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Meeting The Challenges Of
The 21 Century Today
Meeting The Challenges Of
The 21 Century Today

Dr. Elvira Ramos

Meeting The Challenges Of
The 21 Century Today

Dr. Elvira Ramos

Prepared by Christian Paul Peligro

As educational leaders, classroom
teachers, students and parents will agree,
21st century teaching carries with it a
complicated mix of challenges and
opportunities. Challenges include the issues
of teacher turnover, accountability, changing
student populations and student
expectations, mounting budget pressures,
and intense demand to build students’ 21st
century skill. (Teaching In The 21st Century
eduviews 2008,
The last decade of the 20th century was
spent on stock taking and envisioning
future development at an international
scale. A view was envisioned by experts
in education through a UNESCO report
last may, 1998, entitled Learning The
Treasure Within.
A point raised in this report by Jacques
Delor is the concept of lifelong learning
and its evolution. It isn‘t simply a stage
which one must graduate from. The
concept of a learning society, which puts
greater value to learning as a fulfilling
human endeavor, is emerging, and our
learning institutions and organizations
must constantly reformulate themselves in
keeping up with this role.
There are many factors shaping the
education scenario. First of which is
technology and the emergence of an
information and knowledge economy. More
and more people are now engaged in
information and knowledge activities as their
principal means of sustenance. The internet
and the world wide web have opened
avenues for learning and sharing knowledge.
Major shifts are also taking place in the
governance of Education. The window of
reform has taken larger and deeper
dimensions in practically every country in
Policies and official processes are also taking
steps toward change. Specifically in our
country, big changes have occurred and are
waiting to be fully implemented due to the
new K12 program and the ASEAN
Integration. Changes to the traditional ways
Such changes in our country are also effected
by yet another factor that is shaping the
future of education. Globalization. To be able
to meet the demands of the international
stage and maintain an edge in working here
and abroad, it was deemed by educational
experts that Filipinos need to up their game
in the field of Education. The government,
then, followed through with this new system
All of these magnifies the significance of
the role of teacher education institutions
in shaping the future of education and
rearing those who will be at the forefront
of education and learning for the coming
Issues and Challenges
Issues and Challenges
Who are teaching our teachers?
Issues and Challenges
Who are teaching our teachers?
The model of teacher education is
based on a series of beliefs for teachers
that provide the rationale for the existence
of coursework, experiences, outcomes,
and assessments that occur throughout.
These beliefs represent a commitment by
university and local school community to
ensure the quality preparation of new
teaching professionals. (Colorado State
Issues and Challenges
Who are teaching our teachers?
SEAMEO INNOTECH (the preferred
education solutions provider in Southeast
Asia and beyond) proposed the development
of TEIs in order to gain a better appreciation
of the teaching philosophy, their capability
and readiness to promote and utilize
information and communication
technologies. They ensure that the enhanced
basic education program meets the demand
for quality teachers.
Issues and Challenges
Who are teaching our teachers?
Formerly, only TEIs were the sole
providers for pre-service and training for
teachers. Now, acting TEIs or duly
recognized organizations acting as TEIs
(DROATS) is in coordination with DepEd,
CHED, and other stakeholders, ensuring that
their curriculum meets the necessary quality
standards for trained teachers. They provide
training for purposes of retooling the
graduates of the teacher education
curriculum, and only in such areas where
there is a shortage of trained teachers.
Issues and Challenges
Who are teaching our teachers?
DROATS are temporary in nature and
they may diminish once existing TEIs
have aligned their teaching education
curriculum with the enhanced basic
education curriculum under the K12 Law.
Issues and Challenges
Who are teaching our teachers?
Foundations are also a source of
qualified teachers. These refers to non
profit organizations, which are not
operating as educational institutions,
contracted by DepEd for a fixed period, to
provide volunteers to teach in basic
education in areas where there is a
shortage of qualified teachers.
Issues and Challenges
Who are teaching our teachers?
These volunteers include graduates of
Science, Math, etc., admitted by
foundations duly recognized for their
expertise in the education sector and who
satisfactorily complete the requirements
set by these organizations. These
volunteers must pass the LET within 5
years from hiring.
Issues and Challenges
Who are teaching our teachers?
TESDA is also a source of teachers.
Graduates of technical or vocational
courses may teach in their specialized
subjects in the secondary education,
provided that these graduates possess the
necessary certification issued by TESDA.
Issues and Challenges
Who are teaching our teachers?
Practically, a teacher for the new K12
program may come from almost all the
fields of study and profession because
Experts and Practitioners are also allowed
to teach. They do not need any LET
requirement, MA, nor teaching experience
as long as they are qualified as experts in
their field of work. They may teach part
time in secondary education.
Issues and Challenges
Content Mastery and Pedagogy
Issues and Challenges
Content Mastery and Pedagogy
What might be one of the most
important part of teaching (if not the
most) is content mastery. A teacher needs
passion and patience, but more than
anything else, she needs to know what she
is talking about. That is what gives her
Issues and Challenges
Content Mastery and Pedagogy
While pedagogy is the HOW the
teaching and learning occurs. Student are
not just empty vessels to be filled with our
expert knowledge. They must construct
their own understandings through our
considered learning experiences.
These two are not exclusive to each
other and are demonstrated to go hand in
Issues and Challenges
Teacher Preparation
Issues and Challenges
Teacher Preparation
Different nations have set different
standards to determine if a teacher is
prepared and qualified to become a
teacher. Focusing in our country, here is a
short review of the statistics from our
previous years (from National Statistics
Office Philippines In Figures 2014)
Issues and Challenges
Teacher Preparation
Here are statistics for enrollees and
graduates of Education and teacher training
Issues and Challenges
Teacher Preparation
Here is a press release by Philippine
business for education about the
performance in the Licensure Exam for
teachers for October 2009 to September
Alarming Facts About Ph’s Teacher Schools

