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Vegetables can be grown in rows, beds,

or containers mixed with flowers and

There are some considerations to follow in making a
1. Locate the best site for your garden.
a. Sunlight and Shade
Choose an area where there is plenty of
sunlight througout the day and little afternoon shade.
Do not plant vegetables under or near trees or shrubs
because their roots will absorb water for and from the
 B. Good Soil Drainage
Establish your garden on a light slope to provide
drainage, especially during rainy season. If your land is
flat, dig drainage channels or ditches around the planting

C. Soil Fertility
Soil, the natural medium for plant growth, is the
primary source of agriculture. The soil in your garden
should be fertile enough to make plants grow. It should
contain humus, a form of plant food. Plants get their food
from the soil.
Three kinds of soil
 1. Loam Soil is the most suitable for vegetable
gardening. This soil is composed of sand, silt, clay and
decaying matter.
 2. Clay Soil is made up mostly of mud. It is heavy and
sticky and holds too much water but becomes very
hard when dried.
 3. Sandy Soil is not good for vegetable gardening
because it cannot hold water and lacks the necessary
nutrients for plants.
D. Good Air Circulation
Air circulation refers to the intensity of wind passing
through your garden site. Strong winds are not good for
young plants. Your site should have natural windbreaks
around, including trees and houses.
2. Thoroughly prepare the soil
before planting.
Successful vegetable cultivation depends largely
on how well you prepare the soil before planting.
Vegetables grow and yield better in well prepared soil.
However, there are no hard-and-fast rules in preparing
the soil for vegetable planting. Much depends on the
terrain, soil type, site of the garden, and vegetables you
want to plant.
How to prepare the soil
 Prepare the land manually with a hoe and a rake. Do
not work on the soil when it is very wet so as not to
destroy the structure. Clean the site and cut grasses
and weeds for composting. Dig the land at least two
times a depth of 15 to 20 cm harrowing with a rake and
pulverizing clods between diggings.
Fertilize the soil with compost
 Basket and Trench Composting
 Basket and trench composting help make the soil fertile.
A. Basket composting is the process by which
decomposable home garbage and leaves are allowed to
rot in half buried baskets.
 B. Trench Composting is digging a hole in the backyard
approximately 30.5 cm. deep/ Add 10-15 cm of
compostable materials like kitchen scraps, garden plants
then bury them with the soil you dug out of the trench.
Plans and Records
 Even if you are only growing a few
vegetables to start with, it makes sense
to draw a simple plan for a crop
rotation. Keep an eye on what happens
through the season, so you can deal
with any problems, and adjust with
growing conditions accordingly.
Keep records. This is helpful for all
gardeners not just beginners.
Simply write the name of the plant
and sowing date on a plastic label
used to mark a row. Include records
on yields, pests and diseases,
weather conditions, and what grew
Vegetables Beds
 Growing vegetables in narrow beds is the
simplest and least labor-intensive to set up.
The most important suggestions when
setting up for beds for vegetables growing is
to be able to plant everything in place.
Growing vegetables of the same family in
different beds will make rotation easier to
No-dig Vegetable Growing
 No-dig gardening is an organic
technique that can be used for growing
all types of vegetables. In no-dig, the
soil should be in reasonable condition
ideal for seed sowing.
Vegetable in Containers
 Vegetables can be grown in containers such
as cans, pots, and plastic bags, and others.
Tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants are
grown in large individual containers.
Vegetables like carrot, radish, and green
onion can be grown in mixed pots or
individual containers.
Vegetables with deep roots such as
cauliflowers are not recommended
to grow in containers.
Here are some tips for growing in
 1. Buy young plants than sowing direct.
 2. Line clay pots with plastic to cup
down on water loss.
 3. Choose dwarf or small plants.
 4. Grow manual vegetables.
 Vegetables can be grown in rows,
containers on their own, or mixed with
flowers and shrubs.
 There are some considerations to
follow in making a garden: locate the
best site for your garden, thoroughly
prepare the soil before planting,
fertilize the soil with compost, and
keep plans and records.
Practical Activities
 1. Have a demonstration on the use of the different
tools for digging and pulverizing the soil.
 2. Draw how to construct a basket and trench compost.
 Match the itmes in column A with the items in column
B. Write the letter of the answer on the line.
 A B
 ___1. Hoe a. used to carry trash, soil and fertilizer
 ___2. bolo b. used for loosening the soil
 ___3. Sprinkler c. used to dig holes and canals of ditches
 ___4. shovel d. used to break hard and compact soil
 ___5. wooden box e. used to water plants,
• f. used for cutting tall grass and
splitting bamboo

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