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KQF-9 Timesheet and Template

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Name of

By QM 1,
QM 2,
QM 3

At Kolkata Quiz Festival Season 9

(Date of Quiz) January 2020
House Rules: PRELIMS

24 Questions
* questions are 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24
1 point for each correct answer (1/2 for part correct)
No negative marks

Top 8 teams qualify for finals

Do not Google! Keep your phones away! The QM is always right.

This is a quiz festival. Enjoy the quiz!

[ Sandman Quizzing rules apply ]

House Rules: PRELIMS

24 Questions
* questions are 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24
1 point for each correct answer (1/2 for part correct)
No negative marks

Top 4 teams qualify for finals

Next 8 teams fight it out in Semis for 4 spots in the finals
Do not Google! Keep your phones away! The QM is always right.

This is a quiz festival. Enjoy the quiz!

[ Sandman Quizzing rules apply ]

House Rules: SEMIS

12 Questions
All questions on POUNCE
+10 point for each correct answer / -10 for incorrect

(Prelims score x 3) to be carried forward in this round

Top 4 teams qualify for finals

Do not Google! Keep your phones away! The QM is always right.

This is a quiz festival. Enjoy the quiz!

[ Sandman Quizzing rules apply ]

House Rules: FINALS

36 Questions
Pounce and Bounce

Split into 2 rounds, one by each QM

Each team can pounce six (6) times in each round
+10 point for each correct answer / -10 for incorrect

Do not Google! Keep your phones away! The QM is always right.

This is a quiz festival. Enjoy the quiz!

[ Sandman Quizzing rules apply ]

House Rules: FINALS

36 Questions
Pounce and Bounce

Split into 3 rounds, one by each QM

Each team can pounce four (4) times in each round
+10 point for each correct answer / -10 for incorrect

Do not Google! Keep your phones away! The QM is always right.

This is a quiz festival. Enjoy the quiz!

[ Sandman Quizzing rules apply ]

House Rules: FINALS

42 Questions
Pounce and Bounce

Split into 2 rounds, one by each QM

Each team can pounce six (6) times in each round
+10 point for each correct answer / -10 for incorrect

Do not Google! Keep your phones away! The QM is always right.

This is a quiz festival. Enjoy the quiz!

[ Sandman Quizzing rules apply ]

House Rules: FINALS

48 Questions
Pounce and Bounce

Split into 3 rounds, one by each QM

Each team can pounce five (5) times in each round
+10 point for each correct answer / -10 for incorrect

Do not Google! Keep your phones away! The QM is always right.

This is a quiz festival. Enjoy the quiz!

[ Sandman Quizzing rules apply ]

House Rules: FINALS

48 Questions
Only Bounce

Split into 3 rounds, one by each QM

+10 point for each correct answer

Do not Google! Keep your phones away! The QM is always right.

This is a quiz festival. Enjoy the quiz!

[ Sandman Quizzing rules apply ]

House Rules: WRITTEN

40 Questions
* questions are 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36 and 40
1 point for each correct answer (1/2 for part correct)
No negative marks

Do not Google! Keep your phones away! The QM is always right.

This is a quiz festival. Enjoy the quiz!

[ Sandman Quizzing rules apply ]

**1. Type your question here
Do not decrease the font size (32pts) or
change the background colour.
If required split your question in two slides,
though it is strongly recommended to craft
questions to the point and keep it in one slide.
For better viewing, visuals and videos can be
kept in a different slide.
Imp: Don’t change the master slide design and ensure the margin
on top is maintained appropriately as in this template.
• This was another Raj Bhaban (pic in next slide )
built at place where British thought for an
alternative capital in mid ninetieth century but
postponed due to some reason.
• This place is changed now and you can see a small
park here with a unpolished marble tomb,
surmounted by a St. Andrew’s cross, of a lady,
died at Calcutta in 1861, of fever on the way from
• Identify the place and whose tomb is situated
Barackpore and Lady Canning’s
• The journey started with X who prepared two new
variety of sweets & sale them by himself, traveling
various places. After getting popularity, he
established a shop at Nediarpara in 1902.
• Sri Jagabandhu Das (1921-1985), elder son of X,
continued the tradition with exuberant excellence &
passed the baton to his laudable son Sri Goutam
Das, who is also an Advocate by Profession.
• Some scenes of a 1955 Uttam-Suchitra superhit film’s
plot was based on the town where the shop was,
shot at this shop.
• Which century old pride of sweet lips is this ?

