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What is media convergence?

• Is the merging of mass

communication outlets –
print, television, radio, the
internet along with
portable and interactive
technologies through
various digital media
What is media convergence?
• Example:
• Magazine, radio program,
tv shows and movies, now
are available on the
internet through laptops,
ipads and smart phones.
What is mass media?

refer to channels of communication
that involve transmitting
Mass Media information in some way, shape or
Mass Media means technology that is
form to large numbers of people
intended to reach a mass audience.

are the intended or unintended

consequences of what the mass
Media Effects media does
(Denis McQuail, 2010)
Golden Rule (Confucius)

Do not do unto others

what you do not want
others do unto you.
Golden Rule in “netiquette”

Remember that human

Rules of Netiquette

1.Remember the Human

-Respect for human beings
-It is not nice to hurt other people’s
Rule of Netiquette

2. Adhere to the same standards online

that you follow in real life. –
-be ethical, (decent)
-breaking the law is bad
Rule of Netiquette

3. Know where you are in cyberspace –

-when appropriate use private message,
email or chat instead of posting in the
-lurk before you leap
Rule of Netiquette

4. Respect other people’s time and

- Post message to the appropriate discussion
- Try not to ask stupid questions on discussion
Rule of Netiquette

5. Make yourself look good online

– it is advisable not to share anything
embarrassing, illegal or inappropriate.
- Check grammar and spelling before you post
Rule of Netiquette

6. Share your expert knowledge

– to others so that they can learn what you
- Offer answers and help to people who ask
questions on discussion group
Rule of Netiquette

7. Help keep flame wars under control

- Don’t respond to flame-bait – don’t use
offensive language.
Rule of Netiquette

8. Respect other people’s privacy –

- don’t read other peoples message, text
without their permission.
- Don’t share their secret
Rule of Netiquette
9. Don’t abuse your power –
- if you are on a higher position than the others always be humble and
still be respectful
- The more power you have, the more important it is that you use it
Rule of Netiquette

10. Be forgiving of other people’s

Rules of Netiquette
1. Remember the Human - Respect for human beings
2. Adhere to the same standards online that you follow in real life. – be
ethical, breaking the law is bad
3. Know where you are in cyberspace – when appropriate use private
message, email or chat instead of posting in the group, - lurk before
you leap
4. Respect other people’s time and bandwidth -
5. Make yourself look good online – it is advisable not to share anything
embarrassing, illegal or inappropriate.
6. Share your expert knowledge – to others so that they can learn what
you know.
7. Help keep flame wars under control
8. Respect other people’s privacy – don’t read other peoples message,
text without their permission. Don’t share their secret
9. Don’t abuse your power – if you are on a higher position than the
others always be humble and still be respectful
10. Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes.
Type of cyberbullying

A. Harassment B. Flaming
C. Exclusion

D. Outing E. Masquerading
A. Harassment
• Aggressive pressure of intimidation
• Verbal harassment behavior include threatening, yelling, insulting or
cursing at a victim in public or in private.

• Harassment in cyberbullying
• Sending threatening message
• Spreading rumors
• Leaving abusive message
B. Flaming
• Used for emphasis to express annoyance
• The act of posting or sending offensive messages over the the

• Flaming in cyberbullying
• Flaming is when internet users send each other offensive messages
due to a heated argument or debate.
C. Exclusion

•Intentionally and cruelly excluding

someone from an online group
•(removing someone in the group)
D. Outing

•Sharing someone's secret or

embarrassing information
E. Masquerading
• Is a situation where a bully creates a fake identify to harass someone

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