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 Teams are the smallest functional element

 Teams are now cheetah; they are fast and
 They make quick and correct decisions.
 They act on issues
 They react to urgent matters, without
 Teams plan, pivot, and reposition
 Event staff should have complete
knowledge about the time to reach and
 Arrival of staff should be before they
 Replacement of staff who fail to appear
 Event staff should know how to contact
event staff during or prior to event
 Event staff should know who to contact
if have problem
 Event staff should know in the range of
emergencies that may be encountered
and what thy must do if there is an
 They should also be counseled to expect
the unexpected
 How and who to contact in that case
 The use of equipment is often
 In that case event staff should know
how to set up, position, test, repair,
 Before conducting the event staff
should know the expenses of the event
 Event staff should circulate the message
after measuring the all expenses
 Every event should gain some profit in
monitory or non monitory terms

 Event staff need to be fully informed of

the location to which they have to
 In large events people do not know
where to be
 In such conditions event staff should
provide guideline verbally or non
 Aspects of safety includes maintaining
crowd control, restricting access to
certain areas
 Keep watchful eye on the event and
 Making sure gates and entering areas
remained close till the event end
 Event staff should need to strive to
ensure that the event is equality
experience for all persons involved
 Event staff should include aspect of
service delivery such as courtesy,
listening to complaints, provision of
hospitality and ensuring people are

 Looking after staff is an important

aspect of event management
 Staff should be informed about food and
drink provided for them if their stay is
Event staff should manage the factors such
 Late arrival of staff
 Staff not being in the correct position or
leaving position without informing
 Unfamiliarity with tasks and
 Committee meeting
 Organize your team
 Role of individuals
 Figure out main attraction
 Publicity and promotion plan
 Build new and favorable relationships
 Stay engaging
 Keep calm
 Keep fun
 Double check everything
 Develop contingency plan

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