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Article 199

whenever 2 or more persons

are obliged to give support, the
liability shall devolve unpon the
following persons in the order
herein provided
•The spouse
•The descendants in the nearest degree;
•The ascendants in the nearest degree
•The brother and sisters.
. To support certain relatives rests primarily
upon the requirements of human nature and
the ties by family relations.
. The obligation should first be imposed upon
those who are closely related to the recipient
and it is only in default of those nearer in
degree of relationship that those more
remote are called upon to discharge the
If the defendant can prove that another
person who is ahead of him in the order of
liability can give the support, the obligation
must fall upon the latter.
. Thus, a rich brother will not be obliged to
give support if he proves that the father
enough means to give for support
Article 200
• When the obligation to give support falls upon tow
or more persons, the payment of the same shall be
divided between them in proportion to the
resources of each.
• However, in case of urgent need and by special
circumstances, the judge mau order only one of
them to furnish the support provisionally, without
prejudice to his right to claim from the other
obligors the share due from them.
• The proportionate share od each will depend upon
his means as compared to the other.
• However, that some obligors may be absent and
their domicile unknown, or for some other reason
they cannot immediately furnish their shares.
• In such case, the law provides that any obligor may
be compelled to give the full amount of support
without prejudice to his right to recover the
proportionate shares of the others.
Article 201
•The amount of support, is the cases referred
to in articles 195 and 196, shall be in
proportion to the resource of means of the
giver and to the necessities of the recipient.
Article 202
• Support in the cases referred to in the preceding article
shall be reduced or increased proportionately, according to
the reduction or increase of the necessities of the recipient
and the resources or means of the person obliged to
furnish the same
• Judgment of support is always subject to modification.
• In determining the amount of support to be awarded, such
amount should be in proportion to the resources of means
of the giver & the necessities.
.The evidence must prove the capacity or
resources of both parents who are jointly
obligated to support their children as
provided for article a95 of the family
.Judgment for support does not become
final. The right to support is of such
nature that its allowance is essentially
• For during the entire period that a needy party is
entitled to support, his or her alimony may be
modified or altered, in accordance with his
increased or decreased needs and with the same
means of the giver.

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