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Week 6

What was
this before
it grew
into a
helps a
seed grow
into a
What might
stop the
growth of a
seed into a
young plant?
What must
we do with
the weeds to
make the
seeds grow
into plants?
His mother said,
“I’m afraid it won’t
come up.”
His father said,
“I’m afraid it won’t
come up.”
His brother said,
“It won’t come up.”
Every day, the
little boy still
watered the ground
and pulled up the
weeds. But nothing
came up.
And nothing
came up. Everyone
said it wouldn’t
come up.
But every day, the
little boy still watered
the ground and pulled
out the weeds. And
then, one day...
A carrot plant came
up. Just as the little boy
had known it would.
1. What did the boy do one day?
2. What do you think the boy had in
mind when he planted the seed?
3. What did the boys mother, father,
and brother tell him??
4. Did the boy lose hope when he heard
their words? How can you tell?
5. What did the boy do instead? Why?
6. What can you say about the boy?
7. What happened to the seed at the
8. Do you think it is good to discourage
9. If you were the brother/ father/ mother
of the boy, what should you have said
10 . If you were the boy in the story, would
you do the same thing he did? Why?
11 . Was there also a time in your life when you
almost lost hope? What did you do to achieve
you goal?
Activity 62

Copy the story frame in your

notebook. Complete the story
frame by choosing from the
words/phrases inside the box.
Engagement Activity

Present the story using:

Group 1: Short skit
Group 2: Song
Group 3: Dance
Group 4: Pantomime
Group 5: Rap/Chant
Elements of the Story
Elements of the Story
Elements of the Story
Elements of the Story
Elements of the Story
Read the Sentences
Read the Sentences

3. Mother believed that the

seed won’t come up.
4. The boy’s brother was sure
the seed won’t come up.
The story The Carrot Seed is about a
boy who planted a seed. His mother,
father, and brother believed that the seed
won’t come up.
But, he continued watering the seed
and pulling out the weeds. He did not lose
Until one day, a carrot came up. The
boy was very happy.
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. When does the story take place?
3. What was the problem of the boy in story?
4. Who caused the problem?
5. When did the problem in the story take
6. How did the boy solve his problem?
7. How did the story end?
1. The boy planted a seed.
2. Father said a plant won’t come up.
3. The boy visited the garden every day.
4. He pulled the weeds.
5. Mother and brother saw the plant.
Circle each noun

happy pillow goat laugh

make boy desk box
fast lamp kite song
dance rug water pencil
draw snow eat slow
Read the sentences carefully and
underline the nouns in the sentences.
1. The boy watered the plants.
2. The seed came up.
3. There are flowers in the pots.
4. We saw the birds flying in the sky.
5. Almira loves going to the church.
Group Work
1. Give pupils word strips that indicate what nouns
mention (places, persons, animals, things, events).
2. Give each of the pupils word cards (nouns).Tell
the pupils to look for their partner who holds the
labels of persons, places, animals, things, events.
3. After finding their partner, let them post it on the
appropriate column: (person ,animal, place, events,
4. Allow the pupils to read the posted words .
Underline the noun in the sentence.
1. The plane landed safely in the airport.
2. The girl dropped the grass on the table.
3. My cat likes to play.
4. The fruit was to be a pre with string and yard.
5. Is there a dime in the bank? On
6. There was huge spider crawling across the floor.
7. Is that child waiting to get on the bus?
8. A monkey jumped down and grabbed the banana.
9. The book must returned to the library soon.
10. My stuffed bear fell in the mud.
Listen as I read each sentence.
1. Mang Brando is a driver.
2. Father Teddy is a kind priest.
3. Manny Pacquiao is a good
4. Miss Cruz is our teacher.
5. Cris is my classmate.
1.What is a noun?
a.action word
b. describing word
c. person, place, thing or

1.Circle the nouns in the

sentence below.
The dog ran through the mud
with his bone.
1.The word “library” is
a. person
b. place
c. thing
d. event
Write 3 nouns that name a person:
1.__________ 2. _________ 3. _________
Write 3 nouns that name a place:
1. __________ 2. _________ 3. _________
Write 3 nouns that name a thing:
1. __________ 2. _________ 3. _________ .
Write 3 nouns that name a event:
1. __________ 2. _________ 3._________
Underline the noun in each sentence.
1.Mang Brando is a driver.
2. Father Teddy is a kind priest.
3. Manny Pacquiao is a good
boxer. 4. Miss Cruz is our
5. Cris is my classmate.
Let us put the two nouns in each sentence in this table.

Mang Brando Driver
Father Teddy priest
Manny Pacquiao Boxer
Miss Cruz Teacher
Cris classmate
Which column lists the names of
specific persons?
Let us put the two nouns in each sentence in this table.

Mang Brando Driver
Father Teddy priest
Manny Pacquiao Boxer
Miss Cruz Teacher
Cris classmate
How are they written?
Let us put the two nouns in each sentence in this table.


Mang Brando Driver
Father Teddy priest
Manny Pacquiao Boxer
Miss Cruz Teacher
Cris classmate
Which column does not lists the names
of specific persons?
Let us put the two nouns in each sentence in this table.


Mang Brando Driver
Father Teddy priest
Manny Pacquiao Boxer
Miss Cruz Teacher
Cris classmate
How are they written?
NOUN are the general name
we give to persons,
specific names
places, things,
we give to animals, and
people, animals, events. It do not
things or events. begin with a
capital letter.
GROUP Activity 67
Identify the nouns in the given sentences. Write the words
in the correct columns: Proper Noun or Common Noun
1. Angelo loves his cat.
2. Joan visits the library.
3. Cora went to Cebu to visit Dr. Cruz.
4. My father and my mother bought a new car.
5. The month of September has 30 days.
Angelo cat
Joan library
Cora father
Cebu mother
Dr. Cruz car
September day
GROUP Activity 67
Let us do the Post-It Game for proper and common nouns. Get words
from the Noun Bank and decide whether the noun is either an
example of a common or a proper noun.
Noun Bank
Pangasinan pencil bread cat girl
Benigno Lina street Jose Rizal


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