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Online Distance Education

and Communities of
Flexible Learning Environment
Learning now a days is viewed
-The teacher is no longer seen as
basically the dispenser of knowledge but
rather as one who expertly directs the
learners to take their own track in
searching for answers to questions
raised inside the classroom.
• Students have a patience to stay in
front of the computer an unusually
longer time in searching more articles
and multimedia materials that simplify
a challenging topic.
• Every corner becomes a learning
• Students can possibly continue to
join class session even if they are
not physically around.
Online Distance Learning

• Online distance learning is not a

new concept.
• It allow flexibility in learning to
certain extent.
The Different Platforms of LMS
-The flexible mode of learning uses
a platform such as moodle, google
classroom, edmodo, schoology.
Modular Object Oriented
Dynamic Learning Environment

- was created by: Martin Dougiamas

It is a Learning Management System(LMS)
That support teaching and learning.
Google classroom and Edmodo
-is a free service for teachers and
students it is a LMS platform that is
accessible to google account

- They were created as an apps that can

integrate well with classroom activities
-schoology is another LMS founded on
2009 by Jeremy Friedman.
Massive Open online Course
-is a model for delivering learning
content online to any person who
wants to take course.
Activities can be done in two

• Synchronous
• Asynchronous

–Online chat at real time

–Questions or task are posted
and course participants answer
the question or post their reply
at any time.
Blended Learning
–Is a combination of learning
activities wherien a part of the
lesson is delivered online while
the other part is handed in
actual physical setting of
classroom .
Kinds of Blended Learning
• Model 1: Face to face Driver
-the teacher deliver the
curricula most of the time and
utilize online learning at certain
• Model 2: Rotation
-Students rotate on a fixed
schedule between learning online
in a one-to-one, Self-paced
learning environment and being
inside the classroom with a face-to-
face teacer.
• Model 3: Flex
–This model uses an online
platform that delivers most of
the course. Support to learning
is provided as needed through
on-site support or by online
• Model 4: online Lab
–The online-lab model uses an
online platform in delivering the
course but located in physical
classroom or computer
• Model 5: Self-Blend
–Is a system provided by the
school where the students can
choose the courses they would
like. Where students work on
their program mos of the time
• Model 6: Online Driver
–The online model utilize a
platform and a teacher that
delivers all curricula
Online Communities of
• Is a group of people with common
interests who use
the Internet (web sites, email,
instant messaging, etc
• A group of individuals who
communicates and connects on
regular basis.
Social networking Platforms
• Face Book • Tumblr
• Twitter • My space
• LinkedIn • Instagram
• Google
• Youtube
• Pinterest
–Biggest social networking Site
founded in 2004
–Provide social networking
service and online news
– Helps to find job and to search career
–Is designed to be a total
Communication social network
–Is an american video sharing
website where users can upload
and view
– Was designed as a catalogue of ideas
–is a platform use visual stories
that allows users to post photos
with caption and allowing
followers to like and comment
–Is a networking site that
combines social media and
My space
–Is another popular social
networking website where
members can make friends,
post blogs photos and videos
–(pronounced “flicker”) is an
image and video hosting
website that was created by
Ludicorp in 2004 and acquired
by Yahoo. It offers massive
online photo storage
–Is a social networking website with
the backronym “Blog Early, Blog
–It was founded by husband and wife
team Michel and Xochi Birch in
January 2005 at their home in San

• Get connected to family and

• Provide Information
• Support learning or argument
educational activities
The Dangers of Using Social
Networking Sites
• Making friends with strangers who may
actually be a predator or a cyber bully.
• There are also trolls who actually instigate
conflict ,misunderstanding or emotional
response by eliciting anger or ill feelings
from other users through social media.
• Ignore the real word and the ability to
socialize is incapacitated.
Safeguarding Oneself when
Engaging in Social Networking Sites
• Secure passwords and keep them private.
• Log out when using public computers.
• Regularly check privacy settings of social
networking sites.
• Leave a digital footprint which can be
traced back to you.
• Don’t accept the contacts if you don’t know
them personally
• Seriously consider the effect of possible
post on others.
• Using appropriate language is essential
• Better be safe than sorry.
• When there is indications of abuse
report this by clicking the report button
of abuse.
• Cyber bullying uses the sites to abuse
individuals. When this happen you
can do the following:
• a. Ignore the behavior
• b.block the person
• the report button abuse
• the trustworthy about it
Presentor # 1: Jobelle Batausa
Presentor # 2 : jay Bonanciso
Presentor #3: Irlyn Cabunilas
Presentor # 4: Renalyn Gerongco

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