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Self Questioning

Time management

Learning style

 Memahami berbagai strategi keterampilan dalam belajar,

khususnya membuat catatan, rangkuman dan pertanyaan.
 Mengetahui cara efektif sesuai dengan karakteristik diri
 Memahami berbagai gaya belajar
 Memahami cara manajemen diri
Note taking Strategies

 First you must listen.

 Anticipate what is coming next.
 Focus on listening to what is being said.
 Taking notes keeps your mind active.
 Resist distractions.
 Involve yourself by thinking of examples as the speaker
 Listen closely to introductory and closing remarks
 Pay attention to speaker cues…voice, physical
motions, rate of speech
Before class

 Review the notes from the day before

 Make sure you have paper, text, pens/pencils, handouts
 Plan on listening 80% of the time and writing 20% of the time
 Write the date at the top of your paper for notes.
 Leave spaces between the lines so that you can add information
During class

 Write main idea (These points are what your teacher

emphasizes and repeats.)
 Write important details
 Copy whatever the teacher writes on the ppt slides?
 Always write definitions and listings
a) The 4 steps in this process…
b) 7 characteristics are…
c) The 2 causes are…
d) These 4 reasons are…
Signals of Importance

 Listen for important remarks…

a) And don’t forget…
b) This is an important reason…
c) Pay special attention to….
d) The basic idea is ….
e) ….and I’ll keep coming back to the idea that…
 Teacher’s physical gestures
a) Pointing
b) Listing with fingers
c) Facial expressions
d) Stepping forward
e) Pounding on the desk or board…
Notetaking Strategies

 Cornell Note taking

 Two Column Method
 Outlining
 Mapping Method
 Sentence Method
Cornell Note taking
Two Column Method

Key Words Description

Mapping Method

 Enhance comprehension and recall passage content

 A summary : reduce the material substantially, highlight the
essential content
 This ability develops slowly  many students have difficulty
 Learner use their own words  construct the new sentence,
create connections
 Different :summarize the lectures and text book
 Better combine with self questioning skills
Self questioning

 “When students know how to generate their own question during or

after reading usually results in improved comprehension.”
 Asking – answering high level questions  improve cognitive
activities  focusing attention
 Integrating new information with existing knowledge
 During study, the students used the generic questions, e.g.:
 What is the main idea..
 How does… relate to..
 What conclusion,,
 Why ..
Self questioning

 Can be done while lecture and text book reading

 Self questioning facilitate students to test themselves; how
well they understood the lecture
 Provide knowledge construction with particular question
stems  improved comprehension and subsequent recall
of lecture content
Which one is the most
effective way ?
Alison King (1992)

Note taking Summarizing Self

Immediate Recalled Recalled Recalled
testing less more less
(++) (+++) (+)
Retention (+) (++) Recalled
test (one more
week) (+++)
Learning style
Learning style

 Some learning style categories focus only on the

environmental aspects of learning (auditory, visual,
kinesthetic, and tactile),
 Kolb’s learning styles include perception and processing.
 According to Kolb, learners perceive and process
information in a continuum from concrete experience,
reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and
active experimentation
Kolb’s learning styles

•Concrete experience: being involved in a new experience

•Reflective observation: watching others or developing observations

about one’s own experience

•Abstract conceptualization: creating theories to explain observations

•Active experimentation: using theories to solve problems, make


 Concrete experience
 Active experimenters
 What would happen if I did this?
 These learners are good with complexity and are able to see
relationships among aspects of a system.
 Less instructor intensive
 Active

 Abstract conceptualization / reflective observer

 They like accurate, organized delivery of information
and they tend to respect the knowledge of the
expert. They aren't that comfortable randomly
exploring a system and they like to get the right
answer to the problem.
 Lecture follow by demonstration
 Exploration in lab

 Abstract conceptualization / Active experimenter

 Motivate to discover the relevancy or “how” of a
 Application and usefulness of information is
increased by understanding detailed information
about the system's operation.
 Instruction should be interactive
 Computer-assisted and workbook provide to

 Reflective observation / concrete experience

 Motivated in “why” situation
 They like to reason from concrete, specific information and to
explore what a system has to offer, and they prefer to have
information presented to them in a detailed, systematic,
reasoned manner.
 Lectures and hands on experience

Which one is you?

