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Kegawatdaruratan Obstetri :

Perdarahan Pascapersalinan
Klasifikasi Syok Hipovolemik-Prakiraan Volume darah Dewasa
(70mL/kgBB) Hamil T3-Postpartum (100 mL/kgBB)- Cara Benedet
Prakiraan Persentasi
Klasifikasi Perdarahan Tanda dan Gejala Klinis Action
(ml) Perdarahan (%)
0 (normal) < 500 < 10 Tidak ada
Garis Waspada
Perlu pengawasan ketat dan
1 500–1000 < 15 Minimal Terapi cairan infus
Garis Bertindak
↑ pulse rate
2 1200–1500 20–25 Nadi halus Terapi cairan infus dan
↓ diuresis uterotonika
↑ prernapasan
hipotensi postural
3 1800–2100 30–35 takikardia Manajemen aktif dan
akral dingin agresif
Manajemen aktik kritikal
4 > 2400 > 40 Syok (risiko 50% mortalitas bila
tidak ditatalaksana aktif)

Benedetti T. Obstetric haemorrhage. In Gabbe SG, Niebyl JR, Simpson JL, eds. A Pocket Companion to Obstetrics, 4th edn. New York: Churchill Livingstone,
2002:Ch 17. In: B-Lynch C, Keith LG, Lalonde AB, Karoshi M, editors. A Textbook of Postpartum Hemorrhage-A comprehensive guide to evaluation,
management and surgical intervention. Dumfriesshire: Sapiens Publishing; 2007. p. 35-44.
Modified Early Obstetric Warning Scoring system
(MEOWS) chart from the Liverpool Women’s Hospital
Score 3 2 1 0 1 2 3
Pulse ≤ 40 41- 51-100 101- 111- > 130
50 110 129
RR ≤8 9-14 15-20 21-29 > 30
Temp ≤ 35.0 35.1- 37.3- ≥ 38
37.2 37.9
CNS Confused Alert Respo Respo Unresp
nse to nse to onsive
Voice Pain
Systo BP ≤ 70 71-80 81- 101-199 ≥ 200

Upadhyay K. Risk management and medicolegal issues related to postpartum haemorrhage. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and
Gynaecology 2008;22(6):1149-69
Modified Early Obstetric Warning Scoring system (MEOWS)

Upadhyay K. Risk management and medicolegal issues related to postpartum haemorrhage. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and
Gynaecology 2008;22(6):1149-69
1. Aktivasi
NEWSS Pasien Dewasa
3 2 1 0 1 2 3
Pernapasan/ <8 8 9-17 18-20 21-29 >30
Nadi/ menit <40 40-50 51-100 101-110 111-129 >130
Tekanan darah <70 71-80 81-100 101-159 160-199 200-220 >220
Tingkat Coma Stupor Somnolen Compos Apatis Delirium
Kesadaran Mentis

Suhu Tubuh <35oC 35.05-36oC 36.05- 38.05- >38.5oC

38.oC 38.5oC

Hijau Kuning Orange Merah

0-1 2-3 4-5 >6
Aktivasi Kaji Ulang
Merah Code Blue
DPJP Ruangan

Perbaikan PJ Kaji Ulang

Oranye Tatalaksana
Ruangan tiap 1 jam

PJ Kaji Ulang
Kuning Asesmen ulang
Ruangan tiap 2 Jam

Kaji ulang
Hijau Pasien dalam keadaan stabil Setiap
Pathway for the management of abnormal Modified Early
Obstetric Warning Scoring system (MEOWS) scores

Upadhyay K. Risk management and medicolegal issues related to postpartum haemorrhage. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and
Gynaecology 2008;22(6):1149-69

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