This ecstatic wooden product of Kushmandi primarily

associated with the Rajbangshi community of the
area, in the northern parts of the state during the
festival of Chaitra Sankranti. These are made out of
neem and fig trees by the
local Sutradhar community. Sometimes they were
also made of clay, used to depict various epic
characters, of animals such as the tiger and deer as
well as of gods and goddesses to act out
Mythological stories. The main performance in which
this items were used, is dedicated to Gramchandi,
believed to be the saviour of a village.
What am I talking about?
Built in 1375 with brick and stone & largest of its
kind in Indian subcontinent, It’s design incorporated
Bengali, Arab, Persian and Byzantine architecture.
Earlier a temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, it was
converted into a mosque by the member of Ilyas
Shahi dynasty, Sikandar Shah who carried lofty titles
such as "the exalted Sultan" and "Caliph of the
Faithful", by given Arabic inscriptions on it.
Sultan of Bengal, Sikandar Shah was also buried in
the mosque.
Id the structure, whose plane is similar to the Great
Mosque of Damascus.
Adina Mosque
5.Creator said about which of his iconic creation?
• “Employees of the coffee house were invited to sing at a ceremony
on the first day of Baisakha. There were also poetry recitation
programs. At that time we were staying at Ultodanga. On the
morning of the show, I wrote the song in a line or two in the gap of
writing a report from the bank.
• I am doing office work at home and am wondering if something
can be written about Bangla. The lines of the song were coming,
the melody was coming, the melody was also in the tone. I did not
think anything like this.
• At first I didn't think anything good would happen. No one said
anything while listening to the music. Then someone in the office
actually went to the lobby to work and listened to the song. I wanted
a comment on the song, nobody said anything like that. This is how
time has passed. "
" আমি বাাংলার গান গাই "
• Edward VII , eldest son of Queen Victoria, was
the King of the United Kingdom and Emperor
of India from 22 January 1901 until his death in
In his memory, something watch-full item along
with three metallic facets of King VII's Edward's
appearance was erected in front of the church
on the four heads of the church. In time, this
place adjacent to the memorial is a popular
point in the town and so named after the thing.
• Identify the place/item (images follow).
Edwardian Clock Tower of Chinsurah
or Ghorir More
7.Which royal palace is this?
• Ajodhya Ram Roy of Pirojpur village, a silk trader, decided to settle down here
with his family in around 1700. He and his son Dinobandhu Roy traded in silk
and built up a sizable business in silk export. After the fall of English East India
Company defeated the Nawab of Murshidabad and subsequently decided to
straighten out the course of Ganga to facilitate direct passage of boats between
Murshidabad and Behrampore , this place lost its strategic importance and
dwindled away. The Roy family too began to look at other options.
• Dinobandhu Roy’s son His grandson, Jagabandhu Roy, a ‘dewan’ of the East India
Company quit his service and purchased a ‘zamindari’ in Sarail (now in
Bangladesh). Later generations, by dint of their educational prowess and business
acumen, continued to prosper.
• In recognition of the family’s benevolence towards the local people, the British
government conferred the title of ‘Rai Bahadur’ to Annada Prosad Roy. But
unfortunately Annada Prosad died on the eve of the ceremony. Later the title was
conferred upon his son Ashutosh Nath Roy. Meanwhile, Later the palace was also
rebuilt in parts or expanded through new buildings, temples, offices, gardens,
tennis courts, etc. over time.
Not required
• Cossimbazar Rajbari.
