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Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father , grant me each day the desire to

do my best. To grow physically, mentally and
morally To be kind and helpful with my
classmates and teachers. To be honest with
myself and with others. Help me to be a good
sport when I lose and be humble if I win. Teach
me the value of true friendship. All these we ask
in Jesus name
Let’s Play Crack-
1.[ -e]+
[ -bol]+
[ ]
2. [ -e] +
[ -e]+[ -p]
+[ -l]
3[ -b]+
[ -g]+[ -o]
+[ -c]
4 [cc-s]+[ -l]+
[ -h]+[ -deo]
+[ -i]+[ -ce]
5[ - -man]+
[ -k]+[ -uter]+
[ -e]+[ -te]
How do organisms interact with
each other and with their
Living things or organisms interact
with other living things and with
non living things or the physical
environment. And there are several
ways of the interactions among
Some are beneficial for one
organism but harms the other. And
some are beneficial for the two
organisms that are involved.
4 3 2 1
Advanced Competent Progressing Beginning

Work is Work is Work tends to Work is

complete, well generally be disorderly, generally
organized, no complete, incomplete, sloppy and
errors and is meets the not accurate incomplete,
done on time requirements and is usually excessive
or early. of the task, and late. errors and is
is mostly done mostly late or
on time. not at all.
Group 1
Types of Ecological Relationship:

1. Commensalism- Type of
relationship where one organism
benefits from the other which
neither benefits nor harmed
Examples of Commensalism

1. Epiphytic plants growing on a tree

*epiphytes- plants that needs other
plants/trees for support

2. Remora fish attached on bigger fish

like shark and whales
Group 2
2. Mutualism- A type of
relationship where two species
benefit from each other
Other Examples of Mutualism
Lichen- combination of alga and fungus

African Crocodile and Plover

Group 3
3. Parasitism- . A relationship
where an organism (parasite) gets
its nutrients from a living host that
was harmed by the interaction
Other examples of Parasitism

Lice on human head

Insect larva

Tapeworm- lives in the gastrointestinal

tract of some animals
Group 4
Predation- An interaction
where an animal kills and eat the
The most common type of
ecological relationship
*Predator- the animal that eats the
other animal
*Prey- the animal that was eaten
Other Examples of Predation
Group 5
Competition- A relationship that
occurs when two organisms
compete for the same resources
Other Examples of Competition
What are the different types of ecological

How does an organism interact with

another living thing in each of the
ecological relationship?
Which type of relationship do you
commonly see in your
environment? Can you cite
Ecological Effects on Effects on
Relationship Organism Organism Legends
Commensalism (+) 0 O-
Mutualism (+) (+) (+)
Parasitism (+) (-) (-)
Predation (+) (-)
Competition (+) (-)
Employees like factory and construction workers
were paid by their employer in exchange of their
services. The employer benefits in this
relationship through the service of the workers.
The employees benefit too because of the money
that they could get

What ecological relationship was reflected by the

above situation?
B. A student who keeps on asking/borrowing for
paper, pens, crayons, assignments etc instead of
buying or working on his/her own.

C. A group of fishermen who all need to catch

fish in the same lake.

What ecological relationship was reflected by the

above situations?
Employees like factory and construction workers
were paid by their employer in exchange of their
services. The employer benefits in this
relationship through the service of the workers.
The employees benefit too because of the money
that they could get

What ecological relationship was reflected by the

above situation?
Relationship Benefited (+) Harmed (-) Examples

1 One of the None 2

Mutualism 3. None 4

5 6 leaf Caterpillar
and leaf

Explain how the organisms affect each

other. (4pts)
a.Snake and Rat
b.Carabao and cow
Highly Proficient (4) Proficient (3) Limited Proficiency Needs Work (1)

Main ideas are Main Main ideas are The topic and main
clear and are well ideas are clear but somewhat clear. Ideas are not clear.
supported by are Most sentences are Sentences sound
detailed and not well supported well awkward, are
accurate. by constructed, but distractingly
Information is detailed they repetitive,
relevant and information. Most have a similar or are difficult to
presented sentences are structure understand.
in a logical order. All well constructed and/or length
sentences are well and
constructed and have varied
have structure
varied structure and and length

Please read about Energy transfer

in the Ecosystem
“Genesis 1:26 - Then God said, 'Let
us make man in our image, in our
likeness, and let them rule over the
fish of the sea and the birds of the
air, over the livestock, over all the
earth, and over all the creatures
that move along the ground.”

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