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Illegal Logging Is Serious

• Falieh Noufal R.
• M. Fauzan Arafi
• Rafi Ihsana A. XI IPA 1
• Rasyadan Faza S. R.

Illegal logging is a term that is used to describe the harvest,

transportation, process, adn trade in of timber in violation of laws. In
our opinion, illegal logging is bad and should be stopped. This is so,
based on several reasons.
Firstly, Illegal logging can
cause a loss of biodiversity in
forest habitat. Forest loss as a
result of illegal logging, will
decrease the total area of the
forest which wildfire lives in. The
decrease of area that is used as
habitat will make animals and
plants lose their home and are
prone to a lot pf threat. This can
cause them to die therefora
causing a loss of biodiversity.
Secondly, Illegal logging can
cause econiomic losses. Apart
from the numerous eviromental
consequences of illegal logging, it
can also weaken the economy of
poor countries. Illegal logging is
said to lower the proces of world
timber in the range of 7% to 16%
annually, causing a globla revenue
loss of about 15 billion USD per
Thirdly, illegal logging is one of the things that causes global
warming. For example, in our country, Indonesia, illegal logging is one
most popular activity. Many people, government or commoners like to
do it. Ironic, they know, if they cut trees more and more, temperature
of the world will increase. Consequently, Earth will be hotter. But no
one really care about this problem.
In conclusion, we can see
that illegal logging is harmful for
everything like humans, animals,
plants, and everything in the
world because its can cause
various disaster, disturb people
who live in the forest area, various
disease, global warming, high
temperature of the world, and
shortage lack oxygen.

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