• A privileged status which commenced on December 2,
1999 ,may be stripped off due to some reasons as
discussed in a World organisation’s 43rd annual session
in Baku, Azerbaijan on June 2019.The reasons are:
• The unrest of 2017 had left the building of two stations
terminals damaged. Post riot there has been no
restoration work done on these two damaged station
• There is a lack of proper demarcation due to which there
are "serious encroachment" that takes place on a daily
• Required staffs who are especially trained for the job.
• What was the issue?
• UNESCO World Heritage tag may get
stripped off the Darjeeling Himalayan
• The original surname of this family was ‘Mitra’,who resided at
Ula,Birnagar in Nadia. Rameswar Mitra of Ula,Birnagar was a
Revenue Accountant/Auditor in the court of Shaista Khan and
Murshid Kuli Khan, Nawabs of Bengal. He received the title
“Mustaphi” from the emperor of Delhi, Aurangzeb in recognition
of his services rendered to the State in the Revenue Department.
• Mustaphi family built this temple in 1813 with .The temple was 25
pinnacled, a very rare format of Bengal temple architecture. It had
six temples flanked in two rows on its either side. Five temples of
each row were Aatchala (eight sloped roofs) and one in each row
was Pancha Ratna ( five pinnacled).
• Mrinal Sen beautifully explored this temple in his film “Akaler
• Identify the temple.
Sukharia’s Ananda Bhairabi
• Ritwick Ghosh is an ‘explorer guide’ owning a small
firm named “Kolkata Walks”. His job is to take
tourists on a walking tour showcasing the various
historical buildings and nooks of the city, equipped
with interesting anecdotes.
• Ritwick’s wife Madhura Ghosh(Mukherjee) was
doing tuitions initially and then taking a job of
school principal. At present, she is employed in a
middle management role in a corporate.
• Two hit Bengali films by the same producers-
directors, were made based on this couple.
• Name the two films.
• X’s house/ X’s ruined mansion refers to X , who was an
outstanding lawyer & notable statesman during the
British era in India. Out of his all accolades includes,
he was first Indian to become a member of the
Viceroy’s Council, and the first Indian to become a
member of the British ministry, he was knighted and
in that same year, he became President of Indian
National Congress in 1915, Other than these he was
made Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for India
in 1919, and was envisaged with the status of Baron
in the Presidency of Bengal.
• The place, where his father Bhuban Mohan was a
zamindar there. As it is widely known Bhuban Mohan
gave the land to built up the Viswabharati University
to Debendranath Thakur.
• Identify the place from this two movies released 34
years between them.
Lord Sinha House, Raipur, Birbhum
12.Identify this unsung hero who was born on
15th August 1900.
• Born on 15th August,1900, this brilliant student, passed matriculation
from Hindu School, Kolkata in 1915 and became graduate from
the University of Calcutta in 1919. During the period 1921-22, he
completed his M.A and LL.B.
• He founded the Swaraj Sevak Sangha and attached with Hooghly
Vidya Mandir was headed by Bhupati Majumder, one of
the Jugantar Leaders in 1922, later After the suspension of Non-
cooperation movement he shifted to extremist movement in the
struggle for Independence. He was charged with Shankharitola
Murder Case and arrested in 1923.At that time he was associated
with lawyer Jatindra Mohan Sengupta and Barindra Ghosh of
• On 16 September 1931, police fired at and killed him and another
inmate Tarakeswar Sengupta in Hijli Detention Camp.
• Id this unsung hero, most of us known his name via a popular Durga
Puja venue .A famous park which is a popular name when it comes
to top Durga Pujo pandals in Kolkata,is named after him.

