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Subject :Fundamentals of Aerodynamics (2160101)

Topic Name : Aircraft Control

Created By : 1. Mayur Ladumor (181390101010)

2. Kishan Chhotala (181390101001)

Submitted By : GAURAV MEHTA

 1) Primary Control :
 Ailerons  Leading Edge
 Elevators  Cuffs
 Spoiler
 Rudder
 Trim tabs
 2) Secondary Control :
 3) Integrated Control
 Flaps
 Flaperon
 Fixed Slots
 Rudder
 Movable Slot  Elavons
1). Primary Control
 What is Primary control ?
 Primary control refers to
behaviors directed at the
external environment and
involves attempts to
change the world to fit the
needs and desires of the
individual. Secondary
control is targeted at
internal processes and
serves to minimize losses
in, maintain, and expand
existing levels of primary
i) What is Ailerons ?

 An aileron is a hinged
flight control surface
usually forming part of
the trailing edge of each
wing of a fixed-wing
aircraft. Ailerons are
used in pairs to control
the aircraft in roll, which
normally results in a
change in flight path due
to the tilting of the lift
ii) What is Elevators ?

 Elevators are flight cont

rol surfaces, usually at
the rear of an aircraft,
which control
the aircraft's pitch, and
therefore the angle of
attack and the lift of the
wing. The elevators are
usually hinged to the tail
plane or horizontal
iii) What is Rudder ?

 A rudder is a primary
control surface used to
steer a ship, boat,
submarine, hovercraft,
aircraft, or other
conveyance that moves
through a fluid medium.
On an aircraft the rudder
is used primarily to
counter adverse yaw and
p-factor and is not the
primary control used to
turn the airplane.
i) What is Flaps ?

 Flaps are a kind of high-lift

device used to increase the
lift of an aircraft wing at a
given airspeed. Flaps are
usually mounted on the
wing trailing edges of a
fixed-wing aircraft. Flaps
are used for extra lift on
takeoff. Flaps also cause an
increase in drag in mid-
flight, so they are retracted
when not needed.
ii) What is Fixed Slots ?

 A leading-edge slot is
a fixed aerodynamic
feature of the wing of
some aircraft to reduce
the stall speed and
promote good low-
speed handling
2) What is Secondary Control?

 Secondary
control refers to the
process by which people
adjust some aspect of
the self and accept
circumstances as they
are. The authors also
identify a "fit
versus control"
dimension, along
which secondary
control research can be
classified and reviewed.
iii) What is Movable Slot ?

 A leading edge slot is

basically a span wise
opening in the wing. Slats
are aerodynamic surfaces
in the leading edge, which
when deployed, allows the
wing to operate at higher
angle of attack. ... A
number of airliners
use movable slats, in
which case, the system is
called slat, rather than slot.
iv) What is Leading Edge ?

 The leading edge is the

part of the wing that
first contacts the air;
alternatively it is the
foremost edge of an
airfoil section. The first
is an aerodynamic
definition, the second a
structural one.
vii) What is Trim tabs ?

 Trim tabs are small

surfaces connected to
the trailing edge of a
larger control surface
on a boat or aircraft,
used to control the
trim of the controls, i.e.
to counteract ...Uses in
boats, Uses in aircraft
v) What is Cuffs ?

 A leading-edge cuff is a
fixed aerodynamic wing
device employed on fixed-
wing aircraft to improve
the stall and spin
characteristics. Cuffs may
be either factory-designed
or an after-market add-on
modification. A further
benefit is to lowering stall
speed, with lower
approach speeds and
shorter landing distances.
Vi) What is Spoilers?

 A spoiler is an element of
a disseminated summary
or description of any
piece of fiction that
reveals any plot
elements which threaten
to give away important
details. Typically, the
details of the conclusion
of the plot, including the
climax and ending, are
especially regarded as
spoiler material.
3) What is Integrated Control
? Integral control is
the control mode
the controller output is
proportional to
the integral of the
error with respect to
i) What is Flaperon ?

 A flaperon on an
aircraft's wing is a type of
control surface that
combines the functions
of both flaps and
ailerons. Some smaller
kit planes have flaperon
for reasons of simplicity
of manufacture, while
some large commercial
aircraft may have a
flaperon between the
flaps and aileron.
ii) What is RudderVators ?

 A butterfly, or V-tail,
which combines the
effect of
the rudder and the
elevators. These are
movable surfaces. They
cause the aircraft to
pitch up or down when
they move together
and yaw when they
move differentially.
iii) What is Elavons ?

 Camber is desirable
when generating high
levels of lift, and
so elavons reduce the
maximum lift and
efficiency of a wing.
These may be used in
many unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs) and 6th
fighter aircraft.

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