Avenues for the Investor in Pune City.
 They have taken salaried employees as sample size of 100
 Ptercentages, Chi-square, Pearson correlation coefficient
 T. TAMIL SELVI (2015) Investors Attitude towards
Investment Avenues
 In this article author mainly focused attitude for
investment,level of incestment awareness and expectations of
return factors which are influencing.mainly focused in salaried
middle class people of Coimbatore.
 Percentage analysis, Mean and standard deviation, CHI
SQUARE test, T Test
 Findings: Only 50% of people have knowledge of percentage of
 1/3rd salaried class do not opt for right financial plan
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