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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a

GSM BTS (3900 Series) with SMT/BTSM
Author/ Email: Elio Abreu /
HUAWEI V1.0 (20140915)CO., LTD.
Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 1. IP address for a GSM BTS (3900 Ser

ies) is, so it’s necessary to c
onfigure to the computer to be connecte
d with the BTS an IP address in the sam
e network segment. Therefore it’s recom
mended to configure the IP address 192.
168.0.80 and mask

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 2. Execute the software BTSM by doublé clicking the grey icon with the name “btsm”.

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 3. Once the BTSM is open the followin

g window will appear. It must be selecte
d the option “Network Port”, type the IP
address “” in the field “Conf
igure IP” and then click on “OK”.

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 4. After the connection with the BTS is

setup, the “btsm” software requires for a
User Name and Password. This is the inf

- User Name: admin

- Password: hwbs@com

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 5. This is the window showed by the software once the login is successful.

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 6. Double click on “Site Management Right”, the following window will appear and i
t’s necessary to click on “Get” for getting the Management Rights of the BTS.

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 7. Double click on “IP over FE Static IP” and then on OK in the Caution window show
ed below.

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 8. The following window will be opened.

Note: In case that the window is not the same than this, go forward to the Step No 12 in th
e slide No 14.

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)
Step 9. Configure the following in the t
ab “Config IP” :
1. Static IP Status: Enable
2. Com Type: Port IP
3. BTS IP: IP address for the BTS according t
o the IP Plan.
4. BTS IP Mask: Mask for the BTS according
to the IP Plan.
5. Port No: 0
6. BSC IP: IP address for BSC (DEV IP/ETH
IP of the Abis Interface Board) according t
o the IP Plan.
7. BSC IP Mask:

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)
Step 9 (Continuation). Configure the f
ollowing in the tab “Config IP” :
8. VLAN Flag: Enable
9. VLAN Id: VLAN ID according to the VLA
N Plan.
10. VLAN Pri: 0
11. Click on “config Para” for saving the co

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 10. Click on the tab “Config Rout

er” and configure the following:
1. Gateway: IP address for the Default Gatew
ay according to the IP Plan.
2. DST IP:
3. DST IP Mask:
4. Router Num: 1
5. PRI: 60
6. Click on “Add” for adding the static rout
e into the routing table.
7. Click on “Config Para” for saving the co

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 11. Click on the tab “Query” and

then click on “Query” for checking
that IP configuration just did it wa
s saved correctly.
Note: Go forward to the Step No 24 in the sl
ide No 28.

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)
Step 12. The following Windows will be opened.

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)
Step 13. Configure the following in the
tab “Config BTS, BSC and VLA
1. Click on the Tab “Config”.
2. Static IP Status: Enable
3. Com Type: Port IP
4. BTS IP Address: IP address for the BTS ac
cording to the IP Plan.
5. BSC IP Address: IP address for BSC (DEV
IP/ETH IP of the Abis Interface Board) ac
cording to the IP Plan.
6. VLAN Flag: Enable

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)
Step 13 (Continuation). Configure the
following in the tab “Config BTS,
BSC and VLAN”:
7. VLAN ID: VLAN ID according to the VL
AN Plan.
8. VLAN Pri: 0
9. Click on “OK” for saving the configurati

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 14. In the tab “Config BTS, BSC and VLAN”, click on the tab “Static Query” and th
en in “OK” for checking that configuration just did it was saved correctly.

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 15. Configure the following in the

tab “Config Port IP” :
1. Click on the tab “Config”.
2. Rack Number: 0
3. SubRack Number: 0
4. Slot Number: 6
5. Port Type: Ethernet Port
6. Port Number: 0
7. FE0 IP Address: IP address for the BTS ac
cording to the IP Plan.

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 15 (Continuation). Configure the

following in the tab “Config Port I
8. FE0 IP Mask Address: Mask for the BTS a
ccording to the IP Plan.
9. Click on “OK” for saving the configurati

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 16. In the tab “Config Port IP”, click on the tab “Static Query” and then in “OK” for
checking that configuration just did it was saved correctly.

