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Lesson 7

The Human Being

Gabriel Marcel (1889-1973)
A French philosopher who described
human being’s place in the world in terms of
such fundamental human experiences as
relationships, love, fidelity, hope, and faith.

He believes that freedom is a discovery of

the self as a being receptive to others, rather than
as a power to be utilized.
Self-Consciousness and Dialogue
It is one important and inherent
aspect of human person as thinking and
acting being.
"self-consciousness is in co-existence
with other consciousness.“
-Gabriel Marcel
Selfhood and Dialogue

Self hood only emerges

itself in and through dialogical situation.
As human being’s self hood unfolds in the dialogical
situation , every person in such situation creates meaning which
sustains communicative manifestation of self hood.
Freedom and Dialogue: Unfolding of the Self
Freedom occurs when it is expressed in relation to the
freedom of another human being.
Human being risk his/her freedom in communicative
situationor in concrete relation with other human beings.
Freedom presupposes open communication and a
continuous relationship with other self.
Truth and Dialogue: Making Present

Truth is never revealed in seclusion or isolation for it will

always be relational.
The manifestation of truth is unfolded in the communication
among human beings, for truth is constantly aligned with being.

Truth gives courage: if I have grasped it at any point the urge grows to
pursue relentlessly. Truth gives support: here something indestructible,
something linked to being. (Jaspers, 1971)

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