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National Electricals Submitted by :

Group 2
1. Overview – 1 – Goraksh Useful points – (change language)
2. Overview – 2 – Shikha • Mission : Statement of purpose for existence.
3. Organization Structure – Ashish • “Does how you feel affect your performance”-
Yes / No
4. Character profile – Swaminathan – • Newburg’s world class performers –Paid
Chirag attention to internal experience – as a result
5. Character profiles – Ramkumar and performed at a higher level.
Prasad – Deeksha • Jeff Rouse (Olympic Gold medalist): Talks about
“easy- speed”, the feeling of being in harmony
6. Character profile – Gopal – Ayush with water and not really trying so hard.
7. Gopal’s dilemma – what were his • Therefore, It is not just about what you do, it is
options - Chinmay about how you feel while you are doing it.
8. Gopal’s motivation/attitudes - Binit • “Success is not the aim in life, perfection is”
9. Company – Promotion System & • You should not aim for perks but concentrate
Alternatives - Komal on doing your work well.
10. Conclusion – Amit
Organisation Structure
R. Bhatia

Regional Director Regional Director Regional Director

S. Swaminathan

Deputy Regional
T. Prasad

Chief Internal
Auditor N.Ramkumar
N. Gopal
Swaminathan – Character Profile
Ramkumar & Prasad
Gopal – Character Profile
Gopal’s Dilemma
• Approach 1: • Approach 2:
Take Revenge for: • Follow his Value and
• Missed Promotion submit an honest report
• Non substantiated Note • Goes by his Values
about Inflated Bills
Gopal’s Motivation
Transparency in Promotions
Drawbacks identified in the case:
• Gopal missed promotion for first time as he didn’t have a good personal equation with Swaminathan
• Gopal was denied promotion second time because he took ethical action
• Managers had undue power to decide promotions

Promotion Policy:
• 360 degree feedback can be incorporated
• BlackRock policy: Committee formed to decide on promotions; managers present their candidates case
which includes feedback of peers

Be more responsive:
• Chairman acknowledged Gopal’s letter but didn’t respond
• HR policies need to be well defined for responding in such scenarios – Separate committee where
Gopal could have escalated his issue and the fact that no action was taken by the chairman
• Gopal didn’t compromise on his values despite having multiple reason and opportunities to
exact revenge from Swaminathan staying true to his values
• While we support Gopal’s stance on his values, it’s imperative that in today’s world one must
fight for their right, voicing their concerns
• Gopal should have taken a more proactive stance when it came to office politics and should
have been more vocal and raised concerns when he was not given his previous promotions
• At the same time from the org. perspective we understand that such things are inevitable and
hence we suggest a more transparent promotion policy e.g. 360-degree feedbacks, BlackRock
• We suggest developing an open and ethical work culture where employees are encouraged to
do the right thing be able to challenge management decisions and targets, they think are
unethical or dysfunctional.

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