Bitran, et al (2012)
Manajemen waktu
Strategi manajemen waktu

1. Kenali time wasters !

 Kenali kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang paling sering
membuat anda menunda-nunda pekerjaan
yang lebih penting.
 Buat ‘perjanjian’ dengan diri sendiri untuk
menghilangkan (minimal mengurangi kebiasaan
 Awalnya akan sulit, tapi begitu anda mulai
bekerja dengan jadwal yang sudah dibuat,
kebiasaan buruk lama akan hilang sendiri.
Strategi manajemen waktu

2. Tentukan Prioritas
 Buat prioritas pekerjaan anda.
 Artinya, tentukan pekerjaan apa yang
paling penting dan harus dikerjakan
terlebih dahulu.
Strategi manajemen waktu

3.Jadikan deadline sebagai ‘kawan.’

 Membuat deadline untuk setiap pekerjaa adalah
penting supaya semua tugas/pekerjaan selesai
tepat waktu dengan kualitas baik.
 Jadikan deadline sebagai ‘kawan,’ bukan ‘musuh.’
 Rahasia menjadikan deadline sebagai ‘kawan’ 
membuat banyak deadline antara (deadline-
deadline kecil di ‘sepanjang jalan’), bukan hanya
satu deadline final.
Strategi manajemen waktu

4. Selesaikan pekerjaan-pekerjaan
kecil langsung.
 Kerjakan langsung pekerjaan-pekerjaan
kecil, jangan ditunda.
 Ini akan memudahkan anda
menghadapi tugas-tugas yang lebih
Strategi manajemen waktu

5. Jangan paksakan
mengerjakan beberapa
pekerjaan dalam satu waktu.
 Bagipekerjaan anda menjadi
bagian-bagian kecil.
Strategi manajemen waktu

6. Bagi pekerjaan besar dan

membosankan dalam
bagian-bagian lebih kecil.
 Lebihmudah mengerjakan
banyak pekerjaan kecil
daripada sedikit pekerjaan
Strategi manajemen waktu

7. Buat rutinitas harian.

 Otakanda bekerja baik jika memiliki
‘jam kerja’ teratur.
Strategi manajemen waktu
 Contoh tabel Jadwal Mingguan dari Harvard Law School.

Jam Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jumat Sabtu Minggu

9 – 10
10 - 11
11 – 12
12 – 13
13 – 14
14 – 15
15 – 16
16 - 17
17 – 18
18 – 19
19 – 20
20 – 21
21 – 22
22 – 23
23 – 24
24 - 6
Strategi manajemen waktu

8. Beristirahat setelah belajar dalam

waktu lama
 Usahakan untuk beristirahat sekitar 10 menit
setelah 1 jam bekerja.
 Silahkan berjalan-jalan, duduk di bawah pohon,
membaca koran, dsb.
 Jadikan 10 menit tsb untuk benar-benar ‘lepas’
dari pekerjaan anda.
Strategi manajemen waktu

9. Istirahat minimal ½ hari dalam

 Otak anda perlu istirahat rutin
setiap minggu.
 Dalam waktu tsb, jangan
pikirkan pekerjaan anda.
Strategi manajemen waktu

10. Ciptakan hidup yang bervariasi!

 Walaupun anda adalah mahasiswa, bukan
berarti 4 tahun di universitas hanya diisi dengan
belajar dan belajar.
 Masukkan hobby anda ke dalam jadwal, yang
akan membuat anda gembira dan lepas dari
rutinitas belajar.
Strategi manajemen waktu

11. 10 tips di atas tidak berguna

 Jika ke-10 tips di atas sudah anda lakukan tanpa hasil,
anda perlu merenung.
 Ajukan pertanyaan:
 Apa tujuan saya kuliah?
 Apa peran kuliah dalam mewujudkan cita-cita saya?
 Apakah saya di jurusan yang salah?
 Apa yang harus saya lakukan untuk keluar dari kemelut ini?

Mahasiswa yang baik adalah

mahasiswa yang ‘bahagia.’
Manajemen waktu yang baik dapat
membantu anda menjadi
mahasiswa yang bahagia.

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