• Lord Robert Clive built Fort Mornington at the

confluence of three rivers, (Rupnarayan, Damodar &
Hoogly) at Gadiara, to control river traffic, possibly to
threaten Dutch and French interests in the area.
• On October 16th, 1942, a massive cyclone struck Bengal,
and the resultant flooding caused heavy damage to the
fort. The Fort was called something else when it was built
and later renamed after Richard …………., 1st Marquess
…………., who was also known as The Earl of Mornington
from 1781 until 1799 and become Governor General of
India from 1798 to 1805.
• After whom the fort was so named ? (pic in next slide)
Richard Wellesley, 1st Marquess of
Picture from the inauguration
of 33rd World TT
Championship on 5th February,
1975 by President
Fakharuddin Ali Ahmed, at a
venue which was specifically
built for this tournament. Also
seen in the picture from left
to right are: West Bengal Chief
Minister Mr. S.S. RAY, WTTF
President Mr. Roy Evans, west
Bengal Governor A.L. Dias and
TTFI President Mr T.D! Ranga
Ramanujan. (Mukhe naam
bole dibi).
Which iconic venue named
after a great Bengali ?
• Various seals, medals and coins were examined by the
organization before finalizing the current design, by the
Board on February 23, 1935, approving the design of
The East India Company Double Mohur, with the sketch
of the Lion and Palm Tree, only to replace the lion by the
tiger, the latter being regarded as the more characteristic
animal of India.
• The tiger was choosen from the entrance gate at
Belvedere, Calcutta. The design work was entrusted to a
Madras firm.
• except animal features which looked like a dog according
to the then Deputy Governor Sir James Taylor.
Which famous design/logo am I talking about?(pic in next
• The story of this company begins with Sir Rajen Mookerjee.
Born in the small village of Bhabla in Barasat, near
• As a thirteen year old child Sir Rajen was fascinated by
engineering, such that he spent hours inside the Taj Mahal,
wondering how someone could put such a magnificent
structure together. His first major contract was the laying of
the Palta Waterworks, followed by similar jobs in Agra,
Allahabad and Benares.
• Through his work he met Sir Thomas Acquinas …………,
another engineer and they decided to go into business
together. But when Sir Thomas suggested the company
name using shorter version of names of both of them , Sir
Rajen refused. A firm with a native name would suffer
because of racist prejudices. It would be difficult to secure
• Martin & Co.
• Ashwini Ghosh started to make this sweet item more than
a 100 years ago. The long process is involved in the
production of it starts with Women collection of milk
from remote villages – Sutail, Manoholi, Kadma, Basair
(naam k important ?) and selling it to shopkeepers of
Nayabazar, then boiling the milk at a high temperature for
a long time to reduce the quantity of raw milk & keeping
in a container, for condensation about 10 to 12 hours.
The special kind of it of Nayabazar is made out of this
thick milk.
• These days, people from other countries, such as Nepal,
Bhutan and Bangladesh, and neighboring states like
Bihar, Assam and Odisha come here looking for it.
• What am I talking about?
Khirdoi / “Nayabazarer doi” , South
• This place is named after the local deity (pic in next slide), whose
stone idol is still worshipped here. During the raids of the trusted
general of General Suliamann Karrani – Kalapahar, the idol was
damaged to some extent. However, it is said that during raids in
Bengal by the Maratha Bargees, Maratha leader Bhaskar Pandit
had worshiped this idol.
• During East India Company’s rule the place was a hotspot for Silk,
Cotton Garments and Indigo trading. It is referred as a village of
weavers in some Bengali books published in 17th century. After
1813, there was remarkable increase of export of raw silk from
Bengal, when this town played a prominent role. There was a
factory here under John Cheap of East India Company, whose
annual provision of silk on average was over 600 mounds.
• Identify the place .
• Sonamukhi is named after local deity
Swarnamukhi Devi
• India got her freedom on 15 August 1947, but this city
remained a European colony. Until then there were two
different voter lists, one for the foreigners and another for
the local people. Now however, they began a single voter
list and handed over ruling power in part to the City
Sashan Parishad of the local people. On 7 November
1947,the foreign govt. declared the city free under their
supervision, but the people of the city wanted a merger
with India and started agitations. On 19 June 1949, the
govt. arranged an opinion poll on the freedom of the city,
where 97% of the people wanted to be merged with India.
Therefore on 2 May 1950 they made de facto transfer of
the city to India.
• Which city thus wasn’t part of India from 15 August 1947
to 2 May 1950 ?
• Chandernagore
• One of Belfast's most
iconic buildings, Belfast
City Hall first opened its
doors in August 1906. It
bears striking similarities
with which iconic
building opened for
public 15 years after
Belfast Hall.
• Which building?

