Demo STAT and PROB For COT

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Review Activity: Solution Relay

Directions: The class will be divided into 3 groups. Each

group will be given a problem which is about determining
the area under the curve. To solve the problem, the groups
will be further divided into pairs. The first pair will only be
given 1 portion of the solution. The next portions of the
solution will be worked on by the next pairs until the
solution is finish. Note: Other pairs of the group shall not
help the pair that is currently answering. Although, they
may correct the answers of the previous pair on their turn.
Solution Relay Problem

𝜇 = 85 ; 𝜎 = 4.12
Determine the area to the right portion
of the normal curve given X = 75.
Lesson 8

1. Apply the normal curve concepts

to real life situations
Problem Solving Cheat Code:

Find the following words in the word problem

BELOW – Determine the area to the left.

ABOVE – Determine the area to the right.
BETWEEN – Determine the area in between.
Let’s Wrap it Up
For easier retention, follow the steps below with keywords:

 GIVEN – Analyse the problem for the given data.

 CONVERT – Convert the raw score X to z-score
 CURVE – Make an illustration of the problem using the normal
 COMPUTE – Make the necessary computation for the area of the
normal curve being asked for.
 PRODUCT – If it is asked “How many?”, then multiply the
computed area under the normal curve by N which is the number
of observations in the population.
 CONCLUDE – Write the appropriate conclusion for the problem.
Real Life Application
In what ways is this lesson
helpful in real life?
Directions: Solve the following word
problems. Include necessary
representations in your solution.
There were 500 incoming students who took
the entrance exam in Laguna State Polytechnic
University. The mean score was 87 with a
standard deviation of 3. The distribution is
normally distributed.

a. How many scored higher than 95?

b. How many scored between 84 to 90?

“We must become more

comfortable with probability and
--Nate Silver

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