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Group 1 Amphetamines

Category Amphetamines

● Amphetamines are classified as a stimulant drug

● It increases the activity of certain chemicals in the brain,
like dopamine a chemical in your brain makes us happy, giving us more of
this stimulates the brain.
Substances that are Amphetamines

● Meth
Potent form of Amphetamine
● Speed
● Dexamphetamine
Used in medicinal purposes (ADHD)
Origins of Amphetamines
Amphetamine was first synthesized by a Romanian
chemist named Lazar Edeleanu
at the University of Berlin in 1887, but was not
used clinically until Gordon A. Alles re-synthesized
the drug in the 1920s for use in medical settings
to treat asthma, hay fever, and colds.
Methods of intake

1. Crushed and snorted

2. Ingested orally
3. Dissolved in water
4. Smoked
5. Injected
Effects of Amphetamines

Short term Effects Long Term effects (in addition to short term effects)

● Pale skin. ● Malnutrition and weight loss.

● Feelings of being powerful or ● Reduced resistance to infection.
superior. ● Violent behaviour.
● Repetitive movement. ● Emotional disturbances.
● Irregular breathing. ● Periods of psychosis.
● Very rapid or irregular heartbeat. ● Delusional thoughts and behaviour.
● Jaw clamping/teeth grinding. ● Mood swings.
● Panic attacks.
Overdose effects from Amphetamines

● Hyperactivity, sweating
● Rapid breathing or a feeling that you ‘can’t breathe’
● Difficulty passing urine
● Shaking / Trembling / spasms
● Chest pain, pounding heart
● Raised temperature
● Body chills
● Disorientation
● Severe Headache
● Vomiting
● Paranoid, delusional, agitated, irritable, anxious or psychotic behaviour
● Convulsions
Photographs of Amphetamines
Photographs of Amphetamines
Photographs of Amphetamines
Side notes about Amphetamines

There is no safe level of illicit drug use. All drugs including amphetamines will affect
each person differently depending on the person's characteristics (such as physical
size, gender, mood, diet, fitness, age, expectations and health), the drug itself (such as
the amount used and its purity), and how it is taken and the environment a person is in
when using the drug.
DON’T do drugs
A drug overdose is life threatening. If you suspect bad effects from drugs every second counts,
react fast and call an ambulance immediately. Police will not normally attend unless ambulance
officers are threatened or there is a death.

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