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Synopsis 1:

SWADESH DARSHAN- An informative

centre for culture, heritage and tourism

India is home to one of the oldest civilizations in the world – the Indus
Valley civilization. The art & culture in India has been shaped and
influenced by these historical events. Varied forms of traditions,
philosophy, fairs & festivals, languages, literature, music, dance etc. are
testimony of India’s rich cultural heritage. India’s popularity on the
global tourism map can be largely attributed to this vibrant culture &
heritage. Rich history has blessed the country with numerous heritage
sites and a vibrant culture. The monuments and distinct art & culture is
already famous globally.
Swadesh Darshan (Integrated Development of Theme-Based Tourist
Circuits), launched by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India in
2014-15, is intended to develop theme based tourist circuits. The
selected state is Madhya Pradesh and district Bhopal. Each region
across the length and breadth of the state has a distinct culture which
lives on through generations in various arts & cultural forms such as
literature, folk dance & songs, culinary forms, crafts and traditional
practices, amongst others.
The information centre will not only provide the knowledge to the visitors
but will enable its experience by living it with the help of workshops,
movies, folk art forms, exhibitions , laser shows and all the local cultural

To create a space for the preservation and maintenance of the culture
and heritage of the city and enlighten visitors with its uniqueness and
all the information by various modes which will generate employment to
the local people in tourism sector.
•To discuss the importance of art, heritage, culture and its impacts on
the visitors.
•To understand the contribution of culture and heritage conservation in
the evolution and development of society.
•To know the culture of MP by learning and experiencing it.
•To restore, preserve and maintain the heritage monuments and sites
and keep up the cultural activities of MP.

• Prioritized restoration, maintenance & upkeep activities are taken up at
the heritage sites.
• Greater involvement of conservation institutions and private sector is
encouraged in promoting traditional arts & culture products/ offerings.
• Skill development activities are undertaken, particularly for tour
guides and interpreters. Local artisans are encouraged for preserving
traditional art forms.
• Safety & security is improved to attract higher footfall, particularly of
foreign tourists.
• Awareness campaign for conservation of monuments, arts & cultural
forms to protect the tangible and intangible heritage.

This project will only cover the spaces required for providing knowledge
and for the preservation of the artwork, culture and heritage of Madhya
Pradesh located in Bhopal.
Site requirements:

Approach- Site is located near kaliyasod dam in the Chandanpura

Area- 7.45 Acres (30149.08sqm)
Nearly Tourist Destinations- Sanchi - 45 Km, Bhopal - 15 Km ,
Bhojpur, 30 Km Bhimbetka, 43 Km Udaigiri 74 Km
Reasons for selecting site- It is allotted land parcel by MP tourism
board and also because the site is away from city area around natural
vegetation and peaceful surrounding suitable for the project.
Synopsis 2:

Natural Healing and Spiritual

Renewable Centre

Natural healing practices that fall outside purely pharmaceutical or
surgical treatments, some of it includes meditation, yoga and
naturopathy. Holistic health means harmony and balance in all aspect of
health: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social and Moral-Spiritual in good
these five elements is healing in Naturopathy. Naturopathy is an ancient
Indian System of treatment. It is a Drugless and Non-invasive method to
remove toxins from body and using body’s self healing capacity. It is cost
effective and sustainable to environment.
Spiritual places have gone from the mountains to the urban culture,
from a passive and self-centred focus to actively benefitting others, and
from offering very few services to being completely accommodating to the
needs of a diverse population. While not compromising any of the
original teachings. Spiritualism adapts to every era. In this manner,
regardless of the day, age and time natural healing and spiritual
renewable centre can serve as a place of spiritual refuge, natural
restoration and guidance for everyone.

The centre will provide treatment and facilities necessary to strike a

perfect balance between ‘body’, ‘mind’ and ‘soul’. This will be achieved
through naturopathy, yoga, meditation, exercise and a healthy diet. The
whole healing process will be provided in 4 steps closely aligned with
nature – Cleansing, detoxing, Rejuvenating and Nourishing. The
treatment will be based on judicious blending of the ancient concept of
nature cure and yoga with modern diagnostic equipment, gymnasium,
physiotherapy and treatment aids. Therefore , Natural healing and
spiritual renewable centre is a splendid retreat that offers peace and
adventure right in natures lap and a complete rejuvenating experience
for the mind, body and soul.

To create a space for holistic wellness of a being through nature
(panchkarma) and a place to release mental anxieties and depression
and make oneself a home through spiritual practices.
Future developments in architecture should allow varieties of
contemplation complexes to play a significant role in people’s social,
intellectual and spiritual development.
• A place which belongs to everyone
•A place for self-cultivation,
•A place for therapies (panchkarma), meditation, yoga and recreation
•To facilitate an integrated approach by bringing nature and
contemplation together
•TO generate ways for a healthy lifestyle on daily basis.
•To focus the program on holistic healing by being near nature
•propose to provide nature care education to school kids during there
visits to the vocational camps.

•Focus on the holistic treatment of oneself in between the nature in
•Bring young generations closer to nature and spirituality
•Totally sustainable to environment
•Bhopal is known for its natural features, making the most of it for the
natural healing
•Increase the tourism in the city with corporate advantages
•It will help in creating awareness among the young to respect and care
for nature.
• To generate considerable employment opportunity for the local village
population by training them and employing them at the facility.

The project will only focus on nature healing that is naturopathy and
spiritual practices within nature including meditation and yoga only.
Site requirements:

Approach- Site is located near van vihar and sanskaar valley school on
kolar road near to bhadbhada and kaliyasod dam.
Area- 6.58 Acres (26628.32 sqm)
Nearly Tourist Destinations- Bhopal -8 Km, Sanchi - 49 Km, Bhojpur -
24 Km, Pachmarhi - 190 km, Bhimbetka - 44 Km
Reasons for selecting site- It is allotted land parcel by MP tourism
board and also because the site is away from city area around natural
vegetation and peaceful surrounding suitable for the project.

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