English I - Final Revision

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Final revision

I Complete the following text using the appropriate form of the

words in brackets and insert the articles (a/an, the, - ) as necessary.

 The British Parliament _________ (examine)

and _________ (pass) proposals for ______
new laws, generally in ______ form of Bills
presented to Parliament by the Government. The
Government cannot simply legislate on its own –
it requires ______ approval of _____ House of
Commons and _____ House of Lords for new
laws. Bills __________________ (usually
amend) during their passage through both
Houses, and those that pass through all ______
required stages become _____ Acts of
Parliament. ______ most of _____ detailed
examination of Bills ______________ (carry
out) in Standing Committees.
 The British Parliament EXAMINES (examine) and
PASSES (pass) proposals for Ø new laws,
generally in THE form of Bills presented to the
Parliament by the Government. The Government
cannot simply legislate on its own – it requires
AN/THE approval of THE House of Commons
and THE House of Lords for new laws. Bills ARE
USUALLY AMENDED (usually amend) during
their passage through both Houses, and those
that pass through all THE required stages become
THE Acts of Parliament. THE / Ø most of THE
detailed examination of Bills IS CARRIED OUT
(carry out) in Standing Committees.
II Complete the following statements.

1. ___________ and equity are two parallel systems of justice which exist side by side in English
2. ____________ are passed by the Parliament whereas ___________ _____________ are made
by courts.
3. The Government exercises the _____________ power.
4. The law is enforced by _________________ .
5. __________________ represents the legislative power.
6. ________________ can represent lay clients in all courts of England and Wales.
7. As distinguished from the European continental or civil law the English legal system is called
_______________ .
8. ___________ law is concerned with disputes between individuals, and action is taken by the
aggrieved party.
9. Legal services commission is set up to run ______________ ___________ _________ in
10. In order to establish who qualifies for legal aid two tests have to be conducted:
a) ________________________ and b) ____________________________ .
11. _______________ precedents are made by higher courts and they have to be followed,
whereas those which are made by lower courts and do not have to be followed are
_____________________ .
12. The two courts which try criminal offences in the first instance are: __________________
and ______________________ .

1. COMMON LAW and equity are two parallel systems of justice which exist side by side in
English law.
2. STATUTES are passed by the Parliament whereas JUDICIAL PRECEDENTS are made by
3. The Government exercises the EXECUTIVE power.
4. The law is enforced by COURTS .
5. PARLIAMENTS represents the legislative power.
6. BARRISTERS can represent lay clients in all courts of England and Wales.
7. As distinguished from the European continental or civil law the English legal system is called
8. CIVIL law is concerned with disputes between individuals, and action is taken by the
aggrieved party.
9. Legal services commission is set up to run THE LEGAL AID SCHEME in Britain.
10. In order to establish who qualifies for legal aid two tests have to be conducted:
11. BINDING precedents are made by higher courts and they have to be followed, whereas those
which are made by lower courts and do not have to be followed are PERSUASIVE .
12. The two courts which try criminal offences in the first instance are: MAGISTRATES’
III Translate into English.

1. imati pravo zastupanja na svim sudovima

2. sudbena vlast
3. ustavno pravo
4. pisani zakoni koje donosi Parlament
5. kaznena nadležnost
6. prizivni sud
7. donositi zakone
8. pružati besplatnu pravnu pomoć / dobivati
besplatnu pravnu pomoć
9. donijeti presudu (u građanskom postupku)
10. podići tužbu u građanskom postupku
1. to have the right of audience in all courts /
to have the right to represent in all courts
2. judicial power
3. constitutional law
4. statutary law / enacted law / codified law
5. criminal jurisdiction
6. court of appeal / appelate court
7. to pass / to enact / to lay down laws
8. to provide / obtain legal aid
9. to pass a judgement
10. to file a claim / to bring an action
IV Translate into Croatian.

 The House of Commons is an elected legislative

body of the bicameral British Parliament. The
House consists of 650 elected members, who are
known as Members of Parliament (MPs). Each MP
is elected by a particular geographical area known
as a constituency*. The leader of the party which
has the majority of MPs becomes Prime Minister
and forms a government, with its members drawn
from the House of Commons and, to a lesser
extent, from the House of Lords.

 *constituency = izborni okrug

 Donji dom je izabrano zakonodavno tijelo
dvodomnog britanskog parlamenta. Sastoji se
od 650 izabranih članova, poznatih pod
imenom članovi parlamenta (MPs). Svakog
člana parlamenta bira neko geografsko
područje tzv. izborni okrug.Vođa stranke koja
ima većinu zastupnika u Donjem domu
postaje premijer i sastavlja vladu od članova
Donjeg doma i u manjoj mjeri članova
Gornjeg doma.

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