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Persuasive techniques are used to

persuade people to do/buy something
or the other. HUMANS ARE VERY
Types of
Bandwagon- Testimonial- Appeal To Emotions-
An ad suggesting that When a person The advertisement tells us

Techniques everyone is using a

specific product, so
endorses an idea or
product and she/he
something to make us feel a
certain way. There are sub
categories in this such as
you should too. uses it in the
Do you know what are types of advertisement and Appeal to Fear, Appeal to
sympathy etc.
techniques used to persuade people? so should we!
Here, let me tell you!

Repetition- Humor- Rhetorical Question-

The name of the The advertisement will The advertisement asks a
product or idea is make people laugh so question to make an effect- no
repeated multiple times. people buy it. answer is expected.
Sea Port Airlines-
Safety Ware-
Testimonial Persuasive
Appeal to Fear Persuasive Technique

The four advertisements that I
have chosen from the two given
Superman says that if we all drink
slide shows are- milk, we can be as strong and ‘Be a hero for animals.’ –
famous as he is. Testimonial
Persuasive Technique. Appeal to Sympathy
Persuasive Technique.
• Why I have chosen SEAPORT

Reasons why I AIRLINES as one of the

advertisements is because it is able to

have chosen attract me. The man advertising for

the same says that his commute has

each one of become 50% faster. This is the thing

that attracts me towards it. This airline

those is faster than any other!

• I have chosen ‘Safety Ware’ as one of
advertisements- the advertisements because it will
guard my laptop from any viruses.
Now, this is Appeal to Fear, I have a
fear that my laptop might catch a
virus. 4
• ‘If we drink milk we can all be as
Continuation- famous and strong as superman.’ What
my perspective about this is that this
advertisements is to encourage
children to drink milk. And most
children know Marvel Avengers very
well it will sure encourage the children.

• We could all be a hero for animals. This

picture is Appealing to Sympathy
because it makes me feel that they are
not being treated in the rightful
way/the way that they should be
treated, the respect that they should 5
be given.

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