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by Gohila Latchmanan
 To pass the school examinations.
 To improve communication skills.

The importance  To help students to express themselves.

of writing in  To encourage creativity and exploration.

PHJEC  To help students to undertake future tasks

comfortably (essential job skill).
Writing Component in PHJEC (2 Periods per week)
- Lessons by Level Heads
 Textbook
 Classwork (BOOK A)
 Writing Symbols – Symbol Marking
Writing Class  Sample Essays
 Classwork Essays
 Assessment (BOOK B)
 Detailed Marking
 Summary (Book A)
 to give ss an overview of the
 purpose of the essay type

The aim of  essay layout

 number of words
Sample Essay  transitional signal words
 new vocabulary
1st Period
 Te explain thoroughly on the type of essay.
 The purpose, layout, number of words, difficult
words, transitional signals.
2nd Period
Classwork Week
 Ss write the essays on the board – sentence level.
 Te do error correction on the board and ss copy
the essay in the their Book A.
 Ss must understand / memorize the 3883 and
36663 layout.
 Because it
The importance  acts as guidance.
of layout  helps ss to plan and concentrate on the points.
 helps ss excel in their writing assessments, tests
and examinations (especially weak students).
 Introduction Paragraph (FUNNEL)
 Lead In (Proverb, Question, Quote,
 Bridging Sentence (linking LI to TS)
 Thesis Statement (General / Specific)
 Body Paragraph
 Topic Sentence
ESSAY LAYOUT  Supporting Sentence
 Supporting Detail
 Conclusion

 Conclusion Paragraph
 Restate thesis Statement
 Hope
 Wish
 Purpose is to assess students’ understanding on the
type of essay, layout and topic.

Writing  Will be conducted the week after classwork week.

Assessment  Timed writing in classroom (BOOK B).

 Exam style sitting.
 Te detailed mark the essays within a week.
 Must identify the failed ss and start a remedial plan for
Post these ss.

Assessment  Issues must be rectified before the term/semester

Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Transitional Signals
 Include transitional signals to link points, for
example :
 Similar / Additional points : Moreover, Besides, In
addition, Likewise, For instance
 Contrasting points : However, On the other hand,
Although, In contrast
 When pointing out opposing arguments :
 Opponents of this idea claim / maintain that …
 Those who disagree / are against these ideas may say
/ assert that …
 Some people may disagree with this idea.
 When stating specifically why they think like
 The put forward this idea because …
 They claim that …
What is the topic about?

1. Underline/highlight key words

2. Determine what the topic is asking about

3. Choose your side

4. Prepare a graphic organizer

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