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1. View and read all the slides in this powerpoint


2. Form 4 groups and answer the following questions on 1

whole yellow paper:
a. What is Instructional Design (ID)?
b. What is the importance of Instructional Design?
c. What are the essential phases in ID?
d. Which ID model would you follow? Why?
Rapid prototyping is a group of techniques used to
quickly fabricate a scale model of a physical part or
assembly using three-dimensional computer aided
design (CAD) data. Construction of the part or
assembly is usually done using 3D printing or "additive
layer manufacturing" technology.
The idea of rapid prototyping as it applies to instructional design, is to
develop learning experiences in a continual design-evaluation cycle that
continues throughout the life of the project. This cycle, known as the
spiral cycle or layered approach, is considered to be iterative, meaning
that products are continually improved as they cycle continues. This can
be seen more clearly by comparing Rapid Prototyping with a traditional
development model:

Rapid Prototyping (spiral) Model

Classic Design (waterfall) Model 1.concept definition
1. concept definition 2.implementation of a skeletal system
2. requirements definition 3.user evaluation and concept refinement
3. preliminary design 4.implementation of refined requirements
4. detailed design 5.user evaluation and concept refinement
5. code implementation 6.implementation of refined requirements
6. test and acceptance 7.[etc., etc., in a continuous cycle]
7. [griping because you now realize that there
was something that got left out back in step 2]
multimedia development model: Barbara A. Frey University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA USA Jann Marie Sutton University of Delaware
Newark, DE USA jsutton@UDel.Edu

(1) define the instructional goals, objectives, and audience,

(2) review and investigate existing options,
(3) determine format, budget, and timeline,
(4) determine the content, activities, and assessment strategies,
(5) develop evaluation strategies, criteria, and instruments to determine the
effectiveness of the project,
(6) develop the flowchart, site map, and/or storyboard,
(7) develop a prototype,
(8) perform a formative evaluation,
(9) complete the design, and
(10) perform a summative evaluation of product and process.
What is your opinion concerning the
use of Instructional Design Model in

1. View and read all the slides in this powerpoint


2. Form 3 groups and answer the following questions on 1

whole yellow paper:
a. What is Instructional Design (ID)?
b. What is the importance of Instructional Design?
c. What are the essential phases in ID?
d. Which ID model would you follow? Why?

Heinich, R., (2003). Instructional media and technologies for learning. (7th ed.). Upper
Saddle, New York: Merrill Prentice.
Newby, T.J. (2011). Educational technology for teaching and learning. (4th ed.) Boston:
Pearson Education, Inc.

Roblyer, M. D. (2003).Integrating educational technology into teaching. (3rd ed.) Upper

Saddle, New York: Merrill Prentice. Hall.
Smaldino, S.E. & Lowther, D.L. (2008). Instructional technology and media for learning. (9th
ed.) USA: Allyn & Bacon.
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Continuum Models

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