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 17. Configure the following in the

tab “Config Route”:
1. Click on the tab “Config”.
2. Rack Number: 0
3. SubRack Number: 0
4. Slot Number: 6
5. Destination IP Address:
6. Destination Mask Address:
7. Route Type: Next.
8. Next Hop IP Address: IP address for the D
efault Gateway according to the IP Plan.
9. Route Pri: 60.
10. Click on “OK” for saving the configurat

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 18. In the tab “Config Route”, click on the tab “Static Query” and then in “OK” for c
hecking that configuration just did it was saved correctly.

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 19. Configure the following in the

tab “Set Ethernet Port Attribute”:
1. Click on the tab “Config”.
2. Rack No.: 0
3. SubRack No.: 0
4. Slot No.: 6
5. Port No.: 0
6. MTU: 1500
7. Port Rate: 100M
8. Duplex Mode: FULL.
9. Click on “OK” for saving the configurati

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 20. In the tab “Set Ethernet Port Attribute”, click on the tab “Static Query” and then
in “OK” for checking that configuration just did it was saved correctly.

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 21. Click on the tab “VLANMAP/VLANCLASS” and then click on “Click Enter VLA

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 22. Configure the following in the

tab “VLANMAP”:
1. Click on the tab “Config”.
2. Next Hop IP Address: IP address for the D
efault Gateway according to the IP Plan.
3. VLAN Mode: Single VLAN
4. VLAN ID: VLAN ID according to the VLAN
5. VLAN Pri: 0
6. Click on “OK” for saving the configuratio

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 23. In the tab “VLANMAP”, click on the tab “Query” and then in “Query” for checking th
at configuration just did it was saved correctly.

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Local Configuration of the IP Plan for a GSM BTS (3900 Series)

Step 24. After checking that all the configuration was saved correctly it’s required to reset GT
MU Board so the configuration can take effect inmediately after reset. GTMU Board can b
e reset pushing the button RST(Reset) which it’s in the lower right corner of the GTMU Bo
ard, next to the LED indicators RUN, ALM and ACT.

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Getting the ESN from the BBU

Step 1. It’s required the BBU ESN for a GSM BTS Integration with IP Tx. ESN is on a ela
bel which is normally in the superior cover of the BBU case and the correct ESN is rela
ted to WD2BBUC.

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Ping Local Tests

Step 1. Double click on “Transmission Test Function” and then the following window will

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Ping Local Tests

Step 2. Configure the following on

the tab “Config Ping”:
1. Destination IP: IP address of the
destination for checking Tx path
is Ok.
2. Source IP: IP address for the BTS
according to the IP Plan.
3. Ping Report Length: 1450
4. Sequence Ping: ENABLE
5. Ping Number: 4

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Ping Local Tests

Step 2 (Continuation). Configure t

he following on the tab “Config
6. Cabinet No.: 0
7. Shelf No.: 0
8. Slot No.: 6
9. DSCP: 63
10. VLAN Switch: Enable
11. VLAN ID: VLAN ID for the BT
S according to the VLAN Plan.
12. VLAN Priority: 0

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Ping Local Tests

Step 2 (Continuation). Configure t

he following on the tab “Config
13. Click on “Start” for initiating
ping tests and the results will b
e showed at the bottom where i
t’s “Ping Test Results”.

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Trace route Local Tests

Step 1. Double click on “Transmission Test Function” and then the following window will

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Trace route Local Tests

Step 2. Configure the following on

the tab “Config Tracert”:
1. Destination IP: IP address of the
destination for checking Tx path
is Ok.
2. Source IP: IP address for the BTS
according to the IP Plan.
3. Cabinet No.: 0
4. Shelf No.: 0
5. Slot No.: 6

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Trace route Local Tests
Step 2 (Continuation). Configure t
he following on the tab “Config
6. VLAN Switch: Enable
7. VLAN ID: VLAN ID for the BTS
according to the VLAN Plan.
8. VLAN Priority: 0
9. Click on “Start” for initiating tr
ace route tests and the results
will be showed at the bottom w
here it’s “Trace Route Test Res

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Thank you

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portfolio, new technology, etc. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results
and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the predictive
statements. Therefore, such information is provided for reference purpose only and
constitutes neither an offer nor an acceptance. Huawei may change the information at any
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