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Library Management

Library Management
O It compromises a number of key roles and
responsibilities, such as human resource
management, library records management,
and assessment, etc.
O The management of library means in easy
words, efficient and effective management
of material, machinery, men and money to
meet the objective of the library.
Four Significant Aspects of
O Intangibility
O Inseparability
O Heterogeneity
O Perishability
Roles of a Library Manager
O Interpersonal Role:
1. Library manager since a figurehead with
duties of a ceremonial nature.
2. Leading role.
O Informational Role:
1. Perpetually scanning and monitoring of
2. Disseminator role.
3. Specific role of informing and satisfying
several clusters.
Roles of a Library Manager
O Decisional Role
1. Since entrepreneur looking out for new
ideas and adopt them for transform.
2. Solving unanticipated troubles and handling
3. Possessions allocation role of dividing job
and delegating power.
4. Negotiator role.
Common Library Construct
O Most Libraries today adhere to some
derivative of the Dewey Decimal
Classification (DDC) for tagging, retrieving
and storing material resources. Some
common constructs have been developed as
tools for the use of users and library
professionals alike.
Common Library Construct
O Master Catalog
A subject-specific catalog that directs a user to a
specific area of the library.
O Domain Catalog
Domain catalogs are characteristic of a large
libraries in which the master catalog is deemed
unsuitable for containing all system information.
O Index
Artifacts are generally grouped by the common
indexes such as “by subject”, “by author” and “by
Common Library Construct
O Unique Identifier
Serve the purpose of assigning information about
an artifact with a unique and readable string of
O Unique Identifier Token
Direct a user to a specific wing within a library, then
to an aisle within the wing and then to a specific
bookcase within the special aisle.
Planning and Maintaining
Library Facilities
The planning and maintenance of
Library facilities is a significant aspect of
library management. The construction of a
library or the remodeling of an existing one in
the modern day is essential in order to keep
abreast of changing user needs.
Villaflor, Mickey D.
BLIS 1-2

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