Social Science

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Why did Apolinario Mabini became a hero?

Apolinario Mabini was one of the foremost of the Philippine

revolutionary heroes. He was the "brains" of the revolution.
Crippled as a young man by polio, he realized that his physical
limitations not only limited his personal life but the struggle his
beloved homeland was undergoing to become a sovereign
Who is Apolinario Mabini?
Personal details
Born Apolinario Mabini y Maranan
July 23, 1864
Tanauan, Batangas, Captaincy General of
the Philippines

Died May 13, 1903 (aged 38)

Manila, Philippine Islands
Alma mater Colegio de San Juan de Letran
University of Santo Tomas
Profession Politician
Apolinario Mabini y Maranan was a Filipino revolutionary leader, educator,
lawyer, and statesman who served first as a legal and constitutional adviser
to the Revolutionary Government, and then as the first Prime Minister of the
Philippines upon the establishment of the First Philippine Republic.
Born: 23 July 1864, Tanauan
Died: 13 May 1903, Manila
Nickname: poly
Full name: Apolinario Mabini y Maranan
Parents: Dionisia Maranan, Inocencio Mabini
Siblings: Alejandro Mabini, Prudencio Mabini

First. Love God and your honor over all things: God, as the source of all
truth, all justice and all activity; your honor, the only power that obliges you
to be truthful, just and industrious.
Second. Worship God in the form that your conscience that God speaks to you, reproaching
you for your misdeeds and applauding you for your good deeds.

Third. Develop the special talents that God has given you, working and studying according to
your capabilities, never straying from the path of good and justice, in order to achieve your own
perfection, and by this means you will contribute to the progress of humanity: thus you will
accomplish the mission that God himself has given you in this life, and achieving this, you will have
honor, and having honor, you will be glorifying God.
Fourth. Love your country after God and your honor, and more than you love yourself,
because your country is the only paradise that God has given you in this life; the only patrimony
of your race; the only inheritance from your ancestors; and the only future of your descendants:
because of your country you have life, love and interests; happiness, honor and God.

Fifth. Strive for the happiness of your country before your own, making her the reigning
influence for reason, justice and work; if your country is happy, you and your family will also
be happy.

Sixth. Strive for the independence of your country, because you alone can have a real
interest in her aggrandizement and ennoblement, since here independence will mean your
own freedom, her aggrandizement your own perfection, and her ennoblement your own
glory and immortality.
Seventh. In your country, do not recognize the authority of any person who has not
been elected by you and your compatriots, because all authority comes from God, and as
God speaks to the conscience of each individual, the person chosen and proclaimed by the
consciences of all the individuals of a whole town is the only one that can exercise real

Eighth. Strive that your country be constituted as a republic, and never as a

monarchy: a monarchy empowers one or several families and lays the foundation for a
dynasty; a republic ennobles and dignifies a country based on reason, it is great because
of its freedom, and is made prosperous and brilliant by dint of work.

Ninth. Love your neighbor as you love yourself, because God has imposed on him and
on you the obligation to help one another, and has dictated that he does not do unto you
what he does not want you to do unto him; but if your neighbor is remiss in this sacred duty
and makes an attempt on your life, your freedom and your priorities, then you should
destroy him and crush him, because the supreme law of self preservation must prevail.
Tenth. Always look on your countryman as more than a neighbor: you will find in
him a friend, a brother and at least the companion to whom you are tied by only one
destiny, by the same happiness and sorrows, and by the same aspirations and

Because of this, while the borders of the nations established and

preserved by the egoism of race and of family remain standing, you
must remain united to your country in perfect solidarity of views
and interests in order to gain strength, not only to combat the
common enemy, but also to achieve all the objectives of human life.
Mabini introduced social philosophiesin
his political writings.His major works
included “El Verdadero
Decalogo”,”Ordenanzas de la
Revolucion”and the “Programa
constitutional de la republica
Filipina”.As a defender of the Philippine
independence,Mabini can be considered
as one of tge brilliant Filipino social
Definition and role of citizenship
The need for radical changes
According to Mabini,genuine social renewal can only be achieved
through radical institutional and personal changes.Personal change
meant an alternation of the way of Filipinos think and live.Mabini
believes that an “internal and external revolution”was necessary in
order to “establish a more solid basis for moral education and to
foreswear the vices that we have inherited from the
Spaniards.(David 2015)
Concept of man and society
In his prize-winning biography of Apolinario
Mabini,Cesar Adib Majul write about Mabini’s concept of
man and society.Mabini,according to Majul,calls man as a
creation of God who possesses certain inalienable rights
called natural rights.Mabini asserts,”Had the right to
seek those means necessary to maintain and perpetuate
his life”.Men are by nature good and just and have the
capacity to unfold his goodness and sense of justice to
Role of government
Authority in society constitutes the government.According to
Majul,Mabini believes that society “should havr a soul:authority.
This authority need an intellect to guide and direct it: the legislative
power.It also needs a will that is active and which shall make it
work:the executive.
Mabini believes that all divisions of the government were
responsible to the people.Mabini asserts that government must
guarantee to the citizens “the highest degree of personal security
,the greatest number of rights the maximum satisfaction of
economic wants,and the best possible education”
The true Decalogue
Mabini developed a decalogue that is made up of truths communicated by God
to men through the use of reason.The Decalogue of Mabini focused on
God,Nation,Independemce,and the love of neoghbors.He believed that once
the rules of the Decalogue were reflected upon and understood,people will
discover things which have been hidden from them by the spaniards.Below are
the main points in Mabini’s Decalogue.

1.Love of God and one’s honor.

2.Nation was to be loved as the
patrimony of the race.
3.Happiness of the nation was to take precedence over that
of the individual.

4.Independence was to be a major aspirations.

5.People must not recognize any person as an authority

unless he had been properly elected by them.

6.Love your neighbor not merely as a neighbor but as a

fellow member of a community.

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