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 Every journey has its start and end. On how the journey has started and
ended may have significant implication in one’s achievement, but the most
important event in every journey is the liminal space between the start and
end – how one has journeyed.

 Teaching and learning is a journey in education that we

treasure most.

 It is not only the ‘matter’ or the ‘what to teach’ that is important, but the
‘manner of delivery’ or the ‘how to teach’ plays a very important role in
today’s teaching and learning environment. Also, it is not only the ‘matter’
or the ‘what was learned’ that is significant, but the ‘quality or the
authenticity of learning’ where students become life ready.
In the early years;
 Teachers were regarded as instruments for information dissemination
and communicators of knowledge in which the students obediently
receive and believe.

 Teachers were always in authority over the students. This was during
the period in which teacher-centered approach were observed in the
education system. This approach seems to weaken the aim of acquiring
quality learning for this makes the students passive learners.

 The authors of some journals would claim that student-centered is

proven worldwide to be an effective method for the students to have
quality learning. Besides, students working collaboratively with their
peers, they are being developed to be creative and critical thinkers.
Teachers of Yesteryears Teachers of the 21st Century

Disseminate information through Allow students to solve real-world

lectures. problems.
Require students to memorize Allow students to construct their own
contents from textbooks. understanding of the subject matter.
Make use of textbooks and Make use of manipulative materials;
workbooks as their reference. make use of multitude of prints and
electronic sources.

Give assessments through written Give Performance-based

examinations. assessments.
(Performance tasks)

Widen their responsibility and their

Focus on their responsibility and relationship with colleagues,
relationship with the students as community and other stakeholders in
recipients of knowledge. acquiring clear and obtainable
standards for the knowledge, skills
and values that students are expected
to acquire.
Teachers of Yesteryears Teachers of the 21st Century

Followers of policies prescribed by Participate in the decision-making in

the school. school.

Use a variety of teaching methods

Use lecture as teaching method.
appropriate in the student’s learning.

Deliver the same lessons every Spend time in researching to update

year. his/her knowledge of the subject matter.

Too focused on self-achievement. Mentor new teacher.

Target to finish the lesson within the Target the learners to be ready in the
period. challenges of today’s learning.
Democratic in which teachers allow
Autocratic in which the teachers are in students to take responsibility in their
control of everything in all events of learning.
the classroom. Foster learner autonomy where students
also learn to take responsibility in their
Teachers of Yesteryears Teachers of the 21st Century

Holder of knowledge/Gatekeeper of Facilitator of learning


Technology illiterate Technology or digital literate

 Further, teachers of the 21st century are believed to be more

immersed in the use of technologies and would get away from
being digital immigrant teachers.

 Teachers of the 21st century do not merely transfer knowledge to

the students. More than teaching the subject matter, they teach
students how to learn to live life.
Teachers of the 21st century are: Teachers serves as This does not only refer to having
Teachers are venture players in taking chances
channel good language
to apply new knowledge,
in connecting in communicating
skills, practices and
Collaborators not only inside the classroom, but also in space.knowledge to the students, but
technologies especially if these will level up the student’s understanding and learning.
the curriculum,
Teachers therefore, must pull
Students could be more advancedup their collaborative
than teachers
software, hardwarewhen
tools to being
and it comes a teacher whoand
to technologies can
be able to continue
applications. This is to share
where and contribute
teachers dynamics
would takeoftheir
teaching communicate
riskinin learning withtechnologies
these new their students
and become technology to savvies
the learners. contribute much inanytime
their instruction.
that would and anywhere
their teaching with the
and students’
use of tools and technologies.
venture player communicator

collaborator 21st Century Teacher learner

exemplar futurist

Teachers never cease in learning new knowledge. When

teachers wantare futurist
their not only
students on what
to learn beyond theythe
Teachers are leaders in
Teachers are models
their own way by leading
when it comes to behavior,
students to language,
achieve at dealings
the end of with
and learn to face the challenges of education, they lesson, but
colleagues and on how
students, use of facilities
themselves and they will deliver
should beThey the
lifelong lesson
likewise with the use
for them to be
their leading their
models not only in what they teach but of the
able emerging
to extend to what
their tools and other
they practice,
knowledge web
and skills to their
students to the proper
technologies that will help theoflearners
even with the use
and appropriate use of
of technologies ---students.
social media
Learning networks and blogs
the technologies by will give
understand the lesson better.
learning the use and misusethe
materials of teachers
technologiesa big leap in the advances of today and
in education.
including technologies. tomorrow’s teaching and learning.
 One of the biggest challenges of teachers in the 21st century is not only to
utilize technologies to support teaching and learning but to use technology to
extend quality and authentic learning opportunities.
 To prepare the students for the demands of the tomorrow’s world, the roles of
teachers must be redefined and teachers themselves must first possess the
21st century skills and have the power to influence their students to learn the
knowledge and skills of the 21st century.

Can you imagine the relationship of digital immigrant teachers when faced
with native digital students?

It might appear that students would be less participative and the class
might be boring if the teachers would remain traditional in their ways
of teaching and in the materials they are using. Therefore, teachers are
highly encouraged to make themselves involve with the use of
technologies and keep them updated with technologies.
In as much as the roles of the teachers change to meet the needs of the students in
today’s education, the students’ roles likewise need to change to become more
competent, knowledgeable in theories and in practice and competitive in the call of
the community and the world.
Students in the earlier generations are indeed different in today’s generation. Having
technologies at their side make them more advanced in information where they do not
need to have a long distance walk just to access information from the books in the
library. Almost all information and tools that they need are already at the palm of their
hands. They only need to access and use these technologies rightfully and
Before, students depend so much from the teacher when it comes to learning. They
listen passively to the discussion, they only speak or answer when they are asked, they
learn theories through memorization of text and many others in which we can tell that
is not entirely authentic. Thanks to the technologies especially to the period that it
began to enter the field of education.

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