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Current Issues in ELT

Silmy A. Humaira’

Current Issues of
Communicative Language
Teaching (CLT) in Indonesian

There are many areas concern with applied linguistics such
as language and education, language work and law,
language information and effect and many more. As a student
of English Department in Indonesia, my position is as a
student of English as foreign language (EFL). This is one of
the reasons why I am interested in foreign language
education. In my paper, I would like to presents about the
issue deals with the barriers in Communicative language
teaching (CLT) which come to be popular in many countries
including Indonesia and some ways to fill the gap of the
method to be more effective and efficient. The function of
those alternatives is for helping the high school teachers to
apply CLT successfully.
The goal of communicative language teaching is to
make the students easily to communicate in the target
language. In this case, the target language is English
which is globally in a high-demanded by the society.

This method enable the students to use the language

accurately or to communicate appropriately inside and
outside the classroom.
The Problems of Applying the
Communicative Language Teaching
(CLT) in Indonesia.
Several constraints are becoming obstacles
of the CLT implementation, such as:

• the lack of competence of the teacher and

the students,
• non-conducive English environment,
• the learning and teachingstyle,
• ineffective classroom,
• the lack of motivation
In classroom, teachers are
commonly used bahasa
Indonesia to explain the
materials to the students.
Accordingly, the students
also lack of vocabulary and
mastery of English
English as a foreign language in
Indonesia is rarely used in the
daily activities. English is a must
to be learned by the students in
order to pass their final
Indonesia have lots of people with various
ethnics, one of the most civilization is
Javanese people. In the other cases, in
private school like Islamic schools which
the students mostly from Islamic boarding
school, they are study about how to
respect the teacher. They tend to hear
what the teachers said and think that all of
teachers said are correct.
ineffective classroom preparation.
Usually, in a class consists of forty
until fifty students. The classroom size
is not proportional because mostly
there is a small class with the big
number of students.
The low motivation of Indonesian students
is also become the constraints in
communicative teaching strategy.
The communicative approach to language
learning (CLT) is needed for teaching English in
the Indonesian context, mainly because the
approach stresses the importance of the
communicative aspect of the language.

CLT should be modified to suit the Indonesian

In order to solve the problems in CLT, some
alternatives have been proposed by many
researchers such as teacher training to improve the
teachers’ skills to be a good facilitator in CLT,
introduced some basic vocabulary which will be
useful for their speaking skills, additional times for
students to learn out of the classroom because
time schedule for students is limited, dividing the
students into several groups of study to make
students more comfortable and enjoy their study.
One of alternatives the researcher suggests is Audio
Lingual Communicative (ALC) approach. In the Audio
Lingual Method, usually a simple laboratory tool which
tends to be “audio passive” is used, which stresses
listening practice and speaking by way of hearing
foreign language expressions using said tool.
Using this method stresses the oral skills of speaking
and listening.
Those alternatives which is posed by the
researcher seem appropriate to be implemented in
Indonesian English teaching. As I have observed
in two schools in Singosari-Malang, the first is
Aliyah Alma’arif Singosari and SMA 1 Singosari,
those alternatives may be used to improve the
quality of English teaching in Indonesia by
modifying the practice of CLT.
Thank You!


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