The Problem of Points - Final

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The Problem of Points

and its Solution

Presented by
Rob, Lucie, Rachel & Andrei
The Introduction of the Problem
If the coin comes up heads – player A gets a point.

If the coin comes up tails – player B gets a point.

The first to get P points wins.

The total stake is S – each ante up (S/2). The winner

takes all.
The game is terminated when A still lacks a points and

B lacks b points.
How should the total stake S be divided?
The History of the Problem
The problem was noted in Italian mathematical
manuscripts as early as 1380. (A. W. F. Edwards, 2002,
p. 146)
The Renaissance Mathematician, Niccolo Tartaglia, after
unsuccessful efforts at solutions, concluded that
‘the resolution of such a question is judicial
rather than mathematical, so that in whatever
way the division is made there will be cause for
litigation’ (A. W. F. Edwards, 2002, p.146)
That’s how the problem was seen until it drew Pascal’s
attention in 1654.
Pascal’s Solution
The game will be over after (a+b – 1) = n tosses at most.

The order of occurrence of the heads and tails does not

matter and, therefore, even if, after less than (a+b-1)

tosses, A scores the a heads he needs to win, B would
have to play to the bitter end, scoring less than b tails.

Any outcome that featured a or more heads would mean

a win for player A.

Pascal’s Solution. Part 2
The total number of such outcomes is equal to the

number of ways to choose a objects (heads) from

(a+b-1) =n (tosses) plus the number of ways to choose
a+1 objects from n and so forth… plus the number of
ways to choose n objects from n.

nCr = n!/(r!(n-r)!)

is the number of ways to choose r objects from n objects.

Pascal’s Solution. Part 3
1 0C0
1 1 1C1 1C0
1 2 1 2C2 2C1 2C0
 A needs a points to win. B needs b points.
To compute the share of the stake for A, one computes
row (a+b) and then adds up the first b entries.
The remaining a entries of the row are added up to
compute the share for B.
The sum of entire row is equal to 2^(a+b-1), the number
of all equiprobable outcomes after (a+b-1) = n tosses.
The Result
Row (a+b) is calculated

Player A, who needs a points to win, receives:

([sum of first b entries]/[sum of entire row])XS

Player B, who needs b points to win, receives:

([sum of last a entries]/[sum of entire row])XS,

where S is the total stake.

Edwards, A. W. F., 2002. Pascal’s Arithmetical
Triangle: The Story of a Mathematical Idea. 2nd ed.
Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University
Math Forum: Probability and the Problem of Points.
[online] Available at:
[Accessed 13 November 2010]

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