Principles and Theories of Management

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FYBMS – Semester 1

 Managing has become one of the most

important areas of human activity.

 MANAGEMENT: Manage Men Tactfully

 A formal and coordinated group of people who
function to achieve particular goals

 These goals cannot be achieved by individuals acting

 People work together to meet their mutual needs.

 Man is a social animal and likes to live with other people.

 Satisfaction of economic and social needs.

 To achieve goals which cannot be achieved by individual

 Management is applied to all kinds of organization.

 Management is applied to everybody at all levels in an


 The aim of all managers is to generate profit.

 Management is related with productivity .

 Functions of managers are – Planning, organizing, staffing,

leading and controlling.
Using resources wisely and
in a cost-effective way

Making the right decisions and
successfully implementing them
 Management is a process
 Group activity
 Involves getting things done through people
 Result oriented
 Follows established principles
 Management need not be ownership
 Dynamic in nature
 Adopts professional approach
 Aided but cannot be replaced by computers
 All pervasive
 Intangible
 Management is required at all levels
 Management is a system of authority
 Management has a vast scope
 Management is an art, science and a profession

Controlling Organizing

Directing Staffing
 Men

 Material

 Machine

 Method

 Money

 Market
 Subject matter of management

 Functional areas of management

◦ Financial management
◦ Personnel management
◦ Purchasing management
◦ Production management
◦ Maintenance management
◦ Transport management
◦ Marketing management
◦ Office management
◦ Development management
 Management is an interdisciplinary approach

 Universal application

 Three essentials of management:

◦ Human relations, quantitative techniques and scientific method

 Agent of change
 Art is the most creative of all human pursuits.

 It is a technique of using:
◦ Information
◦ Knowledge
◦ Expertise
◦ Experience
 Management is creative:

◦ It is an art of decision-making. Every manager has to decide the

best available options.
 Management is based on three factors:

 Management like art, is based on three factors:

 judgement
 feeling
 intuition.
 Management is innovative.

 Management involves the use of skills, knowledge and

 Science is defined as an organized body of knowledge
pertaining to a specific area, critically tested and
generalized into theories,laws and principles.
 Scientific methods for decision making

 Management is a body of knowledge

 Universal application of management principles.

 Profession is an occupation carried on by professional
people like doctors, lawyers, architects, etc.

 It involves application of expert knowledge to solve

specific problems or to handle specific task.
 Formal education required

 Expert knowledge

 Specialization in particular fields

 Socially responsible
 A person who plans, organizes, directs and controls the
allocation of human, material, financial, and information
resources in pursuit of the organization’s goals.
 Technical

 Interpersonal/human

 Conceptual

 Diagnostic
 Diagnostic skills
 Administrative skills
 Analytical skills
 Communication skills
 Interpersonal skills
 Time management skills
 Computer skills
 Political skills
 How CEOs spend a typical day—
Desk Work

Meetings Unscheduled
59% Meetings


Touring Facilities
 Interpersonal
◦ Figurehead
◦ Leadership
◦ Liaison(link)

 Informational
◦ Monitor
◦ Disseminator
◦ Spokesperson

 Decisional
◦ Entrepreneur
◦ Conflict handler
◦ Resource allocator
◦ Negotiator
Levels of Management

Top managers

Middle managers

First-line managers

Areas of Management
 Top level Management is the ultimate authority in an

 It finalizes the overall objectives and formulates the

master strategy and broad business policies.
 Determining the business objectives
 Formulation of business policies and preparation of
plans for achieving the objectives.
 Designing an appropriate organizational framework.
 Bringing together resources to put plans into practice.
 Exercising effective supervision over all the departments.
 Introducing suitable remedial measures, if shortfalls are
 The middle level management comprises of heads of
departments such as production, marketing and finance

 These managers are expected to understand and support

the ideas and policies of the top management.
 Selection of efficient executives and staff.

 Introduction of proper procedures and operating routines for

orderly functioning of the departments.

 Motivating personnel for higher productivity and rewarding


 Collecting reports, statistical information and similar other

records about the work done in the department and forwarding
the same with necessary observations to the top management.

 Securing better performance by revising departmental policies.

 The lower level management includes foremen,
supervisors and sub-departmental executives assisted by
workers and clerks.

 Their authority is limited.

 They have to abide by the decisions taken by the higher

 Directing and supervision over the entire work force in the
factory, in the office and in the sales field.

 Acting a link between the higher management and the workers.

 Communicating the management’s decisions and policies to the


 Reporting actual performance of the workmen along with their

difficulties and problems to the higher level management.

 Maintaining discipline amongst the workers.

High 9 1,9 Team management
Country club management Work accomplishment is from
Thoughtful attention needs of people committed people, interdependence
for satisfying relationships leads to through a “common stake” in organization
8 A comfortable, friendly organization purpose leads to relationship
atmosphere and work tempo of trust and respect
Concern for people

Organization Man Management
5 Adequate organization performance
possible through balancing the necessity to
get out work with maintaining
morale of the people at a satisfactory level

3 9,1
Impoverished Management Authority-Obedience
Exertion of minimum effort to get Efficiency in operations results
2 from arranging conditions of
required work done is appropriate
to sustain organization membership work in such a way that human
Low elements interfere to a minimal degree

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Low Concern for production High
 Based on Old conditions and traditions
 Family based business
 Preference for same community
 Autocratic Style
 Decisions by owners
 Emphasis on profit and quick results
 Priority to traditions
 Reward for personal loyalty
 Limited professionalisation
 Large size units
 Use of modern technology
 Growing consumer orientation to business
 Growing market competition
 Globalisation of business
 Participative management
 Six Sigma

 Kaizen

 Benchmarking



 Division of Work
 Authority and Responsibility
 Discipline
 Unity of Command
 Unity of Direction
 Subordination of individual interest to general interest
 Centralization
 Remuneration
 Scalar Chain
 Order
 Equity
 Stability of tenure
 Initiative
 Esprit De Corps
 Scientific Task Setting
 Work Study
 Scientific Method
 Functional Foremanship
 Mental Revolution
 Cost Accounting
 Differential payment
 Standardisation
 Specialisation
 Reorganisation of supervision
 Nature of Management
 Dynamic Organisation
 Organisation Structure
 Management Functions
 Federalism
 Strategic Intent
 Core Competencies
 Corporate imagination
 Leading Customers
 Escaping served Markets
 Innovative product concepts
 Strategic Architecture
 Expeditionary Marketing
 Strategic innovation
 Industry transformation
 Global strategy and organisation

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