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What is OS?

OS is a collection of programs act as an interface between user and the computer

hardware. Comp HW Cannot understand the human readable language as it works
on binaries. Also it is very tough for humans to understand binary language, in
such case we need an interface which can translate human language to hw and
vice-versa for effective communication.

Types of Operating System

--Single user-Single task OS
--Single user-Multitasking OS
Ex: Windows
-- Multi user-Multitasking OS
Ex: Unix/Linux
Functions of Operating system

Process management
Memory Management
Data Management
I/O Management
Other programs
What is Kernel?
A kernel is a program that allocates and controls
hardware resources in a system.
A set of functions that make up the heart of an OS.
It is used to provide an application interface between
programs and physical devices.

Services provided by the kernel

Controls execution of processes.
Scheduling processes fairly for execution on the CPU.
Allocating memory for an executing process.
What is Shell?

Shell is the interface between the user and the kernel.

Services provided by the shell
-It interprets all the commands to the kernel
-The kernel after processing the commands gives back
to the shell.
Linux Architecture Works



shell, Korn Shell, TC

Linux Architecture Works



shell, Korn Shell, TC

Before Linux
• In 1980’s, Microsoft’s DOS was the dominated OS for PC
• Apple MAC was better, but expensive
• UNIX was much better, but much, much more expensive.
Only for minicomputer for commercial applications
• People was looking for a UNIX based system, which is
cheaper and can run on PC
• Both DOS, MAC and UNIX were proprietary, i.e., the source
code of their kernel is protected
• No modification is possible without paying high license fees
Beginning of Linux
– A famous professor Andrew Tanenbaum developed Minix, a simplified
version of UNIX that runs on PC
– Minix is for class teaching only. No intention for commercial use
– In Sept 1991, Linus Torvalds, a second year student of Computer
Science at the University of Helsinki, developed the preliminary kernel
of Linux, known as Linux version 0.0.1
What is LINUX( Linus Torvalds--1991)?
Linux is a free open source operating system based on
Fresh Implementation of Unix APIs
Open Source development model
Supports wide variety of hardware
Supports many networking protocols and Configurations.
Fully Supported.
Everything is a file and Provides many Utilities.
Configuration Data stored in text.
Ability to chain programs together to perform complex
Features of linux
 Open Source
- Free software along with the source code and documentation.
 Multicasting
- Capable of running multiple applications and process at the same time.
 Multi-user
- Allows multiple users to login and use the resources at the same time
 Portability
- can be installed on all hardware architecture.
Feature Of Linux
 Scalability :
- Same operating system can be used on a desktop to super computer.
 Reliability :
- Large servers have been successfully being running without a single second of down
 Security :
- Inbuilt firewall(iptables) and SELinux
LINUX Distributions
• RedHat
• Ubuntu
• Turolinux
• Debian
• Slackware
• Puppy linux
• Fedora
• Etc..
Different beween Linux and Windows
* Full access vs. no access
having access to the source code is probably the single most
significant difference between Linux and Windows..
* Licensing freedom vs. licensing restrictions
you can download a single copy of a Linux distribution (or
application) and install it on as many machines as you like. With
the Microsoft license, you can do none of the above. You are
bound to the number of licenses you purchase, so if you purchase
10 licenses, you can legally install that operating system (or
application) on only 10 machines.
* Online peer support vs. paid help-desk support
linux os are support in online trough the internet.but windows
system are it not possible.
* Command line vs. no command line
Linux have a powerful command mode
* Security
Linux have more security than windows
* Multilayered run levels vs. a single-layered run level
* Automated vs. non automated removable media
* Centralized vs. non centralized application installation
* Full vs. partial hardware support
* No virus
* linux not need primary partition
* boot to anywhere (it refer in case of two hard disk)
* linux can load multiuser in at a time but windows only one
user in at a time
Tasks of Linux System Administrators

Installing operating system

Startup and shutdown concepts
User and Group account administration
Device Management and file system administration
Software installation and management
Managing the installed services
Managing the processes
Performance Tuning
Printer Administration
Tasks of Linux network Administrator
TCP/IP and Network configuration
Setting up NFS
Setting up Samba
Setting up NIS, NIS+ and LDAP
Setting up DNS and DHCP
Setting up Web Server
Setting Mail server
Setting up proxy
Setting up firewall
Setting up Routing
Performing Shell scripts to ease the system administration

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