Chapter 10 Components of

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Schools, offices and homes have multiple computers that
are connected with one another. When you connect these
computers, you call it a network.
Networks may be a LAN or a WAN.

LAN or Local Areas Network

is a network that covers only a limited geographical area
like in a classroom, computer laboratory, office or group of
WAN or Wide Area Network

is anetwork that covers a large geographical area like

a city. It consists of several LANs. The word wide
connections of network are called the internet or simply

The Internet started in the late 1960's from the U.S.

Department of Defence's Advanced Research Projects
Agency (ARPA). They called this ARPANET.
How Does the Internet Work?

The computer sends data to the different computers and

networks through a packet. A packet is a data that has
been broken into small piece of data. It may be a piece of
an email message, a file, or a graphic.
when a packet travels in the network, it finds the
fastest path available to arrive at the destination through a
device called a router.
is a hardware device that allows you to connect
several computers and other devices to a single internet
connection. It serves as a traffic cop for network signals.
When a path to the destination is not accessibleor is
overload,the router send the pockets along alternet paths.
Many routers are wireless, which allows you to create a
Wi-fi network.
Packet switching is the technique for breaking the data
into packets, sending it through the best path using the
router and reassembling the data when it arrives at its
or this tecnique to work well, a network should follow a
protocol or standard called the TCP/IP or Transmission
Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol. TCP/IP is the protocol
used by the Internet for packet switching.
Internet Service Provider
Schools, business and homes establish connection to
the Internet through an ISP or Internet Service Provider. An
ISP is a private company or government organization that
lets you connect into the vast Internet around the world.
Today, all computers and mobile computers and
devices can connect to the Internet. Connection to the
Internet have different types:
1. DSL. DSL service uses a broadband connection.
DSLconnects to the Internet viaa phone line but does
not require you to have a landline at home.
2. Cable. Cable svice connects to the Internet via cable
TV, but does not require you to have cable TV in order to
get it. It uses a broadband connection and can be faster
than DSL srvice. It is only available where cable is
3. Satellite: A satellite connection uses broadband that
connects to the Internet through the satellites orbiting the
earth. Satellite connections are also usually slower than DSL
or cable.
4. 3G and 4G: 3G and 4G service is commonly used with
mobile phones that connects wirelessly through your ISP's
is one of the services of the Internet, the World Wide
Web (WWW) or simply “web” is a collection of webpages
found in this network of computers. It is a system of
hyperlinked or hypertext documents accessed via the
Internet. WWW came into existence in early 1990 and since
then, it has been widely used.
Webpage, Website, and Homepage
Hypertext or “links” allow users to navigate quickly
from one webpage to another. A webpage is consists of
text, graphics, sounds, videos and even animations. A
collection of webpages is called a website. Most websites
have a homepage which is the first page of a website.
A webmaster or web developer is the person
responsible for developing webpages and maintaining
them. To create webpages, the webmaster is using special
set of codes called TAG using the Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML). HTML is the progmmatic language that
web pages are based on. HTML commands your web
browser to display text and graphics in an orderly fashion.
<a href=””></a>

Example of tags used in HTML

These web publishing tools can be Microsoft Word,

Dreamweaver, Publisher, Apple iWork and other programs that
are used to publish and maintain webpages.
Webpage can be either be a static webpage or a dynamic
A static webpage is a fixed webpage.
A dynamic webpage displays different contents from the
same source of code whenever visited.
Uniform Resource Locator
Each webpage has a designated unique address
called URL or Uniform Resource Locator.

protocol domain folder filename

sub- domain
The example of the URL above consists of four
components namely, protocol, domain name, folder and
Most webpage URLs begin with http:// which means
Hypertext Transfer Protocol. This is a protocol that is used to
transfer pages on the web. Some websites have https which
means hypertext transfer protocol SECURED. This means that
the web has a special layer of encryption added to hide your
personal information and passwords.
Domain Name
It is a unique reference that identifies a website.
The different top domain names are:
Domain Name Description
.com Commercial organizations, businesses
and companies
.gov Government institutions
Domain Name Description

.edu Educational institutions

.org Non-profit organizations

.net Network providers

.mil Military organization

is a sub division of the domain name, which is usually a
country code abbravation. Some examples of subdomain
names or the country code abbreviations are:

Abbreviations Country Abbreviations Country

au Austrilia it Italy

cn China jp Japan

fr France kr Korea

va Vatican City ph Philippines

It is the directory name. There will be times that yoy will
see a longerfolder which is a subdirectory of a directory
(folder under another folder).
The name of the document file requested.
Web Browsers and Web Servers
is a software that allows users to access and view
webpages. The browsers are the ones tha translates the tags
from the source document into a functional and interactive
Example of browsers are: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome,
Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari.
Categories of Websites
Many of the websites fall under one of these categories.

Category Description

Portal Portal websites offers a broad array of

resources and services, such as e-mail,
forums, search engines, and on-line
shoppinf malls.
News News website offers stories and articles
relating to current events, life, money,
sports, and the weather.
Category Description
Informational Informational website offers factual
information. It is created by organizations
and government agencies.

Bussiness/Marketing Bussiness/Marketing website promotes

products and services. It allows you to
purchase products or sevice online.

Educational Educational website offers avenues for

formal and informal teaching and learning.

Entertainment Entertainment website offers an interactive

and engaging enviroment featuring music,
videos, sports, games, and more.
Category Description
Advocacy Advocacy website contains content
that describes a cause, opinion or
Blog Blog website short for web log uses a
regularly updated journal format to
reflects the interests, opinions, and
personalities of the author and
sometimes site visitors.
Wiki Wiki websiteis a collaborative
website that allows users to create,
add to, modify, or delete the
website content via their web
Category Description

Online Social Network Online Social Network website is a

media sharing website where
members share their interests, ideas,
stories, photos, music andvideos.
Personal Personal website is maintained by an
individual or family to share life
experiences. it might be a single wed
page or collection of web pages.

Prepared by: Richa M. Santiago

Marisol B. Rejuso
Ivy C. Pateἤo
Jason E. Balbuena

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