Wednesday - #ASK

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Ask, and it will be given to you;
Seek, and you will find;
Knock, and it will be opened to you.

Matthew 7:7
Ask…what should we ASK?

The will of God for us.

God’s Your
will will
…it will be given to you;
IT stands for God’s
will/promise na hihingin mo.

God’s Man’s
promise promise
Kung pangako Niya tutuparin Niya kahit ano pa…
…it will be given to you;

Whatever happens…

Keep asking
seek, you will find…
 seek God and nothing else matters

 Seek Him regardless of your life situation

 Seek God because He’s looking for you

 Seek God so you will know what to do

 Seek Him because He rewards you for it

Matthew 6:33, Job, Psalm 14:2, 1 Kings 22:5, Hebrews 11:6

Seek, you will find…
“And you will seek Me and find Me,
when you search me for Me with all your heart.”

“Seek the Lord and His strength;

seek His face forever.”

“The young lions lack and suffer hunger;

but those who seek the Lord
shall not lack any good thing.”

Jeremiah 29:13, 1 Chronicles 16:11, Psalms 34:10

…you will fid

Whatever your situations…

Keep seeking
Knock, it will be opened…

 Door of salvation
 Door of blessings

 Door of victory
 Door of opportunities
Knock, it will be opened…

o Knocked none
o Knocked one/once
o Knocked the wrong door
…it will be openeD

Whatever your trials, struggles,


Keep knocking
“kapag sa Lord ka kumatok, panigurado pagbubuksan ka Niya.”
May mga panalangin ka pa bang di nasasagot?
May mga hinihiling kang ‘di pa binibigay? O kung wala
May gusto ka bang sabihin o hilingin sa Kanya ngayon?

For everyone who asks, RECEIVES;

and he who seeks, FINDS;

And to him who knocks, it will be OPENED.

Matthew 7:8
Keep asking
Keep seeking
Keep knocking
To god be all the highest glory!

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