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Janica Vyron Arellano

Three Domains Stotic (2015)

1. Technology as a tutor

2. Technology as a
teaching tool

3. Technology as a
learning tool
For Teachers and Teaching
1. Technology provides
enormous support to the
teacher as the facilitator
of learning.
2. Technology has modernized
the teaching- learning
3. Technology improves
teaching- learning process
and ways of teaching.
4. Technology opens new
fields in educational
5. Technology adds to
the competence of
teachers and
inculcates scientific
6.Technology supports
teacher professional
For Learners and Learning

1. Support learners to
learn how to learn
on their own.
Declarative knowledge

 Consists of the discrete pieces of information

that answers the questions what, who, when and
 Memorization of facts
 also referred to as conceptual, propositional or
descriptive knowledge, describes things, events,
or processes.
Structural knowledge

 Consists of facts or pieces of declarative

knowledge put together to attain some
form of meaning.
Procedural knowledge

 Knowledge in action or the knowledge of how

to do something.
 Based on facts but learned through the process
of procedural knowledge.
“Too many things to
teach, too little time to
2. Technology enhances learners’ communication
skills through social interactions.

a. Two way

b. One-to-many

c. Many-to-many
Social Interaction

Transmittal of
information from
one person to
another as a single
individual or groups
of individuals.
Social interaction in two ways
 Through technology
directly between two
persons via email, a
cell phone or other
 Around technology
like students discussing
about a problem
posed by a software
program or with
support of technology.
Benefits from technology
a. Enables any teacher to guide the learners virtually
and making learning unlimited because communication
and social interaction go beyond a school day or a
school environment.
b. Enhances students’ freedom to express and exchange
ideas freely without the snooping eyes of the teacher
face to face.
c. Enables learners to construct meaning from joint
experiences between the two or more participants in
d. Help learners solve problems from multiple sources
since there is limitless sources of information that the
teacher can direct or refer to the learners. e.
Teaches learners to communicate with politeness,
taking turns in sending information and giving
appropriate feedback.
f. Enhances collaboration by using communication
strategies with wider community and individuals in a
borderless learning environment.
g. Develops critical thinking, problem solving and
creativity throughout the communication.
3. Technology upgrades learners(apostrophe) higher-order-
thinking- skills: critical thinking, problem solving and

Critical thinking
it refers to the ability
to interpret, explain,
analyze, evaluate, infer,
and self- regulate in order
to make good decisions.
Ask the questions

 Clarity: Can you give

examples of...
 Accuracy: What pieces of
evidence support your claim.
 Precision: Exactly how
 Breadth: What do you think
will the other group say
about the issue?
Use critical thinking tasks with appropriate
level of challenge.

 Vary the question asked.

 Introduce new technologies.
 Modify the learners(apostrophe) grouping
 Modify the critical thinking task.
 Encourage curiosity.
is characterized as involving
the ability to think flexibly,
fluently, originally, and
elaborately (Guilford, 1986 &
Torrance, 1974 in Egbert, 2009).

 Flexibly means able to use many

points of view.
 Fluently able to generate many
 Originally implies being able to
generate new ideas.
 Elaborately means to add
Seven Creative Strategies (Osborn,
1. Substitute - Find something else
to replace to do what it does.
2. Combine - Blend two things that
do not usually go together.
3 Adapt - Look for other ways
this can be used.
4. Modify/ Magnify\Minify -
Make a change, enlarge,
5. Put to another use - Find other
6. Eliminate - Reduce, remove.
7. Reverse - Turn upside-down,
inside out, front-side back.
 1. Provide an enriched environment.
 2. Teac creative thinking strategies.
 3. Allow learners to show what the can do.
 4. Use creativity with technology.
 5. Encourage students to find and use
information from variety of sources both on-
line and off-line.
 6. Assist students to compare information
from different sources.
 7. Allow student to reflect through different
delivery modes like writing, speaking, or
 8. Use real experiences and material to
draw tentative decisions.
 9. Involve students in creating and
questioning assessment.

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