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Monolithic architecture

A monolithic architecture
is the traditional unified model
for the design of a
software program.
Listed down are the challenges of
Monolithic Architecture:
It is a software development technique—
a variant of the service-oriented
architecture (SOA) architectural style that
structures an application as a collection of
loosely coupled services.

A microservice is not a
layer within a monolithic
•Services in a microservice architecture (MSA) are often
processes that communicate over a network to fulfill a goal
using technology-agnostic protocols such as HTTP.
•Services in microservice architecture are independently
•Services are organized around business capabilities.
•Services can be implemented using different programming
languages, databases, hardware and software environment,
depending on what fits best.
•Service development and operations requires a DevOps
approach, for instance to achieve observability.
Microservice Architecture
Differences between Traditional
Architecture and Microservices

The main difference we observe in the above

diagram is that all the features initially were under
a single instance sharing a single database.
Microservices Features
Advantages of Microservices
So now let us look at a use-case to get a better
understanding of microservices.

Shopping Cart Application:

Let’s take a classic use case of a shopping cart application.

Fig: Monolithic
Framework of Shopping
Cart Application
Fig: Microservice Architecture of Shopping Cart Application
Companies using Microservices
There is a long list of companies using Microservices to build
applications; these are just to name a few:

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