• This temple was constructed by Raja Bharamalla of

Ramnagar in 1729. The place ,synonymous with
the temple was not mentioned in James
Rennell’s Bengal Atlas 1781, though it appears in
the Survey Maps of 1830-45 under the name
• Identify the temple/place of pilgrimage which sees
the thousands of devotees in the months of Feb-
March, mid-April, mid-July to mid- August in every
Taraknath Temple,Tarakeswar
• Takdah is situated about 27 kilometers from Darjeeling.
It is mostly known for its verdant spread of Tea Gardens
and a 105 years old British Heritage Tea Bungalow (pic in
next slide) that has preserved the glory of the region over
many years. This tea estate became a popular tourist
destination since 1980s after a superhit Bengali film
(1981) shot here.The film starring a superstar was the top
grossing Bengali movie ever for a number of years.
• Name the interrogative(?) (well-searched) Bengali movie.
• Lord Curzon erected a 15-metre-high obelisk, at the
corner of Dalhousie Square in 1902 to the memory
of 123 persons who were tragically involved in an
incident 148 years before. Leaders like Netaji
Subhas Chandra Bose, and others from Congress &
Muslim League joined forces to remove the
Monument. Abdul Wasek Mia, a student leader of
that time, remove the monument from Dalhousie
Square in July 1940.
• The Monument was re-erected in the graveyard of St
John's Church, where it still remains. (image follows)
The Black Hole Monument
• Its said that the credit of the sweet goes to one Patla
Ustad and his employer Manindrachandra Nandi, the
Maharaja of Cossimbazar. Being a Maharaja, variety
used to be his keyword. Once he ordered his sweet-
maker to prepare something which is neither like
Rosogolla, nor like Pantua. And after a lot of
brainstorming ,Patla Ustad came up with his item- a
crossbreed between both, only much harder in nature
and with a high self life. Its deep fried and is filled with
the flavor of cardamom.
• What am I talking about?
Chana-Bora" sweets of Berhampur
According to a story, Once some Vaishnavas came
from Vrindavana to test the devotion of Raghunath
Das Goswami, an associate of Sri Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu .They asked him to feed them with
Hilsa fish and Mango in winter. But Mangoes and
Hilsas can only be found during the time of
summer and monsoon. still with his immense
devotion, Raghunath fed them with Hilsa from his
pond and Mangoes from his garden. The day was
1st of Magh (typically 15/16 January) and to
commemorate that, every year this fish fair is held.
Krishnapur: Ragunath Das Goswami's Sripat and a
512 years old fish festival
“Char chak, chodda para, tin ghat; ei neye ………….” goes an old
saying. Today it is a non descriptive town in the Jangipara block of
Hooghly district but its history dates back to the 16 th century when it
was the capital of the Bhursut (Bhurishrestha) Empire. The 16th
century temple housing the idol of Devi …………, after whom the
town is named, can still be seen. to this day but sadly the temple has
been renovated several times and in the process wiping out centuries
of history.
The strange white colour idol, about six feet in height, with her left
leg rests on the head of seated Birupakha Mhadev and right leg rest
on the chest of Mahakal Bhairab. The right hand has a dagger while
the left a sindoor case.
• Rajbalhat comes from Devi Rajballavi.
27. Who are these Naren,Naran,Niren-3 stalwarts
of bengali literature?
Narendranath Mitra, Narayan Gangopadhyay
and Nirendranath Chakraborty
• He then ,a student of intermediate science at a college in Kolkata
lived in a paying guest.One day he was debating with his
friends.The subject of the debate was that the editor of the
magazine/newspaper do not publish the works /writings of
newcomers.But he protested .He said that the editors will certainly
publish if there are promises within writings.His friends were not
ready to agree his words without proof.He said that hewill give
proof.The bet/stake was done for 5 rupees.Within seven days he
wrote a story and then sent it to ‘Bichitra’ which was that time’s
famous magazine.Next month the story ‘A’ was published.After
few days of that incident ,Upendranath Gangopadhyay himself
came to him after searching his address .He gave him 15 rupees as
remuneration at his hands and went after requesting him to write
many more stories.Thus a star of Bengali Literature was born.
• Identify him & his remarkable story.
Atashi Mami By Manik
• Built on the site where the famous Sans Souci Theatre
was initially started, this organization had branches of the
same Brand name in Darjeeling, Allahabad and Kusthia (
now in Bangladesh).
• Peary Chand Mitra was the first Bengali Director and
Chairman of the Board of the holding company from
1867 till 1870. This was the favourite hunt of Michael
Madhusudan Dutt. It had strong connection with the
suicide of Kadambari Devi.
• Recently, several documents were found in the Tagore
Estates Accounts Ledger with notes on accounts on
money spent for the European Doctors.
• Which 180 years old organization is this ?
Great Eastern Kolkata
• Official record said, she was Born Sept. 30, 1934 in
Darjeeling to William Patrick O’Callaghan, a Bengal-
Nagupur Railway station master and Phoebe, but later in
her memoir she claimed that she was the product of an
“unregistered alliance” between an architect Devi ……..,
who died weeks before her wedding, and an Indian
woman named Selma Ghose. She was raised
in Calcutta until she was 13, when the family relocated
to Cardiff, Wales.
• She was married to Brando for 11 months before their
separation in 1958. However, their stormy relationship
and her sometimes frantic attempts to secure custody of
their son generated headlines for years.
• This company had a
capital of Rs 1 crore in
1920 ! In 1911 this
company also filmed
Mohun Bagan ‘s historic
IFA Shield final match.
This is the first time in
India a sporting event
was filmed.
• Which company?
32 Connects this three entities with a famous creation of
Rabindranath Tagore for which he didn’t charged a single
penny !

