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Topic: GLUCOSE (C 6 H12 O 6)

Prepared by
Joannah Marie B. Recto
• Glucose is a simple sugar with the molecular
formula C6H12O6. This means that there are 6
carbon atoms , 12 hydrogen atoms and 6 oxygen
atoms binded together to make one molecule each
mole is 6.02×10^23 molecules. Glucose is the most
abundant monosaccharide, a subcategory of
carbohydrates. Glucose is mainly made by plants
and most algae during photosynthesis from water
and carbon dioxide using energy from sunlight.
• Glucose is a source of energy and all the cells
and organ in your body need glucose to function
properly. Glucose as a medication is given either
by mouth (orally) or by injection. It is used to
treat very low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), most
often in people with diabetes mellitus.
Why glucose is important?

• Because the brain is so rich in nerve cells or

neurons , it is the most energy-demanding organ
using one-half of all sugar energy in the body.
Brain function such as thinking, memory, and
learning are closely linked to glucose levels and
how efficiently the brain uses this fuel source.
•Glucose •Molecular Structure
Mole Concept
• The mole (mol) SI base unit used to measure the
amount of a substance. This will act as the
conversion factor that will take you from moles
to molecules. One mole of any substance is
equal to Avogadro’s number which is
Mole to Particle

• How many molecules are there in 4.00 moles of

glucose ?
• Solution: Molecules
4.00 mol of C6H12O6 × 6.02×10^23 of glucose
1 mol
= 2.41×10^24 molecules of glucose
• There are 2.41×10^24 molecules of glucose in
4.00 mol of glucose
Particle to Mole

• How many moles of glucose if the sample

contained 2.41×10^24 molecules of glucose
in 4.00 mol of glucose?
• Solution:
2.41×10^24 molecules of glucose × 1 mol
= 4.00 mol of glucose
• There are 4.00 mol of glucose in 2.41×10^24
molecules of glucose .
Mole to Mass
• Glucose is important to our body especially to
our brain. How many moles of glucose molecules
are contained in 360 grams of glucose? The
molar mass of glucose is 180.156.
• Solution:
360g of glucose × 1 mol = 2 mol of glucose
180.156g glucose
Where is 180.156 came from?
Atomic weight should be multiply to its subscript
then add. Glucose molecular formula is C6H12O6.
C = 12.01 (6) = 72.06
H= 1.008 (12) = 12.096
O= 16 (6) = 96
72.06+12.096+96= 180.156
Empirical and Molecular Formula
• This is the formula unit of the smallest whole
number mole ratio of the elements present in
the compound but not the actual number of the
arrangement of the atom while molecular
formula specifies the actual number of atoms of
each element in one molecule or formula unit.
Empirical Formula
• A molecule of glucose contains 40% C , 6.714% H and
53.29 O. Determine the molecule’s empirical formula.
A. C=40g C × 1 mol = 3.33 mol C
12.01 g C
H=6.714g H × 1 mol = 6.66mol H
1.008 g H
O=53.29g O × 1 mol = 3.33 mol O
16 g O
B.3.33 mol C = 1
3.33 mol
6.66 mol H = 2
3.33 mol
3.33mol O = 1
3.33 mol
Therefore the empirical formula of glucose is
Molecular Formula
• A molecule of glucose contains 40% C , 6.714% H ,
53.29% O. The molar mass of glucose is 180.156
and the empirical formula is CH2O. Determine the
molecular formula of glucose.
40 mol= 3.33 = 1 (12.01)= 12.01
12.01 g 3.33
6.714 mol= 6.66 = 2 (1.008)= 2.016
1.008 g 3.33
53.29 mol= 3.33 = 1 (16)= 16
16 g 3.33

12.01+2.016+16=30.026 180.56 g/mol=6

30.026 g/mol

Empirical Formula : (CH2O)(6) = C6H12O6

Therefore the molecular formula of glucose is

Chemical Reaction
• A process that involves rearrangement of
molecular or ionic structure of a substance,
as opposed change in physical form or a
nuclear reaction.
• Chemical reactions affect every part of our
life. Chemist use statements called chemical
equation to represent chemical reactions.
Equations show a reaction’s reactants,
which are the starting substances, and
products, which are the substances formed
during the reaction.
Skeleton Equation
C6H12O6 (s) + O2 (g)  H2O (l) + CO2 (g)

Word Equation
Solid glucose reacts with gas oxygen to form
liquid water and gas carbon dioxide

Balanced Chemical Equation

C6H12O6 (s) + 6 O2 (g)  6 H2O (g) + 6 CO2 (g)
Thanks and God Bless

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