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Slide 1

SGTM 7: Landmine and

Unexploded Ordnance

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 2

 Introduction and questionnaire

 Defining mines and unexploded ordnance
 Identifying the threat
 Informing and preparing yourself
 Practising caution on the road
 Exiting a minefield
 Treating injury

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 3

 Be aware, be safe ― Mines and

UXO are always dangerous

 Only trained specialists should

search for and handle them

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 4 True or false?

 Unexploded bombs are not

so dangerous because you
can see them and simply
move them out of your way.

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 5 True or false?

 A type of mine will explode

only when you take your
foot off of it; so you may
have time to find a heavy
object to place on the mine
as you remove your foot.

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 6 True or false?

 A mine that did not go off

the first time will not
explode later.

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 7 True or false?

 If you run or drive very

quickly through a minefield,
you can avoid the blast of
an exploding mine.

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 8 True or false?

 Driving livestock through a

field makes the field safe
from mines.

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 9 True or false?

 Landmines tend to rot in the

ground, so they will not
work after being buried for a
few years.

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 10 True or false?

 Burning an area may clear it

of some mines, but not all of

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 11
Mines, landmines
 Anti-personnel
 Blast effect
 Fragmentation
 Stake
 Directional
 Bounding

 Anti-tank, anti-vehicle

 Grenades, rockets, mortars,
bombs, other

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 12 Activation by:

 Direct pressure
 Tripwires
 Command detonation
 Tilt rods
 Time delay
 Disturbance
 Other (e.g., light)

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 13 Identifying the threat

 Country-specific leaflets

 Mine replicas

 Updates from mine action

centre, other

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 14 Warning signs

 Destroyed buildings, vehicles, equipment

 Partly visible mines and UXO
 Discarded packaging
 Tripwires, tilt rods
 Casualties, injured or dead animals
 Signs of fighting
 Disturbed soil, vegetation
 Overgrown areas
 Signs of local behaviour (areas avoided)

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 15 Three cardinal rules

 When in doubt, stay out!

 Well-laid landmines are

almost impossible to see!

 Never approach, never

touch landmines or UXO!

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 16 Know who can help you

 Medical facilities

 Mine action centres, agencies

 United Nations resources

 Aid agencies, NGOs

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 17 Update your mine and UXO information regularly

 The locations you should

know about

 The types of information

you should collect

 From whom you should

collect the information

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 18 Share your information with:

 Your head office

 Local mine action centres

 United Nations resources

 Aid agencies, NGOs

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 19

 Follow personal and

vehicle safety

 Drive slowly: speed

is not a priority over

 Don’t take risks! If

you have any doubt,
turn back!

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 20 Caught in a minefield?

M Movement stops

I Inform and warn: tell everyone not to

move, contact base, indicate location
N Note area, examine ground, look for
tripwires and mines, identify safe

E Evaluate situation, take control

D Do not move from your location,

wait for help

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 21 Injury in a minefield?

 Do not rush to the victim — do not try

to rescue her/him
 Note time and location
 Call a mine clearance team and medevac
 Talk to the victim
 Prepare first aid kit

 Wait for assistance

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 22 Emergency procedures

 Check victim for breathing

 Stop the bleeding

 Elevate injured limb above heart level

 Keep victim calm, protect from

 Get victim to hospital by best available

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

Slide 23

 Be aware of the threat

 Be informed and prepared

 Be careful: emergency

SGTM 7: Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance Awareness

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