A) It is a novel and charming preparation composed of

the finest Genuine Musk, Otto of Roses, and some other
new and valuable Aromatics and Spices for imparting a
rich and delicious taste to the Betel. A few grains of this
Powder taken with the betel will wonderfully improve its
taste and flavor. Betel used will find it a necessity and a
luxury indeed.
B) A delightful Perfumed Oil C) Presents in a liquid form
for Preserving and Beautifying
the sweet and harming odour
of thousands of fresh
the Hair. It has already aquired
blooming flowers. In
an extensive sale all over India
Sweetness, Delicasy, and
and has been a great favourite
Permanency of the
with the Ladies of our country
Fragnance, It is really
.It is the purest and the finest delightful and is unequalled
Perfume and the most by any Essence. A few drops
efficacious Hair Grower in the on your handkarchief will
market and you can not obtain a feel the atmosphere with a
better hair oil for ten times the delightful and fascinating
money. perfume which will last for
• “Keshe Makho
Paane Khao
Dhanyo Hok H
33.Identify the man who had an indelible mark
on India, through his memoir. He wrote
numerous books on India.
• India is over. Finished." Father kept on drumming it into my head. He
had stayed back in India for two years after he packed me and my older
sister back to England with my mother. As a manager of an agency that
financed everything from the Howrah Bridge to mines and jute mills and
ran the Darjeeling railway, he thought it was all over as soon as he left, in
1947. our house in Tollygunj, with four bedrooms, a stable and a garden.
We had a nanny in Calcutta, imported especially from Surrey, to ensure
that we grew up nice Angrezi bachchas and to stop us speaking Hindi.
• Grandfather was determined to go back to Calcutta, and did, when I was
13. As for me, India had sunk more or less into the subconscious. I
missed the servants, the sunshine and my school in Darjeeling, and loved
telling tall stories about life in India. But I was too busy being a badmash
in the public school I’d just joined in Wiltshire to think too much about
the life we’d left behind.
• The original version X was
released on March 1961 and
was a tribute to her (Pic)
• X’s second version Y was
published on September 1962 &
X’s third version “Amar Eshwari
Ke” was published on June
• Identify Y ,the most well-known,
was a girlfriend-centric love
• Also identify this brilliant
student of Presidency College.
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
• His (20 December 1919 – 30 April 2014)
grandmother's brother, Gurusaday Dutt, had named
him Chirakumar, but his father later changed the
name to Chiraranjan . This name he changed in
1943 to ……… as a consequence of strained
relationship with his father.
• Identify this person from the design covers in the
next slides, though he was more famous for his
exploits in another field in arts & culture for which
he was given many accolades including Padma
Bhushan in 2012.
Khaled Choudhury
36(if it is a prelims qstn)

