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Math SLC

Quadratic Equations and Complex Numbers

By Kshitij Galav IBDP1
Table Of Contents

1. Quadratic Equations
2. Solving of Quadratic Equations
3. Nature of roots
4. Quadratic Graphs
5. Complex solutions for Quadratic
Quadratic Equations

Wikipedia defines Quadratic Equations as any equation of the second

degree, meaning it contains at least one term that is squared. The standard
form is ax² + bx + c = 0 with a, b, and c being constants, or numerical
coefficients, and x is an unknown variable. In such an equation two solutions
also known as roots are possible. Graphs of Quadratic Equations produce
parabolas. Examples of Quadratic Equations and Graphs are given below :
Quadratic Equations

Multiple forms of Quadratic Equations exist. These are

demonstrated below :

We can interchange between these three forms via the following

steps :
Quadratic Equations

This is not much important, but is a convenient formula to

calculate the sum and product of the roots without actually
calculating roots. The method is described below :
Quadratic Equations

Here are a few questions to test your knowledge of what you have
learnt :
Solving Of Quadratic Equations

There are multiple ways of solving of Quadratic Equations. The

multiple ways of solving Quadratic Equations are summarised
below :
1. Splitting the middle term :
Solving Of Quadratic Equations

2. Completing the square :

Solving Of Quadratic Equations

There are two more methods which can be employed so as to

solve Quadratic Equations. There are summarised in the following
slides. A few questions are given below so as to test your
knowledge on the methods learnt :
Nature of roots

We can determine the nature of the solutions of the Quadratic

Equation by analysing the determinant. The determinant is shown
below :

If the determinant is greater than zero, then we have two unique

If the determinant is equal to zero, then we have two equal
If the determinant is less than zero, then we have no real solutions.
(This situation is discussed in the further slides)
Nature of roots

There may be times where we are unable to split the middle term
of the Quadratic Equation. In such a case we use the Quadratic
Formula so as to find the roots for the Quadratic Equation. The
Quadratic Formula is demonstrated below :

Where a,b and c are as follows -

Nature of roots

The method for solving a Quadratic Equation using the Quadratic

Equation is demonstrated below :
Nature of roots

Here are a few examples for you to try by using the Quadratic
Formula :
Quadratic Graphs

Quadratic Equations can also be graphed on the xy coordinate

plane. Graphs of Quadratic Equations are known as Parabolas.
Few examples are depicted below :
Quadratic Graphs

So as to understand how to graph Quadratic Equations, we first

have to be familiar with the characteristics of the Quadratic
Function. These characteristics are displayed below :
Quadratic Graphs

The method used for graphing Quadratic Equations is displayed

via the following Quadratic Equation :

Graphing of Quadratic Equations is another method to solve them

as from the graph we can determine the x-intercept. The x-
intercepts end up being our solutions as they are the values where
y is equal to zero.
Quadratic Graphs

There exist various peculiarities in Quadratic Functions. Many a

times we may encounter graphs like these :

This graph has no x-intercepts and therefore no real solutions.

This also demonstrates the value of the discriminant. As there
exist no real solutions, therefore the value of the discriminant is
less than zero.
Quadratic Graphs

The following image helps us to identify the solutions and the

number of solutions from the graph of a Quadratic Equation :
Quadratic Graphs

Here are a few questions so as to test your knowledge on what

you have learnt :
Complex solutions for Quadratic Equations

In the previous slides we came across a couple of situations in

which the discriminant was less than zero and there existed no
real solution. In such a case we can find the imaginary solution for
that equation. This involves the usage of imaginary numbers. For
this we have to first understand what Imaginary Numbers exactly
are. Fundamental concepts of Imaginary Numbers are shown
below :
Complex solutions for Quadratic Equations

Complex solutions arise for Quadratic Equations with discriminant

less than zero as we then end up having a negative number under
the radical sign in the Quadratic Formula. Therefore, it is
necessary to understand the simplification of negative numbers
under the radical sign. This is demonstrated below :
Complex solutions for Quadratic Equations

Now that we have gained an understanding of Imaginary

Numbers, we can evaluate Quadratic Equations with imaginary
solutions. An example has been done below :
Complex solutions for Quadratic Equations

Here are a few examples of Quadratic Equations with imaginary

solutions for you to solve :
Thank You

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