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Ground forces of the

Russian federation

Write down and learn the new words.
Practice their pronunciation
infantry ['ɪnfəntrɪ] пехота
armor ['ɑːmə] бронетехника, бронетанковые войска
offense [ə'fen(t)s] наступление
defense [dɪ'fen(t)s] оборона
protection [prə'tekʃ(ə)n] защита, охрана
striking power ['straɪkɪŋ] ударная сила, военная мощь
armored personnel carrier ['ɑːməd] [ˌpɜːs(ə)'nel] ['kærɪə] бронетранспортер, БТР
self-propelled gun [ˌselfprə'peld] самоходный
auxiliary vehicle [ɔːg'zɪlɪ(ə)rɪ] ['vɪəkl, 'viːɪkl вспомогательное транспортное средство
manpower ['mænˌpauə] личный состав; людские ресурсы
equipment [ɪ'kwɪpmənt] оборудование; оснащение, снаряжение
to provide [prə'vaɪd] снабжать; доставлять; обеспечивать
howitzer ['hauɪtsə] гаубица
multiple launch rocket system ['mʌltɪpl] [lɔːnʧ] ['rɔkɪt] ['sɪstəm] реактивная система залпового огня
destroy [dɪ'strɔɪ] разрушать
capture ['kæpʧə] брать в плен, захватывать
small arms [smɔːl] [ɑːmz] стрелковое оружие
carbine ['kɑːbaɪn] карабин
rocket launcher ['rɔkɪt] ['lɔːnʧə] пусковая установка, ракета-носитель
missile ['mɪsaɪl] реактивный снаряд; ракета
mortar ['mɔːtə] миномёт
close combat [kləuz] ['kɔmbæt] ближний бой
rapid ['ræpɪd] быстрый, стремительный
warfare ['wɔːfeə] война; приёмы ведения войны
Study the Ground Forces Armament

Armed fighting vehicles

Tanks, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled guns, infantry combat vehicles

Study the Ground Forces Armament

Antitank gun Howitzer Anti-tank guided missile

Self-Propelled Howitzer Multiple Rocket Air defence system

Study the Ground Forces Armament

Rifles Machine-guns


Grenade launchers Antitank missiles Mortars

Fill in the gaps with the given words

Assault rifle M16

Overall length
(with magazine)
Rate of fire *
(single shot fire)
Rate of fire *
(short burst fire)

* rate of fire - скорострельность

to fire by single shots – вести одиночный огонь
to fire in bursts – вести огонь очередями
rpm (rounds per minute) – выстрелы в минуту
Listen and say whether the statements are True
or False

1. The first AK rifle was designed in 1949.

2. Armies in 100 countries are equipped with AKs.

3. The rifle AK is produced in China.

4. The monument to the rifle was erected in Mozambique.

5. Coins dedicated to the rifle were issued in New Zealand.

Listen again and fill in the missing information
about AK-47
Assault rifle AK-47
Overall length
(with magazine)
Rate of fire *
(single shot fire)
Rate of fire *
(short burst fire)

* rate of fire - скорострельность

to fire by single shots – вести одиночный огонь
to fire in bursts – вести огонь очередями
rpm (rounds per minute) – выстрелы в минуту

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