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Meteorology & Air Quality

Dispersion = Advection (Transport) + Dilution (Diffusion)

Source Receptor


Fick’s law of diffusion J= - D * D C/Dx

Where, J= Mass Flux; D = Diffusivity coefficient,; D C/Dx = Concentration gradient

Diffusion of pollutants occur due to turbulence, which further depends upon many factors:
a. Ambient temperature
b. Temperature of emissions
c. Roughness factors
d. Wind velocity
e. Wind direction
f. Humidity
g. Stability
Air Pollutant Cycle

• General mean air motion

• Turbulent velocity fluctuations
• Diffusion due to concentration gradients –
from plumes
• Aerodynamic characteristics of pollution
• Particles
– Size
– Shape
– Weight
• Not always completely understood
• Two types:
• Atmospheric heating
– Causes natural convection currents --- discussed
– Thermal eddies
• Mechanical turbulence
– Results from shear wind effects
– Result from air movement over the earth’s surface,
influenced by location of buildings and relative roughness
of terrain.
Lapse Rate
• Important characteristic of atmosphere is
ability to resist vertical motion: stability
• Affects ability to disperse pollutants
• When small volume of air is displaced upward
– Encounters lower pressure
– Expands to lower temperature
– Assume no heat transfers to surrounding
– Called adiabatic expansion
Adiabatic Expansion
To determine the change in temp. w/ elevation due to
adiabatic expansion
– Atmosphere considered a stationary column of air in a
gravitational field
– Gas is a dry ideal gas
– Ignoring friction and inertial effects

( dT/dz)adiabatic perfect gas = - (g M/ Cp)

• T = temperature
• z = vertical distance
• g = acceleration due to gravity
• M = molecular weight of air
• Cp = heat capacity of the gas at constant pressure
Adiabatic Expansion
( dT/dz)adiabatic perfect gas = -0.0098°C/m


( dT/dz)adiabatic perfect gas = -5.4°F/ft

Change in Temp. with change in height

Lapse rate

• Lapse rate is the negative of temperature

• Dry adiabatic lapse rate =
Γ = - 1°C/100m or
Γ = - 5.4°F/1000ft
• Important is ability to resist vertical motion:
• Comparison of Γ to actual environment lapse rate
indicates stability of atmosphere
• Degree of stability is a measure of the ability of
the atmosphere to disperse pollutants
Atmospheric Stability

• Affects dispersion of pollutants

• Temperature/elevation relationship principal
determinant of atmospheric stability
• Stable
– Little vertical mixing
– Pollutants emitted near surface tend to stay there
– Environmental lapse rate is same as the dry
adiabatic lapse rate
• 4 common scenarios
Stability Classes

• Developed for use in dispersion models

• Stability classified into 6 classes (A – F)
• A: strongly unstable
• B: moderately unstable
• C: slightly unstable
• D: neutral
• E: slightly stable
• F: moderately stable
Vertical Temperature
Environmental lapse rate (ELR)
Dry adiabatic lapse rate (DALR)
ELR > DALR =sub adiabatic
condition, atmosphere is stable.
ELR >> DALR= Inversion
conditions. Very stable atmosphere.
ELR= DALR= atmosphere is
ELR< DALR = super adiabatic
condition, atmosphere is unstable.

Shapes of plumes depends upon

atmospheric stability conditions.
Mixing Height of atmosphere
The height of the base of the inversion layer from ground surface.
General Characteristics of Stack
• Dispersion of pollutants
• Wind – carries pollution downstream from source
• Atmospheric turbulence -- causes pollutants to
fluctuate from mainstream in vertical and crosswind
• Mechanical & atmospheric heating both present at
same time but in varying ratios
• Affect plume dispersion differently
Plume Types

• Plume types are important because they help

us understand under what conditions there
will be higher concentrations of contaminants
at ground level.
Looping Plume
• High degree of convective
• Superadiabatic lapse rate -- strong
• Associated with clear daytime
conditions accompanied by strong
solar heating & light winds
• High probability of high
concentrations sporadically at
ground level close to stack.
• Occurs in unstable atmospheric
Coning Plume

• Stable with small-scale

• Associated with overcast
moderate to strong winds
• Roughly 10° cone
• Pollutants travel fairly long
distances before reaching
ground level in significant
• Occurs in neutral
atmospheric conditions
Fanning Plume
• Occurs under large negative
lapse rate
• Strong inversion at a
considerable distance above
the stack
• Extremely stable atmosphere
• Little turbulence
• If plume density is similar to
air, travels downwind at
approximately same elevation
Lofting Plume
• Favorable in the sense
that fewer impacts at
ground level.
• Pollutants go up into
• They are created when
atmospheric conditions
are unstable above the
plume and stable
• Most dangerous plume:
contaminants are all coming
down to ground level.
• They are created when
atmospheric conditions are
stable above the plume and
unstable below.
• This happens most often
after the daylight sun has
warmed the atmosphere,
which turns a night time
fanning plume into
fumigation for about a half
an hour.

• USEPA, 2007. Online literature from

• Meteorology and Air Quality Modeling Support for Measurement
• Rao, M.N. and Rao, H. V. N., 1993. Air Pollution, Tata Mc-Graw Hill,
New Delhi.
• Murty, B. P., 2004. Environmental Meteorology, I.K. International Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi.
• Nevers, N.D. 2000. Air Pollution Control Engineering, Second
Edition, Pub., McGraw Hill, New York.
• Cheremisinoff, N.P., 2002. Handbook of Air Pollution Prevention and
Control, Pub., Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier Science, USA.

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