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• There are many different definitions of “nanotechnology” and

there is a degree of hype regarding it.

• Whatever the exact definition, key features in this field are:

• combining different sciences and technologies
• enhanced or new properties
• new applications
• all at very small dimensions.

• And we now have sophisticated tools to build, characterize

and utilize structures at the nanoscale, across a breadth of
Nanotechnology :

“Nano” – From the Greek word for “dwarf” and means 10-9, or one billionth.
In this case it refers to 10-9 meters, or 1 nanometer (nm).

1 nanometer is about 3 atoms long.

“Nanotechnology” – Manufacturing materials, devices and machines at the

nanometer, or atomic/molecular, scale.
 How do you build something so small ?

“Top-down” – building something by starting with a larger

component and carving away material (like a sculpture).
In nanotechnology: patterning (using photolithography) and
etching away material, as in building integrated circuits

“Bottom-up” – building something by assembling smaller

components (like building a car engine).
In nanotechnology: self-assembly of atoms and molecules, as in
chemical and biological systems
Top-down fabrication:
Limitations of top-down fabrication:

• Due to diffraction effects, the practical limit for optical lithography is

around 0.1 microns (100 nm).

• To define smaller features, electron beams, or “e-beams,” (which have

smaller wavelengths) can be used. Feature sizes smaller than 20 nm
can be patterned.

•But e-beam projection systems using masks have not been fully
developed yet – instead, “direct-write” e-beam lithography has been

• While optical lithography works in parallel over the wafer (with high
throughput), direct-write e-beam lithography works as a series process
(with low throughput).
Bottom-up fabrication:
“Self-assembly” of atoms and molecules (since top-down is very
difficult for manufacturing at nanoscale level).
Use of chemical and biological processes.

Current day examples: Growth of nanowires from vapor, using gold

nano-dot catalysts; Self-assembled monolayers (SAM) from

Self-assembled organic monolayers for

SEM showing the vertical growth of molecular transistors, etc.
nanowires for electronic devices

More extreme example: Self-replicating robots.

Challenges of bottom-up fabrication:
• Getting the structures to always grow exactly how and where you want
them to

• Making complicated patterns

• Fabricating robust structures

Some common strategies:

• Use catalysts, stress fields, diffraction gratings to achieve

selective growth in specific locations

• Use top-down processes in conjunction with bottom-up

processes, and build on silicon substrates
Why is Small Good?

- Faster

- Lighter

- Can get into small spaces

- Cheaper

- More energy efficient

- Different properties at very small scale

Nanotech VS. Biotech
 Biotechnology
 Basedon cellular mechanisms in living organisms
 Complex systems generally at the molecular scale
 Nanotechnology
 Design of highly specialized molecules
 Refers to all science relating to atomic scale
 In summary
 Nanotechnology is more of a broad tool to be adapted
to many fields of study including biotech
 Nanotechnology may have its biggest impact
on the medical industry. Patients will drink fluids
containing nanorobots programmed to attack and
reconstruct the molecular structure of cancer cells
and viruses to make them harmless. There's even
speculation that nanorobots could slow or reverse the
aging process, and life expectancy could increase
significantly. (cont.)
 Nanorobots could also be programmed to
perform delicate surgeries -- such
nanosurgeons could work at a level a
thousand times more precise than the
sharpest scalpel. By working on such a small
scale, a nanorobot could operate without
leaving the scars that conventional surgery
does. Additionally, nanorobots could change
your physical appearance. (cont.)
 They could be programmed to perform
cosmetic surgery, rearranging your atoms to
change your ears, nose, eye color or any
other physical feature you wish to alter.
Examples of Nanotechnology Applications

- Supercomputer in your palm, perhaps made from silicon nanowires,

carbon nanotubes, or organic materials such as DNA

- Very tiny motors, pumps, gyroscopes, and accelerometers;

helicopters the size of flies or smaller

- Tiny bio- and chemical-sensors;

nanoparticles that track and destroy
cancer cells; artificial body parts and
implantable drug delivery systems

- Nano-composite materials and embedded

nano-particles for stain and wrinkle resistant
clothes, for transparent zinc oxide sunscreen,
and for photo ink that never fades
Multidisciplinary :
Chemistry Biology


Engineering Mathematics
Functions which can be done by
nanometer thick materials. Then why
use micrometer range ?
Economics is the driving force

 Light weight, less material intensive.

 Longer life, Unusual properties at nano
Why Properties are Arise?

 Because of;

1. large ratio of surface area to volume,

2. large fraction of surface atom to that in its
3. SMALL ness of size because of, size
dependent properties.
Nano Where are uses?
400 consumer products already in market place
Projects on emerging Nano Technology.
Computer Chips
Automobile parts
Dietary supplements
Construction Industry
600 raw material, immediate components, etc.
Longer life? Unusual properties at nano level?
Indian Mission
 Work on Green Nano Technology
 Read Patents
 Develop center for excellence in

colloid Chemistry
Surface chemistry
Material Science
Medical / Pharma
 21st Century belongs to Indians
Help the world to make a transition to Sustainable
Life Cycle Technologies.
What is Nanotechnology?
 Nanotechnology' is the “engineering of
functional systems at the molecular
scale.” This covers current work and
concepts that are more advanced.

 In its original sense, nanotechnology

refers to the projected ability to
construct items from the bottom up,
using techniques and highly advanced

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