• She was a student of

inaugural batch of the
Department of
Comparative Literature
at Jadavpur University.
• Identify her from the
convocation ceremony
in 1958.
3 famous literary personalities from the same
family.Identify them.
36.িধ্যিমি: বাবা নররন্দ্র দেরবর দ ারল বরে দ াট্ট
নবনীতা। পারে িা রাধ্ারািী দেবী।
• This station where
Rabindranath Tagore spent
6 hours sitting in the waiting
room, for the next train and
wrote famous poem in 1918.
• It is engraved in marble
stone and installed in Bangla,
Hindi and English right next
to that waiting room.
• Identify the station and the
poem (image follows)
Station is Bilaspur and Poem name is "Fanki"
38. Identify this two great Bengali feminist thinker,
educator and political activist from this two google
Kamini Roy begum Rokeya Sakhawat
• The first two films of this Bengali director in
Bollywood were based on the stories of Ashutosh
Mukhopadhyay and Ashapurna Devi respectively.
Also both the leading actress’ of the films were won
Filmfare Best Actress Award.
• He later adapted Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay's
Parineeta and made an adaptation of Satyajit Ray’s
Mahanagar,Nirmal Dey’s Chapadangar Bou and
Bijoy Bose’s Saheb.
• Whom am I talking about?
Anil Ganguly
40.Which eponymous organization was started by this men of
letters in 1934 and still going strong ? (Onek din aager night
session e korechilam)
• Gandhiji was arrested in the Yarwara jail in Pune in the
early part of the year 1933. A 24-year-old youth from
Kalighat, Kolkata, decided to publish a monthly magazine
on the access of the untouchables to the sanctum
sanctorum at Kali Mandir. He wrote a letter to Gandhiji on
April 10, 1933 asking for advice and blessings for the rights
of the untouchables. On 14 April, Gandhi wrote in reply to
his letter, “I received your letter. It does not appear that a
monthly magazine can be run on untouchability.
• The student of science, the young man is now a well-known
historian and writer who had a famous book on history of
Hooghly district.
• Who ?
• The Nandy family Cossimbazar Raj Bari had a long connection
with Silk business and had silk trading ties with the English.
Cossimbazar is the site of the first English factory established as
early as 1652. Babu Krishna Kanta Nandy founded the
Cossimbazar Raj Bari. X was Commercial Resident of the East
India Company at Cossimbazar at that time. In order to extort
money from him, the Nawab Siraj-ud-Daulah ordered his
arrest. X was sent a prisoner to Murshidabad. However, he
escaped just as the Nawab turned his back and marched
towards Calcutta. A furious Siraj ordered his re-capture. The
terrified X then turned to Krishna Kanta Nandy, founder of
Cossimbajar Rajbari popularly known as Kanta Babu for help.
KKN not only saved him by giving him shelter in his house but
arranged for his safe passage to Calcutta.
• Identify X who later hold bigger administrative post in Bengal.
Warren Hastings
• Jan. 01, 1955 – who
chappling in appreciation
of the performance of
Tagore's dance drama
''Shyama'' at Raj Bhavan,
Calcutta - during his state
visit to India. On his right
are Dr haren Mookerjee,
Governor of West Bengal
and Mr Nehru.(bigger
image follows)
Marshal Tito/ Josip Broz Tito
• Blood Brothers: A Family Saga-a 2006 book(pic in next slide) is about the
author recollecting not only the first seventeen years of his life, but the lives
of his father, and his grandfather before that, in a volatile India.
• According to the 2006 book, Blood Brothers: A Family Saga, Ruled by the
British, there was this place called Telinipara (near the banks of Hooghly).
the author's grandfather, Prayaag, landed in place called Telinipara, on the
banks of Hoogly, after losing both his parents to a famine that started
around 1870 in a village near the town of Buxar (now in Bihar). A train
journey later – call it fortune, or call it fate; that he, in poor condition of
health, collapsed against a teashop which was owned by his soon-to-be
• Identify the author, a “great” journalist and politician, who was born and
brought up in West Bengal, was a Congress MP from Kishanganj in Bihar
between 1989 and 1991,and was elected to Rajya Sabha from Jharkhand.
M. J. Akbar
• The principal character of this series is much like the
author himself, grows up amid the tea estates of
the Dooars, moves to Kolkata in the 1960s in order to
study at Scottish Church College & plunges into
the Naxalite rebellion that rocked West Bengal in the late
1960s and 1970s. Through the character of the
protagonist, author portrays the tumultuous political
history of West Bengal in the post-independence era.
• The first three novels in the series were published
between 1979 and 1989. The last book in the series was
published in 2013, after a gap of 24 years, as a response
to the rise of Mamata Banerjee and the Trinamool
Congress. (Atri Kelabe)
• Name the quartet , named after the protagonist.
Animesh quartet /Animesh Mitra