According to the latest statistics from the Commission on Higher

Education (CHED), for every 100 enrollees in teacher education
programs in the Philippines, only 16 will eventually graduate, on

On their first try, only eight of these 16 graduates will pass the
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET), an exam graduates need
to take before they can teach in public schools, given the country’s
average national test-taker passing rate of 54%. For the other eight
repeaters, the average passing rate is 16%.
Issues and Challenges
Teacher Preparation
1. 601 TEIs for elementary and 795 TEIs for
secondary performed below their respective
national passing rates

601 TEIs for elementary (out of 1,025 or 59%) and

795 TEIs for secondary (out of 1,259 or 63%)
performed below their respective national test-
taker passing rates of 52% and 56%. A big chunk
of these bad performing TEIs are Private Non-
Sectarians (55%) followed by State Universities
and Colleges (27%), Private Sectarian (13%), and
Local Colleges and Universities (5%).
Issues and Challenges
Teacher Preparation
2. 107 TEIs for elementary and 151 TEIs for
secondary had at least 75% of their students pass
the LET

Only 107 TEIs for elementary (out of 1,025 or 10%)

and 151 TEIs for secondary (out of 1,259 or 12%)
had at least 75% of their students pass the LET.
Majority of these good performing TEIs are
Private Non-Sectarians (35%) followed closely by
Private Sectarian (31%), State Universities and
Colleges (28%), and Local Colleges and
Universities (6%).
Issues and Challenges
Teacher Preparation
1. Quality and Accessible Education

• Close down programs of TEIs that have consistently

performed poorly for five years.
• Incentivize good performance in TEIs by giving more
weight to measurable performance indicators such as:
• In the financing criteria of government schools; and
• In the accreditation of private schools
Issues and Challenges
Teacher Preparation
2. Selective screening and recruitment

• Conduct a parallel review of LET questions

and the teacher education curriculum of TEIs
for improved alignment to the new K-12
• Explore other pre-college screening
instruments or standards such as a national
entrance exam for teachers.
Issues and Challenges
Teacher Preparation
3. Information Management

