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The Science of


Krishnadas G
• What is Parapsychology?
• History
• Scope of studies
• Research Methodology
• Criticism & Controversies
• My views
• Conclusion
What is Parapsychology?
• Investigates the existence and causes of psychic
abilities and life after death using the scientific

• The term originates from the Greek: para meaning

"alongside", and psychology.

• The study of Psi.

• Purpose is "to examine without prejudice or

prepossession and in a scientific spirit those
faculties of man, real or supposed, which appear to
be inexplicable on any generally recognized
History of Parapsychology
• 1882 : The Society for Psychical Research (SPR) was founded in London .

• 1885 : The American Society for Psychical Research(ASPR) opened in New

York City.

• 1886 : The Census of Hallucinations, published.

• Stanford University (1911) & Duke University (1930) engaged in the

critical study of Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) and psychokinesis in the

• 1957 : The Parapsychological Association (PA) was created in Durham,

North Carolina.

• 1969 : PA became affiliated with the American Association for the

Advancement of Science (AAAS).

• 1970 – 1980 : Extensive research in the field of parapsychology.

Scope of studies
• Telepathy
• Precognition
• Clairvoyance
• Psycho kinesis
• Near-death experiences (NDE)
• Re-incarnation
• Haunting
Research Methodology
• Ganzfeld experiments (ESP & Telepathy)

• Random Number Generators (Psycho kinesis)

• Remote viewing

• Mental interaction with systems

(Precognitions & Haunting)
Criticism & Controversy

• Fraud

• Flaws in studies

• Selection bias

• Analogous meta-analysis
My views on….

• Super-naturals forces

• Mysteries of Human mind

• Science, still in its youth

• Experiments over a century

• Questionable results

• Pseudo-science

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