• Which creation of Rabindranath Tagore was

based on tune of the person (image follows), in
response to Lord Curzon’s Partition of Bengal in
1905 ?
• Recently it was in the news for a wrong reason
through a short term celebrity as well as a Nobel
Which famous creation?
Two famous satues of the said person in Kushtia
47.After the success of “Jai Santoshi Ma”(1975),this mythological
film was blockbuster in Bengal .This pic was taken in August
,1977.A mythological Bengali movie running successfully in Metro
cinema !!!which film?
• According to Sukumar Sen,“Bhudev Mukharji’s Anguriya
Binimay, the first historical novel written in Bengal, supplied the
nucleus of the plot of this 1865 novel, which was modelled
somewhat after Walter Scott’s Ivanhoe.”Author himself
dismissed any presumption of whether his novel was influenced
by Ivanhoe, stating he never read Scott’s romance before writing
• Although, author’s younger brother Purna Chandra stated that
their great-uncle told author of a popular legend of Mandaran
from Bishnupur-Arambag region. According to the legend, the
Pathans attacked the fort of the local feudal lord and took him
along with his wife & daughter to Orissa as prisoners and when
Jagat Singh was sent to rescue them, he was also imprisoned.
Author heard the story when he was 19 years old and after a few
years he wrote this novel.
• Identify the novel & the author.
49.Connect with an Indian Civil Servant, who
later served as Lieutenant Governor of
Bengal from 1898 to 1902.
• A bronze statue of him was unveiled in 1905, which
earlier stood at Dalhouse Square of Kolkata - has now
been shifted to Victoria Memeorial.
• A street in Kolkata was named after him.
• A park at Kolkata in named after him
• A Ward of SSKM Hospital, Kolkata is also named after
him, where at present special patients like VVIP, VIP
are treated. (too easy)

• Sir John Woodburn.
• Legend has it that in the 14th century
Dhurbananda Bramhachari, a Bengali sage went
for a pilgrimage, with the desire to offer Bhog to a
certain God . Prevented by the temple authorities
from doing so, dejected Dhurabnanda decided to
fast till death. On the third day of his fasting he
heard God ’s voice, advising him to head back to
Bengal, to a place on the banks of Hooghly. The
lord also advised him that at that place he would
find a huge trunk, to make the idols.
• This is the legend behind which famous annual
religious affair ?
Mahesh Rath
• Recently renovated and restored by Eastern
Railway, the 140-year-old iconic Vivekananda
Institute of Asansol, is one of oldest institutes in
India and had a famous Tower with the War
Memorial Copper Plate, commemorating the
sacrifice of railway men in the First World War.
• In 1925 it was named after the foreign secretary of
India during 1884 to 1894 and thus took its popular
• Which Institute /after whom it was named so?
(image follows)
52.This pic was taken at Kolkata when the woman in the
picture and her family host George Harrison. Identify
the woman.
Tanusree Shankar and Sreenanda Shankar
And the answer is…
Type your answer here
Sample Qs
Round 1
QM: Partha Sarathi Ghatak

Question 1 to 12
**1. In which year did
Kolkata Quiz Festival start?
And the answer is…
2. The second edition of KQF was held in this
venue in central Calcutta. Name it.
And the answer is…
Calcutta Boys’ School
Let’s check the scores!

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