• Require each TEI (esp. SUCs and LCUs) to make LET

results readily available to parents and prospective
• LET application forms should differentiate
information on undergraduate degrees from the
Certificate in Teaching Program for better
performance monitoring.
• The Department of Education and private schools
associations should signal to TEIs the needed majors
or specializations of teachers in order to better balance
supply and demand.
Issues and Challenges
Changing Roles Of Teachers
Issues and Challenges
Changing Roles Of Teachers
One of the biggest challenges for teachers
is that their role in the school management
has also changed. The school needs them as
individuals, who can make decisions and
cope with the stress of the changing world of
schools. At the same time teachers need to be
able to work in teams, cooperate with
colleagues and parents, they have to write
projects to gain money for the school
programmes, they have to be PR experts’ and
need to do all these things for a modest
monthly income. (
Issues and Challenges
Changing Roles Of Teachers
The future world of learning is one
where the forces of globalization,
pervasive technology, and changing
demands in the learning environment
combine to form a dynamic setting that is
both challenging and daunting for
teachers. Together with the changes, new
expectations have knocked on our doors.
Issues and Challenges
Changing Roles Of Teachers
Globalization laces new and shifting
demands on the education service
provider, altering the terms of operations
for a teacher. In the K12 program, some
teachers will have to retool themselves
and enroll to training programs and other
courses in order to continue teaching and
earn for a living.
Issues and Challenges
Changing Roles Of Teachers
Teacher education should be reoriented
in order to address sustainability. UNESCO
has associated with York University in
Toronto, together with other universities to
incorporate to their programmes, practices,
and policies. Each member institution
addresses environmental, social, and
economic contexts to create locally relevant
and culturally appropriate teacher education
programs for both pre-service and in-service
Issues and Challenges
Changing Roles Of Teachers
Teachers deal with unique sets of
challenges. Meeting more stringent licensure
requirements, added professional
development demands, and increasingly
rigorous course content often add emotional
and professional stress to teachers’ lives. The
added pressures of the accountability
movement requirements such as increased
reporting, additional testing, differentiating
instruction for diverse learners, and
involvement in their school communities,
add time to their already full schedules.
Issues and Challenges
Changing Roles Of Teachers
Parental expectations for thorough
communications and rapid response to
questions and requests add greater demands
to their overflowing workdays. And while
teachers generally are committed to their
students, enjoy their work, and are devoted
to their profession and their content areas,
21st century students come to school with
very different sets of experiences and
expectations than their 20th century
Issues and Challenges
Changing Roles Of Teachers
These tech-savvy, multi-media, multi-tasking
digital natives navigate everyday life far
differently than many of their digital immigrant
teachers. Connecting with them, relating to them,
and motivating them now require teachers who
are open to new ways of teaching and supporting
students. Given these challenges, teachers who are
new to the profession often find themselves
frustrated, disappointed, and unsupported. They
leave their schools and often the profession and
the cycle continues. (Angel C. de Dios Phd,
Georgetown University, US)
Innovations and Strategies

Innovations and Strategies

Like most issues, the foregoing points

demand deeper introspection and analysis
on our part. It is essential, however, to
address them and focus our vision for
teacher education and training in the light
of all these changes.
Innovations and Strategies
Innovations and Strategies
- is the master plan for Teacher Education.
-is the articulation of a singular
competency based framework for teaching
and teacher development that would
guide all policies, reforms, and activities
related to teaching and teacher
Innovations and Strategies
The National Competency Based Teacher
Standards (NCBTS) is at the heart of the
TEDP. It is the key element of the TEDP
(Teacher Education and Development
Program). NCBTS defines effective teaching
as being able to help all types of students
learn the different learning goals in the
curriculum. An integrated theoretical
framework that defines the different
dimensions of effective teaching
Innovations and Strategies
Innovations and Strategies
7 domains
Innovations and Strategies
Technological Options And Tools
A number of models on technology
support for teacher upgrading are
available. The teacher utilizes a variety of
technologies to support the design of
materials, communication of knowledge,
and the storage and retrieval of
Innovations and Strategies
Technological Options And Tools
An example of this is the recent
initiative of SEAMEO Innotech last 24th
October, 2014. Taking advantage of the
many uses of mobile technology in
education, they initiated the development
of a teacher resource kit utilizing smart
phones and tablets to promote the
development of 21st century skills. The kit
is designed to bridge the digital divide
between students and teachers.
Innovations and Strategies
Technological Options And Tools

Also, regular computer tools like

microsoft applications, networking sites,
email, and the like, are very helpful for
regular activities of a teacher.
Innovations and Strategies
Technological Options And Tools

Teachers also have the ability to

socialize and communicate with fellow
teachers and experts from different fields
via communities online and they can
easily track new innovations through the
Innovations and Strategies
Technological Options And Tools

Global Filipino Teacher program by Globe telecom

Launched in 2009, the Global Filipino Teacher

program trains teachers on Effective Classroom
Management using ICT. Going beyond just teaching
GFTs to integrate ICT in the classroom, the program
also trains them to conduct problem-based learning.
To date, the program has benefitted 342 schools across
12 regions nationwide, and has produced 262
proficient Global Filipino Teachers.
Global competence is the name of the
game. With the dawn of the 21st century,
the global community is urged to keep up
with the higher expectation set forth by the
advancing age of globalization and
technology. Particularly, the people become
the gauge of progress. Countries need to
produce internationally competent human
resource for stronger economy, better
governance, and a more productive society.
To do this, as what human capital theory
suggests, the key is improving the quality of
In this regard, a call for globalization of
education in catering new generations of Filipino
learners needs to be answered. This is definitely a
huge challenge for the Philippines; in fact, it has
been a quest since then that until now the
government tries to accomplish. In pursuance of
the aim of improving Filipino society, we are
continuously striving on our way to becoming at
par with other developed countries in terms of the
quality of education as well as fighting our way to
solving many of its complications. (Shalee L.
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