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Practice 1 and 2
Membership : Alfandianto. S
Samuel Nugraha
Today, i and samuel should be
continuing our lesson about THE
VOWEL, oke !!!
4. The Vowel / 2 , a , Ɔ /

Now you will hear some pairs of words which differ only in their vowel sounds : if the
vowel letter is U , the sound is / 2 /, as putt, but : if the vowel letter is o , the sound is /
a/or / / , as in pot or dog .

pot, put lock,luck hor,hut rot,rut moss,muss

boss,bus dog,dug long,lung song,sung
wrong,rung lost,lust bossed,bust scoff,scuff
Sentence :
1. John’s sorry, but he doesn’t want to come.
2. The doctor does not come from Florida.
3. Bob musn’t touch the hundred-dollar watch.
4. Was john’s younger brother in trouble ?
5. The Vowel /æ , a , Ɔ/

Now you will hears some pairs of words which differ only in lack, or / eh / , las in mass
the “ short o sound “ / a/, as in lock, or / Ɔ /, as in moss.

Pat, pot nat, not bass, boss had, hod map, mop add,odd bag, bog sang,
song hat,hot knack, knock jab, job possable, passable lack,lock cat,cot
nab, knob tang, tong lag,log cab,cob rang, wrong impossible, impassable

Sentence :
1. I want a ham sandwich – not a hot sandwich.
2. Has an got a job ?
3. What had jack’s boss wanted ?
4. Bob got back at one o’ clock ?

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