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Potato Poisoning

 By Kimberly Blackhorse,
Debra Grymko,
Arthur Sedore,
and Joni Linae Wood.
Nightshade Family
 Nightshade family
includes potatoes,
tomatoes, peppers,
and eggplant
 There are 2500
species of potatoes
spread all over the
world, but mainly in
tropical America
Source of Toxin

 Toxin is found throughout the plant

 Higher levels in green areas of potatoes and in sprouts (eyes of potato)
 Greening is strongly affected by light, age, and damage
Light Exposure
 In potato tubers, the greening
is a sign that there may be an
increase in the presence of
glycoalkaloids, especially the
substance solanine
 Light is not needed for
solanine formation
 With light exposure,
glycoalkaloid formation is
 Light-exposure may cause an
increase of ten-fold

Green Potatoes: the Problem and the Solution. Alexander D. Pavlista. Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. G01-1437-A.
 sugar [solanose] + alkaloid [solanidine] = Solanine, a glucoalkaloid
 Cultivated potatoes contain 10 mg of glycoalkaloid per 100 g of potato,
wild potatoes in the Andes can be more than double that.

Fully refined solanine appears in the form of a gray-green liquid

Normal Function
 Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter of
the parasympathetic nervous system
(nerve-muscle connections) that is
sent across the synaptic cleft
 After attaching to the receptor,
acetylcholine is released back into the
synaptic cleft
 Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme that
hydrolyzes acetylcholine into choline
and acetate
 Choline is recycled by the synaptic
bulb to be reused and reformed into

Toxin Mechanism
 Solanine is an inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase that blocks the breakdown of
 Accumulation of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft leads to excitotoxicity of the
post-synaptic receptors.
 Excitotoxicity is the over-stimulation of neuron receptors
Effect of Inhibition
 Initial neurons death leads to damage of
neighboring neurons
 Muscles are continuously stimulated by a
domino effect of action potentials.
 Muscle spasms and continuous contraction result
without relaxation
 Solanine is very poisonous even in very small quantities.
 The LD50 in mice is 42mg/kg when injected into the abdomen.
 A 200-pound person would have to eat two pounds of fully green
domesticated potatoes in a single day to observe any adverse effects
 It is much more toxic when injected since solanine is poorly absorbed
through the gut wall
 Potatoes containing more than 0.1 percent solanine (.01 oz / 10 oz potato)
are considered unfit for eating
 Potentially high levels for a 100-lb person would be 16 ounces of a fully
green potato
Signs & Symptoms
 Solanine directly irritates the mucosal membranes of the gastrointestinal tract
 If solanine is absorbed into the bloodstream, causes hemolysis of red blood cells
 Signs of solanine poisoning are excessive salivation, diarrhea, slowed pulse,
reduced blood pressure and respirations which can lead to cardiac arrest
 Common symptoms of solanine poisoning occur 2 to 24 hours after introduction
into body.

 Others may include:

Hypothermia Delirium
Paralysis Shock Loss of sensation
Fever Hallucinations
Dilated pupils Coma
Headache Death
 Monitor patient's vital signs, including temperature,
pulse, breathing rate, and blood pressure
 Fluid levels are monitored and maintained
 Medicines to treat symptoms
 Vomiting is induced
 A nasogastric tube through the nose to empty the
stomach (gastric lavage)
Work Cited


 produce.html

 Green Potatoes: the Problem and the Solution. Alexander D. Pavlista.

 Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources,

 University of Nebraska-Lincoln. G01-1437-A.



Work Cited (Con’t)
 Merck Index 12th edition.Merck and Co INC. 1996 Pg 148-149, 1444,1485-1486
 Clarke, EGC and Clarke Myra. Garner's Veterinary Toxicology3rd edition. Williams and
Wilkins Co. 1967. Pgs. 395-397
 Ellenhorn, Matthew. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology. WilliamsandWilkinsCo. 1997.
Pgs. 1854-1855.
 "Blue Nightshade". WebMDHealth. 1999.
 "Poisoned by Tomato"
 Cheeke, Peter and Skull, Lee. Natural Toxicants in Feeds and
PoisonousPlants.AVI.1985. Pgs. 131-135
 "Is there poison in potatos?" 2003.

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