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● Modern living is virtually depending on the world wide web(WWW).web has
changed the way of doing things
● Web based systems are now available from stand-alone tools to corporate
databases and business applications.web apps deliver a wide range of
facilities to the end users
● Web Applications are known as WebApps deliver a wide range of facilities to
the end users, which are available from simple website to business application.
● These are supported by various technologies such as HTML ,ASP.NET,
CGL,JSP/java,PHP,Perl,Spring .Now their are various categories of web
applications which are mentioned as follows
Categories of WebApps
● Web Portals
● Information Systems
● Interactive Systems
● Transactional WebApps
● Web Services
● Online Communities
● Social Web Apps
● Workflows
● Collaborative Work Environment
● Shared Data
● Ubiquitous
• Web Portals: A Web Portal is a customized website that provides information from various sources
in a consistent manner. For example, government and federal portals, online shopping mall,
business portal ,etc.
• Informational systems: These provide context wise information with navigation and links for
example : online newspapers, news letters, manuals, reports, etc.
• Interactive Systems: These provides an interface to the users to interact with the system
functionalities For example ,bulletin boards, registration forms, online games, etc.
• Transactional WebApps: Such systems provide functionalities for business operations. For
example, online bidding ,online banking ,online reservations, etc.
• Online Communities: These are the groups that share information .For example,discussion
groups,recommender systems,online marketplaces,electronic shopping malls ,etc
• Social Web apps: These are the Web apps help people to Link each other .For example,social
networking websites,web logs,collaborative filtering,etc.
• Workflows:The workflow applications automate the business process.For example online planning
and scheduling ,inventory management,status monitering,etc.
8.Collaborative work environments:
These websites supports people for online collaborations and virtual teams in their individual
and cooperative work on technical and social issues .For example chat rooms e-learning

9. Shared Data

These are the applications where the shared data repositories are managed and used by the
practitioners.or example online repositories,data warehouses ,shared data architectures

10. Ubiquitous:

These applications allow accessing Web-based contents and services through different
devices anywhere and anytime .For example customized services,location aware
services,multi platform delivery
Characteristics of Web Apps
● User satisfaction: Web Apps must provide all the expected functionalities
to the user without much effort.
● Performance: Web Apps must respond quickly to the user.
● Security: It is the capability of a system to allow minimum chance of
malicious or accidental attacks and prevent disclosure or loss of
● Usability: It specifies how easy application is to use for various categories
of users.
● Reliability: It is the ability of a system to continue operation without failure
over a given time interval
Characteristics of Web Apps (Contd.)
● Scalability: WebApps are dynamic in nature and evolve over a time.
Therefore these should be able to handle increases in load and to be
readily enlarged.
● Availability: Web services must provide 24x7 facilities to the user for
operation and maintenance.
● Evolution and change: Web Apps have evolved and changed on regular
basis without affecting the performance of the system.
● Concurrency: Web Apps are accessed concurrently by many users at the
same time. Therefore, these must be consistent and reliable to concurrent
Characteristics of Web Apps (Contd.)
● Network intensiveness: Web Apps are nothing without network
connections. These can be installed on various networks depending upon
the needs of the users.
● Data driven: Web Apps are able to handle various types of data such as
text, graphics, audio and video.
● Feedback: It gives freedom to the users to share their experiences of
using the WebApps.
● Elegance: It signifies how well the WebApps fit the problem space and
provide a consistent way of solving a problem. Tasks should be easiest to
do and it should have a good look and feel.
Web Apps Development Process
• This area is also called as Web Engineering .
• It covers various type of web development such as website
construction,website design,web based system .web engineering is the
discipline for web based devolpment.
• It is defined as the application of systematic,disciplined and quantifiable
approaches to development ,operation,maintenance and evolution of web apps

• Web engineering follows an incremental process model to develop the web

apps,this is because always there occurs a changes in requirements.a typica
process model is as follows
The Major Phases of Web Engineer are:
● Requirements: In this phase, user requirements are gathered, analyzed and
organized. Business needs are identified and a vision document describing
the scope and objective of the application is presented.
● Modelling: Analysis and Design documents of WebApps are prepared.
These help to prepare the information architecture, navigation design,
controls and UI design. The themes and design layouts are framed according
to the user needs.
● Prototype and construction: This is the coding phase where Web
engineering tools and technologies are used to develop the WebApp. During
this, user helps by giving feedback and suggestions.
● Testing and quality assurance: During this, various incremental tests are
conducted to remove the presence of errors. These aims to detect analysis
issues, design issues, and interface related problems. Regression testing is
performed to refine the final system.
● Deployment: This is the phase where manuals are prepared and training is
provided to the end-users. Front-end and back-end modules are installed at
customer sites. Feedback is provided by the end-users.
● Maintenance: In this phase contents are revised or added to the application.
However, it is important to decide where to place which content and to what
extent based upon the architecture of application. As WebApps are evolving
in nature, system needs to be updated.
Umbrella activities
● These are the support activities performed for an effective development of
the WebApp. These activities exist throughout development and
maintenance process of the application, which include

○ Feedback

○ Planning

○ Risk management

○ Change management

○ Project management

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