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Sub Assy Motor New Concept

Phase III
New e-Guidance Application
And Stock Control System

Manufacturing Engineering Division

PT. Indonesia Epson Industry
Ext. 1155

SE Group Confidential Permanent 1

Area Item Planning Before Trial Actual Trial Next Plan
Monosys (Test Environment) Monosys Monosys (Live Environment)
Part Identity
(UAT Environment -> 14 - 16 May)
Pokayoke Phase1 Close
and (Live Environment -> 17 - 18 May)
SA Motor Program (Visual SA Motor Program (Visual
Visual Pokayoke) Pokayoke)
- Phase 3 Open
Pokayoke req: Connect to Database folder rem: Offline (Save in Local PC)
sharing server
Sub Assy HPP (Lot Label Creation) Sub Assy HPP (Lot Label Creation) Sub Assy HPP (Lot Label
Tray Identity Rem: Print by quantity Rem: Print by quantityPhase 1 Creation) Close
Rem: Print by quantity
Monosys (Test Environment) Monosys Monosys (Live Environment)
(UAT Environment -> 14 - 16 May)
and (Live EnvironmentPhase 1 Close
-> 17 - 18 May)

SA Motor Program (Stock Control) Sub Assy HPP (Stock Control) Sub Assy HPP (Stock Control)
Stock Qty
req: Connect to Database folder - input : Lot Label Scan Phase 2 - input : Lot Label Scan Close
sharing server - Output : Stock Transfer - Output : Stock Transfer
Stock Control Single Part SA Motor Program (Stock Control) E-Kanban
Stock req: Connect to Database folder rem : Need Study Further
(Incoming sharing server
- Open
Monosys Manual Planning Monosys Manual Planning Step 1
using SA Motor Program (Stock
Manual Calculation stock and
1 Monosys Manual Planning Close
Control), will auto create planning planning by leader, then upload
with monosys format after manually by PIC Monosys Step 2
compare qty of plan and stock. Phase 3 Register to HPP Sub Assy Plan Open
then manually upload by admin and auto transfer planning to
Request to E-Kanban
Warehouse - - rem : Need Study Further Open
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Assembly Visual e-Guidance
Mini-VPS (Self Development)
Purpose :
1. To provide visual assembly guidance for operator to do assembly process
2. Additional prevention method of wrong part pick up by operator
3. Image format is prepared by MOST team to be standardize with other similar process
Content : Part appearance, and comparison with similar part

Start 1
Open and
Counting running
Output result Monosys
6 2

Open and
Finish Running Mini
VPS application
Create output file Assembly
to be consume by Process
5* 4
* Validation Process, if operator not use mini-VPS application then program will not
Create ouput (.csv) and monosys wont be able to continue process
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Stock Control Application
Stock Control HPP (ISP Development)
Purpose :
1. To record input and output stock of assy unit motor
2. To involve stock quantity as a variable that affect the SA motor planning
3. Deletion manual planning by PIC Monosys
4. **Preparation to be linked to other System

Finish Assembly

4 3
Stock Transfer Lot label
(Output Stock) Scanning (Input

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Stock Control System Logic Calculation
1. Operational Part Exclusive
2. Operational Part Common

HPP SA = HPP MA (Advance time) * Using qty

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Stock Input

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Stock Output

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Stock Monitoring
1. Actual Stock by Unit Code
- to display actual stock after sort by each part code

2. Actual Stock by Table

- to display actual stock after sort by each table

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Stock Control Master Setting
Registering Part code and SPQ each part
Registering Table (Sub Assy) and table advance time
Unify table to became table group operation
Connection of Part and Table (Location of assembly)
Register Connection of Part and Customer
Setting of Table-to-Belt Supply address
Registering Line code and Leader name
Setting Line capacity
Setting Line shift and factory
Register Type of packing (ex: Box, Tray, Potty,..)
Register Unit category name
Register Unit Min and Max Stock on each Customer Code
Setting Shift operational time (Shift start and end)
Register Sub Assy Defect name
Register part which want to add stock on its plan
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1. Advance Time

2. Line Capacity
To determine whenever planning is able to do or exceed the operator/machine capability.
Also become a Calculation during normal production, whenever need to Overtime
or just normal production

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3. Min and Max Stock

4. Stock Master HPP

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Point to be Concern
1. Required Precision calculation during Master Setting on HPP Sub Assy
master maintenance (Ex : Line capacity, advance time, min and max
stock, etc.)
2. Additional Superior job load to control and do master setting due to high
intensity of operational transformation
3. Additional Man power job load to input stock and record Output (transfer
using Stock Control System)
4. “Once open box motor, need to finish all of the unit” operation method
- Opposite with stock control and sub assy hpp operation
 Refer to planning and stock control
A/I : Re-considering minimum stock setting

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Sekian dan Terima Kasih

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