Lec 2 - E Field

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Electric Field

E field is said to exist all around a point charge and is

represented in the form of curved lines with arrowhead
pointing in a particular direction.

• Direction of E field at any point in the field is given by a

tangent, drawn at that point in the direction of arrow.


+̀ E Field lines
E Field Contd
• Since force is a vector quantity, so is the E field. We can define
the E field or E field intensity at a point as the E force per unit
charge (test charge)
i.e. E = Fe / q/
or Fe = E q/
Force on +ve Charge
• Fe = k q q / / r2
• Divide by q / - + Direction of E Field

• Fe= k q / r2 NC-1 Force on -ve Charge

• The force on a positive charge is in the direction of the E field.

• The force on negative charge (electron) is in a direction
opposite to that of E field.
Characteristics of E Field Lines
• Direction of E field at any point on the E line of force is that
of the tangent at that point.

• No field lines originate in the space or terminate in space.

These originate from the positive charge and terminate at
the negative charge.

• Arrow head on the field line indicates the direction in which

the tangent is to be drawn.

• E field intensity at a point can be found by using the

principle of superposition
Field Lines, Contd
• At any point, the resultant E field can have only one
direction, hence only one field line can pass through each
point of the E field.

• It is customary to limit the number of lines for clarity.

However, more lines are drawn where E field is stronger.

• Field lines DO NOT overlap or cross each other.

• Field lines when spaced uniformly and have the same

direction, they give rise to uniform E field.
Example 1
• What is the electric field 30 cm from a charge q = 4 x 10-9?

+q q/
• 400NC-1 0.3 m

• Example 2

• In an ionized HE++ atom, nucleus and both the electrons

are separated by 26.5 pm(pico meter). Find E field at the
location of electrons (4.1 x 1012 NC-1)
Example 2
• When the terminals of a 100 V battery are connected to two
large parallel plates 1 cm apart, the field in the region
between plates is very nearly uniform and its magnitude is
104 N C-1. suppose the direction of E is vertically upward
compute the force on an electron in this field and compare
it with the weight of the electron.(1.8 x 1014)
1 cm

» Fe= e E =1.6 x 10-15N

» Fg= W = mg = 8.9 x 10-30N

Example 3
• In example 2 electron is released form rest. What speed it
will acquire while travelling 1 cm. find its KE and the time
required as it reaches the lower plate

1 cm


» a = F / m = 1.8 x 1015 ms-2

» Vf = √ 2as = 6.0 x 106 ms-1

» t = Vf/ a =3.3ns K = ½ m v2 = 1.6 x 10-17 j

Example 4
• If the electron in example 2 is projected into the field with a
horizontal velocity Vo. Find the equation of its trajectory.
Length x
1 cm


F= -eE
• S = Vi +(1/2) at2,

Vi in vertical direction = 0

S’ is along Y axis can be rep by Y

Y = (1/2) a t2 ( a = 0 in x dir, in Y dir a = - eE / m)

Y = - (eE / m) t2 t = x / vo

Y = - (eE / mVo2) x2

• This is equation of parabola

Example 5
• Figure represents two point charges of equal magnitude ‘q’ but of
opposite sign , separated by distance l. such a pair of charges is
called an electric dipole. Dipole is in a uniform e field which makes an
angle θ with the line joining the two charge, called the dipole axis. A
force F1 equal to qE, in the direction of the field, is exerted on the
positive charge, and a force F2 of the same magnitude but in the
opposite direction, is exerted on the negative charge. Since the two
forces have different line of action they constitute a couple.
The moment of the couple is
τ= (q E )(l sin θ)
q F1 = qE
(a) θ
l E
F2 = qE l sin θ
-q p and E are Parallel
F2 q q F1
- p
E Field Due to no of Point Charges
Example 1
• Point charges q1 and q2 of + 12 x 10-9 C and –12 x 10-9 C,
respectively, are placed 0.1 m apart, as in fig25-5. compute
the electric fields due to these charges at points a, b & c.
Example 2
• A ring shaped conductor of radius ‘a’ carries a total charge
Q. Find the electric field at a point

– Distance ‘x’ from centre

– Along line perpendicular to the plane of the ring

– Through its centre

Example 3
• E Field due to Long charged wire. In fig a long thin wire of
length L along the z-axis, electric charge per unit length of
λ. We wish to find the electric field caused by this charge at
point P, a distance ‘y’ from the mid point of the wire as
shown. z axis

O+ y
+ z θ
P dEy
+ r y axis
x axis +
• dq = λdz,

• E fd at dist r from it dE = k λ dz / y2+ z2

• dEy = dE cos θ = k λy dz /( y2+ z2 )3/2

• as cos θ = y/( y2+ z2 )1/2

• dEy components additive same dir, dEz component

cancel out ,ifsimilar seg on upper side is taken

• E fd

• sf

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